You did a poor job balancing Doomfist

His whole concept was poorly thought out.

Even his launch. Do you think his rein-sized RP was fun or balanced? Because it wasn’t even close to being balanced.

The one thing that broke DF were his plethora of unnecessary buffs. ALL he needed were bugfixes, not buffs.

Im not saying Brigitte is good design but there are ways to avoid Brigitte, high ground for example or picking one of the many heroes that had higher mobility than her. Heck, even heroes with lower mobility like roadhog could easily melt her shield and combo her down. That is one reason why Doomfist have felt more oppressive than Brigitte for me and many others

He was a complete victim of circumstance. Since the beginning we all said he was underpowered because he was buggy. They took too long to fix the bugs (case and point he’s still buggy) and buffed him to compensate. If we had his original kit without bugs literally nobody would be complaining

Let’s see…

Handcannon still does the same damage.
Rocket punch still does the same damage.
He still generates 35 shields per ability hit.

That’s three things they didn’t nerf, so considering that’s literally half of his kit that was untouched I think your point is a bit wrong.

Secondly…they increased the inner radius for his Ult was increased, so the damage nerf is hardly a straight nerf. (overall yes, but not exclusively)

That’s not an accurate comparison at all. Junkrat’s whole damage dealing tools are his grenades and his mines, both of which are ultra slow projectiles one with obnoxious small size and the other with a terrible central fall off. You have zero control on what happens after you aim your best shot and that super slow projectile leaves your launcher. every single shot is a gamble of hit or miss across all ranks and there is nothing you can do about it, you simply can not gain skill at something that is beyond your control. They made junk into an actual spam hero now from the one he was before.

Doomfist on the other hand is a melee hero with each of his attacks are three times as fast as any of junkrat’s projectiles. skill actually is a determinator factor of the shots he lands now, they just made it so that his victims are not perfectly lined up after air lunched for him to just click on them. which is a great balance dicions, he’s super tankiness provided by armor combined with his unparalleled mobility made him jump in and out of combat with zero risk which was his major balance issue and something had to give. Now you have to have actual skills to plan out your engagements and get high reward for successful attempt and proper punish for failure.

I have no doubt that the ppl who are dedicated to play doomfist will adapt and continue to do work with him, The only ones who whine are those who have been abusing him so far for free sr.

They didn’t. They say they did in the patchnotes, but in game it’s actually SMALLER. I would assume this to be a bug, but it was mentioned for WEEKS on the ptr and wasn’t changed, so who knows

edit: an image someone else posted.

Yeah, I don’t like doomfist but they didn’t role reassign or adjust the way he played like brig, they just nerfed him. Maybe if they gave him a bow and arrow with a sonic arrow he would be better.

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Ana sleep easier to land than a seismic slam? :joy::joy::joy:


no, they did a good job, df is now a high skill hero he was supposed to be, now you can’t just delete people by flying across the map and make others useless, you actaully need to think now hunny.


Why is he not suitable?

Doomfist feels like a character that is played in a Singleplayer mode, and every other player in a Doomfist’s game are NPC’s.

There’s no real balance between Doomfist and most other Heroes.

Of course its not. You like junkrat. It makes a difference when you like a character.


You just got to aim more. If youre accurate- Hell still do every bit as much damage as he used to. All they did was raise his skill floor. No more free 120 damage in a 6 meter bubble. Now you have to be accurate with your shots.

Skill was always a factor.

Despite popular belief by people who dont play doomfist- Uppercut was, much like MOST things in the game- anything but consistent.

A billion things could send either doomfist OR his target, often both, in odd directions. It was anything but a freebie “line up” shot. Hes always had to realize when he or his target were going in an odd direction- and reaim. It doesnt just put people in your cross hairs for free- never has. Maybe it “should under ideal circumstances”. But overwatchs physics are anything but consistent. And i promise you, doomfist wasnt the exception here.

These changes have done little for the “aim” doomfist has needed.

But unlike junkrat, who “with aim!”, can still do his previous potential damage- Doomfist is losing potential damage in a lot of situations. You can be dead center with meteor strike- and do less damage than before. The range reduction on a targeted slam doesnt just mean he has less mobility to get around, it also means he has less air time to acquire the damage he used to- And is a direct nerf to targeted slam damage.

Which again, is all “fine”. These changes were MEANT to nerf doomfist.

The point is and always has bene however- Its dubious to go parading around like hes going to suddenly “need more skill”, especially in the “aim” department. Hes always had to aim. The amount of aim hell need now, is basically the same. Its nerfing him in various other ways- as it was intended to.

First off- Absolutely no one was “abusing” doomfist for “free sr”. This seems like its becoming a mandatory complaint to include when youre complaining about a hero now.

Second- Its not JUST doomfist players who are concerned over his state. In basically every thread on the topic there have been both doomfist, and non doomfist players voicing concern. You can see many of them here.

Consider this: His power came from the fact that once you were knocked into the air by him, you were afforded exactly zero counter play outside of “lol just sleep dart him”… Which only one hero could do, and not even consistently. If the only reason he was strong was because you didn’t need to make any effort in aiming because the enemy was locked into place and actually had no way of defending themselves, then playing him was too easy, and he deserved the nerf he got.

Literally the only change is that you can move a bit to the left or right now, if that’s such a massive nerf then maybe you weren’t very good with him to begin with, and were simply capitalizing on the massive crutch that is your enemy’s utter defenselessness.

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It feels like Blizzard has never played Doomfist and just heard about him doing real good and nerfed him based on that. I play a lot of Zen and delete him regularly with right click and prediction because I play Doomfist too.

you know what I just LOVE about these posts? You state a problem. That’s all. You give no ideas for improvement, no suggestions, nothing. All you do is state a problem. If you want something fixed, then say what you want fixed, what part of the kit needs to be buffed and what part could then be slightly nerfed to keep it in check. If you don’t give any ideas for improvement, don’t complain. An example of an idea would be:
*Bring back the rocket punch jump(Idk what it’s called but when you hit space and it sent you further) but then put the ability on a longer cooldown, like 5 seconds instead of 4.
*Buff the damage of his primary by 2 per shot, but make its reload 0.01s longer

Please offer some advice, don’t just say “This sucks. I don’t like it.”

My main is zenyatta lmao

Yet you have more time played on Doom. Funny that.

There were so many ideas on the PTR posts that were straight up ignored.

then why not restate one of them? It would make this post seem much more reasonable.

In qp maybe. I have way more time on other heroes than I do on Doom. I play a variety of heroes, which is why it’s so puzzling to me that people say it’s hard to counter DF.