You didn’t fix any of anas major problems

Just wait for symmetra’s new ultimate😀

her shooting through allies will increase her numbers not just because Ana players can’t sidestep but because good Anas will be hitting enemies behind allies and sometimes even allies behind allies whether they want it or not, this is a usability buff for everyone

It doesn’t tinker with the skill required to play her, you still need to aim and you still need to be mindful of your positioning

Now if this selfheal you all want so bad is as you say 10 per shot, what’s the point then? Tracer can erase 10 hp in less than a fraction of a second

hell, Moira can heal 30 hp per second and that thing is measly, why would you want something so small that barely benefit Ana?

Mind you, this is coming from someone who has the banner on suggesting a vertical mobility skill for Ana but you know, whatever

Because of CHIP damage

That is Ana’s biggest flaw

No other support has to worry about random damage being life or death.

If you take lets say a random rocket for 120 damage; Ana is the ONLY support who cannot fully undo that WITHOUT leaving the team to find a health pack; burning her best tool; or taking away from the other supports.

And it IS taking away from the other supports since Brigitte, Moira, and Lucio are usually in the thick of things to leave and find the Ana to heal her is taking away from the team. Mercy, and Zen are single target, so them going out of their way to fix you up is taking away from the team.

We don’t want Ana to be a must pick; hence why most want the healing passive small and ONLY from teammates BECAUSE we know how powerful Ana can be

It’s just too hard to compete in the game as a viable option BECAUSE Ana requires so much work from the TEAM to do the simple function of EVERY other support.

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If your positioning is so bad that you’re being blocked by teammates or you need to be able to shoot through them then you’re a bad Ana.

Like I said this “usability” buff is to make her easier to play for lower skilled players. If your opinion is they should keep her as a hard character then this does the opposite.

Because chip damage is either pretty much a death sentence or you’re forced to put your grenade on CD for yourself.

Because a tiny self heal like that wouldn’t alter her getting dove and focused like she should be, only frees up the grenade for it’s actual utility more often. So it doesn’t actually change the flow of a duel.

It’s about as minimal as you can get for a self heal buff.

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uh but a 120 random rocket is not chip damage lol as a matter of fact if say Mercy gets hit by this same rocket what are her options?

  1. Hiding, waiting for her self heal to top her off and then going back
  2. Stay in the thick of things and hope for no more “chip” 120 dmg rockets
  3. Getting healed by another support
  4. Ult?

In Ana’s case you do have less options I reckon but I’m pretty sure that healing for 10 dmg IF you hit your shots will not be helping you much after getting a rocket to the face and staying at 80 hp… you would still need to nade yourself and hit 2 shots to top yourself off or risk waiting forever until you hit 12 shots

It would indeed free nade… kind of, because eventually you’d be topped off but in emergencies you would still eat that nade as if it was a big mac so I really don’t see why you would remain at less than half hp away just to throw a nade at the enemy team when “chip” damage will kill you either way

Yeah 120 can be chip as ya know… It came across the map and hit you without the Pharah actually looking to focus you down.

Mercy can heal back 120 damage in 6 seconds? Like that’s shorter than cooldown on abilities like Combat Roll

Also; you can use Ana’s “strength” of being at range to heal yourself up :slight_smile:

Since ya know… Right now you get punished as hard as hell for playing at range, maybe now you’ll be rewarded with deaths equal to the other supports and not the highest

the problem with ana isnt that she is too weak the problem is that mercys and moiras risk/reward is just off the charts

That’s exactly the reason why it would probably be balanced if done in this way. If dove, or in an emergency, Ana should have to use her grenade to stay up. No one is arguing she shouldn’t.

The problem is, is when you have to go on a long CD because splash from the hog next to you getting nailed by a junk nade - or any number of scenarios.

Now they’re about to initiate, you’re on CD, and you’re stuffed as an Ana player who’s grenade could have kept your tank up. Not even from good/bad play. Just happenstance.

I used to think like this and then I realize that Ana can sit further away than what I understood, not saying you’re doing it wrong but perhaps explore maps a bit more

In my experience, if someone goes as far away as you are sitting down while healing your team, they will be heavily out of position, if you sleep them their team is in big trouble because now, the fight is 6v5, if during that time your team or even yourself take down someone then you still keep your advantage, all of this is tied to how well you play

That is why I stand behind the vertical mobility Idea, because it gives you even more range to use at your favor without sort of giving you survivability that in the end doesn’t help

Not every hero needs mobility. They’re probably committed to keeping her fairly immobile.

Maybe make her nades less effective but shorten the cooldown for more frequent self sustain


I have 400 hours on Ana

I know how to play her

I heal on a GM level even though I’m stuck in Plat

There are only 4 maps where Ana needs any height advantage. Gibraltar 1; Anubis 1; Volskya 2; and Dorado 2

Other than that with the new “buff” of shooting through teammates it doesn’t matter if you’re on the ground or up on a ledge.


Here’s the thing, survivability is the most important function for a healer, period. A dead healer can’t heal anyone. So if the devs are going to make survivability Ana’s main weakness, then she will forever be considered the weakest, or at least the most risky choice of healer. And doesn’t even take into account that she also requires the most mechanical skill to perform well.

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I’m sorry Blizzard but this is the last straw. Ever since release you have nerfed this character with every patch. Due to heavy reworks in her gameplay I had to relearn her intensely every update and spent many hours accustoming to the new changes.
Finally until the last nerf she was in a good spot but due to the heavy complains of evil Genji/Tracer mains you nerfed her again and made her unplayable. Now she has a <1% pickrate across all ranks only serving as a troll pick.

Even the masters of this game are unable to make usage of her in OWL as she is completely unusable and dies instantly with no utility.


Anyone here remember, when people were complaining that Ana was never nerfed and that she was Blizzard’s favourite character and that she would always be a must pick

And now here we are a year later and she’s the worst support and isn’t even getting a buff that would even come close to helping her in her major flaw

So much for being Blizzard’s favourite hero; when they’re leaving her the weakest support after almost 2 years :3

Actually a lot of power creep has happened to the game since her big nerf that directly affected her. She’s still in a state of what she was a year ago (when she was nerfed) whereas any hero launched since has each been balanced to the level of difficulty of when they came out.

Since she was nerfed for her contribution to the Tank Meta we’ve seen…

  • The tanks that used to peel for her were themselves nerfed. They were made weaker overall than they used to be and find it hard to be proxy DPS as what was once the case.
  • The dive meta itself happened because of a small mostly unannounced buff to heroes with high mobility. Their leaps and jumps distances were increased to 7 meters. Before then heroes like Genji and Tracer used to complain a lot that they were always being stomped by the tanks and coundn’t get into the back line. After this buff on all of dive more than Widow became a nightmare to Ana and Zenyatta. They could only crawl while their counters now could practically fly.
  • Sombra and Doomfist were added to the game — two more dive heroes. With this Ana had more counters in the field than she could deal with. Not only are dive heroes in play most games, often too they’re fielded in numbers of two or more. Sleep one and it won’t be a problem for the other to finish the job. Subsequently most times Ana is forced to swap. This is pretty much most games.
  • Reaper and Junkrat’s damage spams were also increased. At this point point you could forget about spotting a hero to keep that hero alive. DPS became overwhelming to the point that NO support could keep a hero alive under focus fire. Before this you could at least keep one person alive some of the times.
  • Then because of all the complaints about the damage spam we got Shields! Winston and Reinhardt’s were shored up. Symmetra got a shield of her own. Orisa was added to the game. Now there are more impenetrable barriers to block Anything Ana could throw or shoot, anything. It Didn’t help any that D.VA’s defense matrix was also improved. Now too Brigitte sports a shield.

Ana may have stayed the same since her big nerf but a lot has happened otherwise to weaken her position within the overall game itself.

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i like this suggestion best. it rewards being good at landing heals, which is the inherent challenge on this type of character to begin with

I personally like the idea of allowing her biotic rifle to heal her a few points when she reloads. If her healing has to be staccato then this will at least give some added utility to the dead space of her having to reload.

Personally based on the recent DEV remarks I don’t see any real help coming to Ana. They might boost her healing numbers to other heroes so as to put her on par with the other supports; but I don’t see any benefits to her own survival problem forthcoming.

As far as I’m concerned dead Ana’s will be the norm of this meta.

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The worst part is that this meta is as survivable as Ana will ever get.

No dive, no flankers, Brigitte, Rein, Zarya.

This should be the EASIEST meta to keep Ana alive.

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That’s what REALLY makes me mad

“Oh just wait for the meta, Ana is only bad because of dive”

Well look where we are.

Super slow meta; 0 dive characters to be seen. Brigitte, Rein, and Zarya in every game.

0 Ana


“Oh there’s too many barriers in this meta, wait for it to change!”

Like seriously people =_=