You did a poor job balancing Doomfist

Learn to adapt

Sincerely, Hog mains

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Hog is still mostly a throw pick.

Doom should be a tank counter. Which he always has been.

He should not be black tracer. He should not be breaking the maps. He should not counter 24 out of 27 heroes.

He was designed to counter winston, and he does. He is the only tank buster with mobility. If he canā€™t do that job, then he needs a buff. He is the only hero in the game who is good against winston and bad against orisa. The only one.

Do I really need to explain to you why Doomfist is most known for punching? REALLY?

um noā€¦ this is probably worse than mercy, which im assuming youre a mercy main. at least mercy still had her uses with Rez and pharah mercy, but doom is as useless as torb rn. we need to keep speaking up with blizzā€™s questionable ā€œbalanceā€ changes if not, theyā€™ll just keep releasing all these dumb nerfs

To be fair, he was a poorly designed hero. Heā€™s either completely annoying to play against or play as, depending on his current state and the meta.

Heā€™s never in a sweet spot where everyone seems to enjoy where heā€™s at. At this point Iā€™m just convinced they shouldā€™ve designed him as a tank.


yes you do.

if you say something about lore when we are talking about balance i may actually think less of your opinion than i already doā€¦

and thats actually impressive after reading your first comment.

Because I have the breast cancer spray? My top three are Hog, Lucio, and Zarya. Got any other asinine assumptions?

And here is the thing. No one will ever like his come out of nowhere, one shot nature. He would have been more interesting as a tank that knocks you around

yup investing all your abilities for one kill will leave you dead, apparently you forgot thereā€™s other players while doom is diving a character so its not like he has all the time in world. if your team cant kill a doom when heā€™s invested all his abilities you more than likely have other problems than just doom

Well if this guy is any indication - a player who believes that Anaā€™s sleep dart is easier to land than Doomfistā€™s slam - then I donā€™t want anyone to listen to DF mains. Theyā€™re not very bright.


Its more like my healers got killed by it, after all he cant one shoot tanks. Then doomfist jumped away happy to not get any dmg because of shields he got XD

Heroes get hit with multiple nerfs all the times.

But they donā€™t get 5 nerfs or more in 1 patch


Sym did and they just called it a rework

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I dont know, was he when he was released and had change other than his shields? Remember all the season he was a troll pick? Strange how just now people say its op when he had no changes. I still remember even people advocating for buffsā€¦this community is either too bad at the game or too snowflake-y

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Usually itā€™s 1 or 2 per patch followed by testing. This time it was 4 at once (5 if you count the genji deflecting RP. I guess 6 if you count that they double nerfed his ult)

he was a risky design, a brawler more a hero from a street fighter game, basing all their damage in combos and one ability that was a one shot, one ability ripped from roadhog hookā€¦by the same devs, as they decided it was not healthy.

Not many months later comes Doomfist with all we didnt like about other characters, ccā€¦one shot and a lot of bugs that turned him into the most hated character at release that I remember.

I understand that Doomfist nerfs could seem a lot for doomfist players, one patch he is overturned and oppresive so hardcountering some characters that you feel defendless against him. Then another patch you say it is now unplayable or nerfed to the ground, we will seeā€¦

What it is true is that he seriously needs a rework, same as other characters. Cause even if I never have asked for nerfs of any kind, the game without some characters was better in my honest opinion.

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If being terrible was the goal, they succeeded.

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nah, man, heā€™s fair to play against now. Heā€™s balanced now.

We gutted his slam, but kept the momentum exploit, the very thing initiating his slam. So now heā€™s just gonna float in the air for half these rollouts.


Oh no, some adjustments. How terrible

Horrible update. Combos are much more riskier to do than ever. They are very hard to pull off. 0.6 is too low imo 1.2 would of been more fair.

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