You can't win with Tanks anymore in Gold or Plat

Most reapers in gold and plat don’t though, so it’s easy kills

lol I’m in silver and know how to do that. It’s not rocket science XD

That being said though. I’ve actually found that silver players seem to have less mechanical skill but a lot more game sense.

Even if you dodge hook though, you are now open to all the other cc my team has, so you would most likely have to leave anyway. Hog is a good deterrent to reapers, they just have to not be dumb.

There is not magical SR where “here they lack Gamesense more than mechanical skill” or the other way around.

Some people are in Silver because they lack Mechanics, some other because they lack Gamesense. Or both.

Step 1: Play Rein
Step 2: Charge Reaper
Step 3: Die to the rest of the enemy team
Step 4: Profit

OP is either a troll or this is very, very sad.

Pro TIP: to counter heroes you should first play for them. To know what makes them work and what makes them die. Then, you can use that inside knowledge to counter them with other heroes.

One alt-fire from the hog before hooking is enough to hook combo a Reaper if you don’t get unlucky with the spread.

You forget that these people who make these threads don’t play those Heroes and will refuse to play those “cheap” Heroes because they are “above them”.


Yeah, I know. But one can have hope.

I really hate both Shimadas, but I forced myself to play and learn a bit both of them. To know my enemy.

you skipped the second sentence

You ensure they have taken some chip damage before you Hook. Both Mei and Reaper are thick so if they are easier to ensure a kill on.

Mei can ice block before Hog can follow up the hook probably 3/4 of the time. Then he’s frozen and if a single teammate notices and helps out, he’s dead.

I play both Mei and Hog Mei my second highest behind Hammond and Hog right behind Mei.

No hero can activate an ability before Hog can take his first shot unless the Hog player himself for some reason hesitates. The animation for Mei’s Iceblock also does not favor her. It favors the shooter due to what I assume is the animation.

Edit: this is why at times it may seem like you have been hooked through your block.

I also speak from experience, albeit gold console. I can out-time the Hog most of the time.
(edit to be clear I am saying after the hook pulls me in, most of the time I can ice block before the rest of the combo)

It’s almost like they were designed to kill and confirm kills… /s

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Yes, reaper is a tank killer. He should pose a massive threat to tank. Sorry you can’t just take rein and walk forward without impunity anymore

“Thats what your team is for”

Look at this guy, expecting a team in gold are competent enough to tie their own shoelaces let alone keep their main tank alive, hahaha
cries in main tank

If you don’t get any support on Rein vs characters that basically bully him without him being able to do anything about it, swap.

Rein is very dependent on is team pumping ressources unto him, so is every Main Tank to a certain extent - Ball being the most independant. Lower ranks sometime feels like a Deathmatch experience, at this point, it might even be worth droping the Main Tank if your team don’t take advantage of the space you’re creating.

How do you expect people to take your opinions seriously, when all you want to do is delete heroes you find annoying? Annoyance isnt the same as OP. Sure mei’s annoying, but no one ever has said she’s op

just that they require much less skill.

she kinda is. She dominates low elo.

triple tank triple support meta btw

but sure “dps are too strong”