You can't win with Tanks anymore in Gold or Plat

afaik “crowd control” in games always means things that stuns or slows(among other things).

When it comes to Mei it would be her primary fire and her ult, and as someone else already said the wall is more of an area denial thing.

entire DPS roster is OP

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hmmm… for me its still crowd control. Your still controlling the movement and area denial is also crowd control.

tbh dont expect much climbing if you only play tank

The real issue is that some heroes are invisible for low ranks. I stopped flexing because it wasnt worth tilting for people who couldnt even focus a reaper or a mei so i play dps only now and do it myself.

I catually found a fix for myself. I just play the dps… even if i don’t like it, mcree works wonders against both.

I just play genji and do my stuff but when they are being too opressive to my tanks i pick Mei myself.

Tbh Mei is the least of my problems from the list.

Reaper is a whole other beast to battle if youre tanking.

Ive been playing a lot of Orisa, I find she suffers the least against these over all as far as main tanks go if you play your cards right.

Sombra is annoying but at least you still have a shield in place and you can fortify during the hack animation, and you can deal dmg, or interupt her hack.

Mei, sheilds, fortify and pull all work to mess her up pretty well, and you should often be able to force her ice block by dmg+pull so you slow her from walking past your shield. If she does fortify deal dmg (Orisa close range does a ton of dmg) force her ice block and reposition yourself and your shield, shield dance+pull+dmg will usually win out.

Reaper is a much bigger pain. You better hope you can do something by the time your first pull to get him back on the other side of the shield. After that you basically only have shield dancing as fortify will just slow him down a little, while he heals of you. If youre not in a position to be able to shield dance properly you can just hope your team does something.

the problem in this isn’t orisa, it’s that mei still can get one of your heroes frozen in that time. And this means almost always, dead

Thats for every tank basically.

I dont get it, in the scenario im describing theres no way Mei is freezing one of my teammates during this time.
Im literally telling you how to deal with Mei so she doesnt freeze your teammates.

Again very confused what you mean by that.
I win a lot of 1v1s against Reaper on Orisa, I think she does decently against him if she has her resources available, and isnt being hard pressured by other enemies too much. But thats rare so Reaper ends up being an extreme pain where the tanks just pray their teams help them.
Rein does ok, but he needs a solid support with big heals.

Hog is good against Reaper but Im trash at him, so not an option for me personally.

just that it nearly never happens :smiley: that she really attacks you first. Your shield isn’t as big.

Dva is surprisingly good tank versus Reaper, because her matrix still denies him completely for 2 seconds and your mobility allows you to be in safe distance from him all the time.

Problems ensue when he’s on defence though, but hardly unbeatable if you got snipers or other hitscanners with long range. Matrix denies him picks and focus fire kills him when he can’t even self regen anymore.

I wouldn’t say is good against him. I think it would be more accurate to say that Reaper still hates barriers on tanks dm included (yes other barriers are good against reaper lets not try to say dm is the only good one against him). And while he is hitting barriers he becomes bearable with teammates but other than that yeah I don’t think the tank buster idea is a good idea.

That’s what I said innit?

Dva herself is a qiant ulti battery, but you don’t need to let him farm ulti off you if you play conservatively. I’ve avoided mercy pocketed reaper in team deathmatch all day and won easily with dva. I just flew high ground and avoided him unless he was low hp to be bursted.

Then whenever he tries to go for plays, you just deny him with matrix and your teammates get ample opportunity to kill him. If they don’t while reaper is pacified, then there’s worse problems than reaper in the match.

In times where tanks can get punished more easily than before, tanks have to play more conservatively.

One neat trick I’ve learned is that basically every hero who gives tanks a hard time (Reaper, Mei, Bastion, Doomfist, Sombra) is countered by or at least struggles against Pharah, McCree, Tracer* and Genji (though to varying degrees).

The hard part here is getting your DPS to try to focus the other DPS instead of tanks and supports like they’ve been programmed to since launch.

*less good against Sombra than the others, and Mei is a gamble due to being able to oneshot

Yeah, Orisa is a lot better equipped to deal with both Reaper and Mei. I take down unsupported Reapers by myself on Orisa sometimes. You can’t really kill Mei by yourself, but you can delay her from killing you for a long time and make it a whole lot easier for your team to handle her.

I main Baptiste now and I specialise in keeping tanks alive! If people pick tanks the chances of winning massively increase for my team.

No, they don’t. The DPS category in general requires much more skill than at least half of the tanks to be as effective as those tanks. You’re just spouting nonsense to try to not have to deal with the fact that you are bad.

Again idk what youre trying to say.
Is this Mei flanking? The shield is pretty big to hold front line. As your job should be as a main tank. If the Mei is walking past you to freeze people behind you, youre usually not doing your job, even tho sometimes fights can get hectic, most of the time you should simply not allow Mei to just walk past you to freeze your teammates on Orisa.
If shes just straight up flanking, then theres really not much you can do as a tank if youre not near the place shes flanking from. But thats not a Mei issue really, that goes for any flank, theres not much you can do as a tank to help your teammates with it. Unless maybe if youre playing Winson into Genji flanking.

Personally, in the past with Gold/Platinum there is usually only one correct main tank pick and it can be tricky to know which is the best pick.

Sometimes there are some counter intuitive picks. Even if the enemy team has Widowmaker who is more of an issue? Her or that Doomfist/Hammond pair you are getting destroyed by as Reinhardt? When Doomfist/Hammond are repeatedly killing you with your team, then the team is failing and you are unable to assist them with Widowshot blocking. Roadhog oddly becomes a very good main tank.

Hook them when they come in and throw in damage at them that Reinhardt was not doing before. Yes, Widow is an option, but you are more effectively countering 2 of the enemy team than they were before.

If Widowmaker has been more of a threat than Doomfist or Hammond you can sort of ignore them to the rest of your team and focus on using Orisa/Reinhardt to help block and give aid to your hitscan (or lack of it).

When you are at that level in Gold/Platinum what is most technically ideal from a team composition gets thrown out the door when you need to assess game by game basis of what is really the largest threat based upon team skill and success going on.