You didn’t fix any of anas major problems

So that’s why she deals less damage than Zen, has lower final blows, lower solo kills, higher deaths…

Because on average she heals 1k more

Totally worth it for all the other issues Ana has.

Healing 1000 more hp than a Zen sure makes it all worth it.


That’s smart as heck. Works well with her new higher mag size as well

What? They pick what will let them win. These are the players whose staple characters are Tracer, Genji and Widow.
They don’t pick the other supports because it let’s them focus on other stuff, they pick the other supports because they are better characters and can deliver the win while Ana can’t.

Zenyatta heals and if it’s not a player brand new to the game, he can output equal if not more healing than Ana. The discord orb balances his ability to not output AOE healing. And you’re forgetting his massive ult. And this is a discussion about Ana. Not zenyatta.

You’re telling me that the top players are not playing Ana because they want to focus on other things.

Not that the other healers are more viable in any way, shape, or form. Or more rewarding in any way with their kit.

But because ‘focus’.



Hahaha really now? we’re comparing Ana to Zen? alright

Zen cannot cancel enemy ults, in order for him to even try he has to use his own ult which is his biggest source of healing

Zen cannot heal in area nor deny healing whatsoever

Zen cannot heal across the map if he has no constant vision of his target

Zen has shield as health which means that EMP destroys him

Zen’s projectiles are as slow moving as Ana’s lmb and she has a hitscan weapon on her rmb

Zen has discord orb and his pick rates are absolutely tied to this sole skill, not to his healing, not to his damage, discord orb but when you say that Ana’s utility is over the roof then (and only then) you are overlooking stuff, because again, logic

You were the one who brought Zen into the conversation??!?!

The reasoning is frankly bizarre. Though some people play characters for personal reasons and they don’t care whether a character is overpowered, underpowered or balanced.

It’s just strange that those people are also vehemently commenting on balance.

some people play characters for personal reasons and they don’t care whether a character is overpowered, underpowered or balanced.

Tbh I’m one of those, and about Ana as well. >.>

I just don’t get the “well it works for me so it’s obviously fine and you’re probably just doing it wrong” line.


From the get go, Ana was designed to reward mechanical skill, why would a pro try to show his mechanical skill if he was trying to just win?

you said it yourself, every other support is easier, why would they bother with Ana?

Does that mean that she needs crazy buffs? absolutely not, her numbers are as high as they can be (hence why devs refrain from straight up buffing her)

They have buffed her twice in the last 6 months

Yeah they added self healing, a jetpack and an apocalypse button to her gun

edit: /S

just in case…

Ana can only stop ultimates if there is no barrier’s, the Ana has LoS; the Ana doesn’t miss; the ultimate doesn’t deal enough leathal damage during the 0.5 second cast time as well as the travel time on the projectile.

Zen has more AOE healing than Ana? His ult and his freedom to move his orb to any target. Ana has the chance to miss. That is part of Ana’s utility that is more often wasted on keeping yourself alive and why she is in such a bad place.

Zen can heal from up to 30 metres away, and around corners for 3 seconds. There are VERY few maps with areas that Ana can get to that have 30 metre sightlines.

Sombra also counters Ana by stopping nulling her entire kit? Also an ult for a support is fair; they have to build up to it? Ults are usually death to supports anyways. EMP a Mercy and watch her stuggle.

Zen’s orbs are also 4 times bigger than Ana’s; and deal more damage, and a higher rate of fire

Zen’s ult, damage, and Discord are why he’s picked? He has damage tied with some DPS in the support role that boosts the entire team. His ult is also one of the best defensive ultimates in the game that not only makes him 100% immune, the enemy needs more than 300dps to even break through it.

No one is asking for crazy buffs. They’re asking for her to be viable in competitive play.

In fact the “buff” that they gave her to shoot through allies is lowering her skill ceiling and many people have said that it wasn’t at the root of her problems.


The whole point of having a high skill hero is that their value is high when they are played correctly. If you have a hero that is really hard to play, and even when played perfectly isn’t any better than a much easier hero, then you have a useless hero right there.

In an ideal world Ana would be the most picked healer in OWL because she requires the most skill, therefore professional players should be rewarded for playing her skillfully.

I can’t believe you’re trying to argue that pros don’t play Ana because she requires too much skill for them. They are more skilled than all of us are.

I never said she needed crazy buffs, but you jumping in and saying ‘well i can use her just fine, so she’s fine’, get outta here.

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But you do!! asking for another self healing mechanic on Ana would be a buff that would shoot her through the sky, because you wouldn’t just forget about nading yourself you would do it ON TOP of that which in turn would make you unkillable

The buff on the ptr is going to raise her dmg numbers as well as her healing numbers, it takes away pre-healing yeah but the benefits far outweighs the problems

Again no, every hero is supposed to bring similar value, it doesn’t matter if you gotta turn upside down to play or if you just gotta hit a single button, that’s why it’s called balance, every hero should be able to outplay another

If Ana was present in every single game on OWL then she would be mandatory and guess what happens to mandatory heroes???

More importantly, Ana brings a ton more value in utility than say, Moira but she isn’t mandatory because of her clear weaknesses, if you remove those you bump her further up than what you should and shortly afterward she’ll need to be nerfed

Numbers matter. No one asked for Mercy levels of self heal. In fact every person I’ve seen put numbers to Ana healing off of shooting has put numbers as low as 10 healing. It’s about the small self sustain that literally every other support has in some way or another.

If this was the tank meta where Ana was in every game I’d say yeah she’s strong enough that she doesn’t need sustain. Ever since she got massive nerfs from that meta it exposed her weaknesses. Her winrate has been in the toilet since then. She’s not fine, it’s why they’ve given her a damage buff and are buffing her again now.

Ptr ammo buff will raise her healing numbers slightly. Her shooting through allies is literally a buff to bad Ana players in the lower ranks. Which is ironic because you’re trying to say you’re against a self healing mechanic because you want her to remain high skilled.

Bruh a self-healing mechanic is the one thing that would bring her back in line with the other supports while not drastically changing how she functions. It wouldn’t change her skill floor and it wouldn’t change her skill ceiling much either. She could still get targeted with a lack of mobility. Self-heal can still get out-damaged. It wouldn’t change the fact that she’s the most aim-intensive support, whose shots can’t penetrate barriers.

She wouldn’t become a must-pick. Certainly not on ladder.

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