You guys have worn me out

Please just take a breather! Go for a walk, get away from the game and then come back if you so choose! Just please take care of yourself who cares what others say!

Blah blah blah. None of this talk changes the fact that my personal experience is a lot different than yours.

I’m not going to hypothethize on why. Because God only knows why this community is so toxic. I can only speak to my own experience and never claimed it as anything more.

read the whole thing mate, he looks down on himself when he put his ‘mental health’ into this, there are people who do so in a better way and known for their gaming career. i have mental problem too, not a thing i can be proud of, but not a thing i put my mind into when i have difficults in life.

It’s okay if you don’t understand mental health, but would you really go up to someone severely depressed or with schizophrenia and tell them ‘They need to be happy the country they live isn’t under that sort of fire.’ Mental health is as much of an illness as a physical problem. I think you’re referring to people who are a bit unhappy or bored with their life, which is not a mental health illness.

I think you need to go outside more and learn than what’s been told to you from a dictionary.

sticks and stones, big homie

:thinking: Well I have work tomorrow if that counts.

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Sorry you don’t have a bubble to live in, I guess everyone needs to conform to how you need to be talked to and handled right?

Seems like you need to grow up a bit more.

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But those that are horrible people need a safe space to call you names and not be held accountable in any way. :roll_eyes:

Only on the internet is being a bad person seen as acceptable.

Play Vs AI (hard difficulty seems to be the most popular) instead. People rarely speak let alone be toxic on that mode.

That’s enough internet for one day Dime Bag. Don’t want to start taking it too seriously

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That’s not true at all. The difference before and after were huge. I was about to quit LoL, but thanks to the effects on Tribunal, I kept playing.

Sorry to hear. A relatively unpoliced community like this one is going to have both nice and mean people, and you’ll inevitably have some games which are full of mean people. It might be best to avoid multiplayer games if this causes problems and try activities like dog walking. I find that interacting with dogs is pretty good for mental health!

Mute the chat. It’s easier that way.

LoL has voice comms? Last time I checked, it’s only for pre-mades.

I’ve played a year of LoL before OW. No, OW has topped the toxicity levels of LoL from the voice comms alone. I get the same toxicity levels from all game modes in OW. In LoL, the auto system that replaced Tribunal (although not as effective) would have banned the player ages ago. Also consider that LoL is free and they’re doing a great job of cleaning something that always be an issue. Overwatch has a paywall and it’s getting as bad as pre-tribunal LoL.