Yo Brigitte players, stop scapegoating tracer

Everyone’s perspectives in a game is all completely different. If you are a character who knows how to play around her oppressiveness, cool. This doesn’t mean all other characters have the same issues and options when it comes to counter-plays.

I guess you never were in a situation where you had to contest an objective which forced you to be in her range?

Or played another close-range hero that has to be that close to do anything anyway.

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Diva has been buffed several times in overwatch’s history. Defense matrix, extra health and armor, micro missles. In fact during the quad tank meta it was pretty obvious that diva was leading the forefront alongside ana.

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As a tank/support main, Brigitte honestly is a better space maker than Reinhardt in her current state.


If you want to be more accurate I’d call it a “skillshot stun”. Add in a “lunge” for good measurement if you want. But yes.

I will say, brig is one of the only hated OW characters where even her detractors (people like Seagull for instance) have put in some time on her and not changed their opinions at all.

For once, I actually dont think the hate is from ignorance.


Yes. The pros were also annoyed by dive’s dominance since it affected them more.

In fact, it was the reason for Brigitte in the first place. Her current, soon to be former kit, was basically crafted with Winston and Tracer in mind.

If dive comes back, you can expect them to be nerfed. And it will be because they threw everything possible at it to stop it without nerfing them.


Great so now that they’re fine Dive won’t come back just because you can’t one shot Tracer anymore since it wasn’t Tracer who caused dive meta cause like I said in my original post, responding to someone who says Tracer was oppressive, that it was actually Winston and Dva who are the oppressive ones.


The change Brigitte should of gotten was switching her stun from bash to the Whip Shot from Shield Bash and bring the boop to the Shield Bash overall. Instead, now we got an armor rally bot.

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Not very often, no. She as an individual was not hard to play around. If I had to get close and Sombra wasn’t working, I just used Junkrat.

If she has Lucio+Rein+Zarya helping her, then it sucked. But that’s a coordinated team lineup maximizing synergies.

Sombra has to stay within 15 m

If you checked what actually happened.

Dva was trash so they buffed her ult, her movement while firing, and her DM.
People didnt like that so they reworked her instead of trashing her again.

Every patch D.va has been a part of since her rework has been nerfs to her, or bug fixes.

But this “several buffs” thing is a total myth.


Going back to where I said everyone’s perspective in a game is completely different.

Winston was oppressive because he couldn’t be CC’ED while in a bubble matrix with D.va.

Brigitte is the only hero in the entire game that both could do it, and was played in the proper position to do it without screwing her team.

Yes. But GOATs was also factually less dominant than dive had been.


Lucky you then, I wish I had games where the Bridgette just never went near anything important so I could stand away from her and kill her every-time while playing a hero who does good damage at the range.

It was not that she didn’t try to defend it, it was that I made it a priority to make sure that did not happen often.

I did that by hacking her shield, forcing her to fall back and allowing my team to move in. Or used a hero like Junkrat.

I didn’t run heroes she countered and then try to face tank her.

I had trouble with her big shiny comp, but not her as an individual.

Same deal with Winston.

And Brig still retains the ability to CC those heros and it not like her current damage on live made a difference because she won’t be killing them either way at 50dmg or at 5dmg. Like you said the real strength is the stun them which allows her team mates to follow up.

So did the Bridgettes you hacked just walk off the point/payload? what kinda Bridgettes are you fighting?

No. They fell back towards their healers. And then my team can push without fear of stun.

Are her healers in spawn?