You did a poor job balancing Doomfist

Nope, They did a wonderful job. Landing his combos now will demand more skill, which is the direction this game is taking, Raising the overall skill cap of heroes and allowing for more counter play.

No, randomly floating through the air with no control was dumb. Nothing should softt cc you like that if nothing is actually hitting you

forums: doomfist has been garbage since he was released, he needs a buff
blizz: ehhhh idk man
blizz: sorry we just think he’s in an okay spot right now and don’t want to tweak him too much. but here’s brigitte, a hero we put even less effort into testing than sombra’s hack buff and will be completely broken for the better half of the next year, making everything in the game practically immortal unless you 1 shot it

forums: wow you did such a terrible job creating doomfist you should have nerfed him sooner

even though literally nobody played him and pros were skeptical of playing due to how many bugs ChipSa would routinely abuse to win games lmao

I hate doomfist with a passion, but even I think all these nerfs was a little overkill.
I main healer but I never thought he was that OP to begin with. If you have a good team, you can sort out a doomfist in no time. And man, as a healer I hate doomfist like no other, however, I can’t agree with all of these changes.


I agree, I played him on QM sometimes he was super fun. Now his moves dont combo into each other very unsatifing.

100% this. Why quad nerf?
Why does making it to ptr even mean making it to live. It’s disappointing

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Rocket punch is 4

Slam and uppercut are nearly twice as long.

Uppercut and rp do indeed go through shields- but slam can be blocked by shields.


Which is why it should be 1.2.

still on your way down after not being able to move for no reason. He has already shot you twice most likely.

The other ones may be suspect, but the uppercut is the fairest and should have been how it launched as. The whole soft cc was just odd and kind of dumb

This has long been the mantra response of heroes who were nerfed- often too hard.

“Psh. They just need MORE SKILL NoW giT gUd!”

Its not just that it takes “more skill”. It nerfs his capabilities in a multitude of ways. It makes it harder to land abilities, it reduces his effective ranges, it reduces his damage- etc.

Thats fine. It was meant to nerf him.

But dont pretend like it does anything but.

It doesnt just raise his skill floor.

It lowers his skill ceiling AND performance potential as well.

Im sure you were all for the junkrst nerfs right? Reducing his nade size. Nerfing his mines so they had fall off damage. After all- those just meant he “needed more skill”. You can after all still do the same damage as before. If you’re accurate- you just gotta have more skill to do it. So its all good (Where doomfist literally cant even do the same damage- as it was reduced with these changed).

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Mercy got hit with 4 several times in a row.

I play a lot of Ana and killed DF more than he killed me. Maybe your Zen play is at fault.

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Mercy also remained must pick despite them too.

like lol why are mercy players such victims? the sky was falling when it was announced mercy was going to be reworked! she wasn’t going to be viable anymore! her hps is trash! her power boost is too weak! SHE’LL ONLY BE ABLE TO REZ 2 PEOPLE CONSISTENTLY

then you know what? she actually turned out to be the complete opposite of F tier and was so friggin viable that none of the other supports were.

The hero keeps getting adjusted because it needs to be adjusted. It’s not personal attack against you for enjoying a hero and trying to be good with it.


Aaaaaand you’re doing the same thing that many Mercy’s were doing…:roll_eyes:
You don’t see the irony?

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When you’re main is a melee hero, but you’re mad you actually have to engage at close distance with said hero.

You’re correct, they did a poor job balancing - in so much as they only nerfed him instead of doing it correctly, and deleting him.

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They really are trying, but I think Doomfist just need a complete rework. He’s not suitable for Overwatch.


Nope. You’re going to have to point that one out to me.

I have never acted like I was on the verge of a mental breakdown because a hero I play got nerfed. Like lol I legit now wish that Pulse Bomb was never nerfed but my initial reaction because of the point in time when it was implemented was “wow… uhhh… so you mean it really didn’t do 300 damage all this time already?”

If you think I’m hysterical about Doom being nerfed I’m actually laughing about it because I just think it’s funny Mistake aka Brigitte broke the game and he’s being blamed for it when he was previously a dumpster level hero regarded as a throw pick slightly less often than Sombra despite recieving no buffs.

It’s unfortunate. I haven’t had the chance to play him yet, but I’m really hoping it’s not as bad as people are saying.
Not only were the nerfs bad, but the timing of it was terrible too as he’s one of the counters to GOATS, now you should expect an increase in those compositions.

Its a hex NERF not quad:

  1. slam damage nerf
  2. slam distance nerf
  3. slam loss control nerf
  4. upper cut loss control nerf
  5. ultimate nerf
  6. genji can deflect rocket punch nerf (I cant post the twich link but search genji can now deflect rocket punch)