You can't win with Tanks anymore in Gold or Plat

which was never ever meta in ladder. Statistic prove that this wasn’t meta.

implying an environment where people are radomely matched up, smurfs are rampant (skewing the data), people can actively through with very little consequence (skewing the data) and one tricks are allowed to play without helping the team (skewing the data) determines the meta.

your “stats” are cultivated from an area that is at best, ignorable, at worst unusable and even then the data is unreliable because of the factors that skew it.

what skews OWL data?

there are

no smurfs

no throwers

and no one tricks

ill wait for an answer, don’t worry.

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Just go GOATS! 4Head

As long as your team sticks together(this is the hard part in those elo’s), you’ll win.

what? So you want to say that Goats was played more then anything else in ranked? I disagree even if you think data is’nt correct… that doesn’t change much at all. i didn’t talked about OWL.

Orisa is one tank that has little trouble with mei due to her fortify and she can shoot her back. Mei is nothing if she cannot freeze nor shoot through your shield.

if you find yourself troubled by mei, play orisa. As for reaper, keep him at arms lenght and shield dance and get your team to burst him down. Dva’s matrix still works wonders against him even if dva herself is only opportunistic vs him. But she can get away easily from him, so that’s good.

ranked doesn’t determine what meta is.

the best of the best players playing what works under the most strenuous of circumstances does.

do you know what meta stands for?


the most effective tactic doesn’t change because the ladder cant pull it off.

when put in the correct hands, the most effective way to play the game, is goats.

GOATs is the meta.

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If you have problems with Reaper and Mei then just solo tank Orisa, even on attack, and play further behind the shield. Either they rush past the shield and you draw them out into the open or they just stand in the choke until you win the poke war. You can also outplay both of those characters with Hammond completely, but you’re going to need to put in a ton of hours with him before you do. Furthermore, Hog can deal with both of those characters just with one shot potential - sometimes the answer to Reaper is to just keep stacking tanks because once you have Defense Matrix, Projected Barrier and Hook you can blank his damage for ~4 seconds and force out Wraith Form (alternating the off tank cooldowns is why he’s really bad vs GOATS)

Almost like the point of a tank is a to be a damage sponge :thinking:

Ranked is waht people play, not OWL. The OWL meta isn’t the same as the ranked meta. there is not one meta.

yes it is. just because you cant pull it off, doesn’t mean it wouldn’t be more effective than what you currently do, if you could.

there is infact only one meta. only one tactic can be the most effective.


Tanks are still better than dps heroes…
Like if you are struggling with Reaper, imagine ever playing against Roadhog.

That is what I do not get… How do people struggle with Reaper but not Hog?

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If you’re a main tank who is being routinely pressured by a Mei, Reaper, or Sombra, here’s what you need to do:


It’s the job of your offtank, damage, and even supports to deal with attempts to pressure you. Your job is to mitigate damage and provide them a safe area to work. If they aren’t helping you, it might be time to switch to characters .

How come I lose all the time with 4 dps/ 2 healers? You need a tank so your dpses dont instantly die from widows and stuff. It’s the dpses job to help those tanks stay alive, along with healers. Listen to others.

besides her mei frezze and ult. That all of her CC. Not to mention her cc only effect in shotgun range. Her ice wall and secondary fire arent CC.

Execpt their pro meta and ranked slash ladder meta.

[insert class here] busters are a mistake imo. Having an edge over all heroes in one class means the options to fight against that hero in that class don’t exist. I have hated the tank buster push for reaper ever since it started and still hate it.

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her icewall is the defintion of cc :smiley:
The right click isn’t i know, but even her cryo is to some extend cc.

Execpt ice wall is area denial. Mei ice wall isnt moving chracter making you lose contrl of chracter. Doom fiat uper cut cc, boops slash knockback cc.

it’s sperating you from your team, i think thats crowd control, stun is crowd control but that doesn’t mean only stuns are crowd control…