Yesterday marked one year since Mercy was reworked

Everyone says being a flying healing chandelier is a very fun and interactive ultimate to use though… :thinking:

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TL;DR: Revert Mercy.

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20 characters


The vocal minority want it.
Me? Absolutely not. She’s balanced now.


Old mercy coming back is truly the dream.


The thing with this argument is, literally no one is asking for 5 man rez to return exactly as it was without any adjustments. Everyone agrees there were issues with it, but those issues were very fixable and ultimately, much easier to balance for everyone than this mess of a rework.


Literally all they had to do was give it LoS and add a team engaging E ability. None of this bull crap rework thing.

Not to mention hide and Rez was an SR exploit, not a viable strategy. That was fixed, and now team based SR is in higher ranks, so hide and Rez wouldn’t work at all anymore anyways.


Shes not being reverted.

Mass rez is bad for FPS, the old Mercy did not take more skill and if you think Valkyrie is spectator mode then you need to learn how to use Valkyrie.

Maybe try a different hero if you dont like the new Mercy. Plenty of people do, and shes here to stay anyway.

Tell us how can we be more engaging with Valkyrie my dear? You seem to know the key to her exciting success because the only thing I hear anyone screaming about when Mercy is in play is “Dont let her rez!”

No one screams to not let her heal or boost, they dont worry about her having Valkyrie because she effectively removes herself from the fight and becomes an artificial bango/transcendence.

Her being disheatening to play against (i.e unfun) was the argument used to rip her wings off. She was less mobile, easier to kill and had more versatility before this rework. Now she is even more braindead than her previously iteration.

Unlike most players, I want BOTH the useless chandelier ult Valkyrie and Ressurect removed. I have no illusions at this point that mass rez will return. I can deal with that but screw this unholy ult that does jack sh!t. You cant heal or boost anymore than is allowed in your normal base kit. They just allowed you an easy mode AOE that takes away her triage single target job.

So please enlightened me. What can a player do of their own power to make Valkyrie more engaging, game changing or exciting that other players would think “oh that Mercy is carrying or super skilled?” Dont worry I’ll wait…

She does nothing. She heals or enhances her teams damage and remains a fixture in the sky while watching. The number one ult in the game that has absolutely no impact that any player can say “that takes skill” so while you claim mass rez took no skill DONT EVEN START with me on this no brain ult that does nothing to separate a good Mercy from a bad.

And if a game company doesnt care about a hero being fun to play in a video game why the hell are they making games. Maybe they need to find a different profession. The whole point of the game is to have fun to some extent. So if heroes I play are being stripped of their identity to satisfy a group of players that will NEVER play them and then whine when I find that hero boring but the hero has an ability that said haters rely on… what shall I do? Well I will soft throw because no I am not playing a boring @$$ braindead floating fixture for YOUR enjoyment of the game.

Although I dont play this game no more so it really doesn’t effect me but many of you forget players love this game just like you and want a balanced fun game and heroes for everyone. Seems to me a lot of hateful toxic players would rather have certain heroes unplayable and useless and claim “fair and fun” like the devs who would rather ignore their players’ feedba k and then act surprised when they learn the community NEVER asked for the changes they made. Dumbest company I have ever had to sufder. Definitely wont be supporting bliz in the future if this is the best an indie company like them can do… :neutral_face::no_good_woman:

Oh my god just give it up already. Mercy is so much better and more skill based than she was before the rework. Good enough for pros good enough for ladder. Sorry but it’s the truth and you need to accept it.

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Don’t even try saying that cause they’ll reply you with “just click the Mercy”

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He is saying buff mercy

I’m a little shocked. That must mean it’s coming up to a year since I stopped playing.

You still come here a full year after you stopped playing?

R/wooosh (character limit)

Or rework her again.
I just hate flying brick moth with undo button each 30 seconds that takes no effort to get.

lmao a button that has the power of an ultimate, on a regular cooldown of 30 seconds, that you don’t have to do any effort to get.
Where’s the skill at. Don’t even tell me of when to Res cause right now you just gotta see if there’s someone close to you, and if it goes wrong… You’ll have another Res in 30 seconds! Skill!
She’s much better because she’s messed up. lol.

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1 year to balance her, others develop whole games in that timeframe xD


Worst Winrate, hated by her long-time players, feels sluggish and boring - Is that what we call “better”?

Idk if you’re joking or just mad about this type of posts appearing.
How exactly is an ability that can be easily pulled off or Ultimate that you can AFK during it’s duration and still be effective more skilled? Like Honestly , I wanna know.
Cuz I’ve had a lot of hours on her since the rework and she never felt skillful.

Just wait and see Mercy in the next season of OWL , I’d bet she won’t get any time on-screen if not paired with Pharah.
As for the ladder - Yeah , worst support in all ranks - even in Bronze, Silver , Gold. You might want to overthink this argument.


Bunnyhop, super bunnyhop, and DPSing in Valkyrie all take significantly more skill than pressing Q after watching a team wipe from behind a wall.