Yes. Please force dive meta

I’m okay with a dive meta, although I didn’t find orisa zarya cancer, they’re really fun heroes to me but I get that we should be “taking turns” in terms of metas. Are they even meta right now though? They seemed to have dropped hard after the nerfs. Orisa especially seems not too great right now.

I agree though sigma, bastion are really frustrating to fight, and especially sigma is not fun at all to play.

I hope though after this dive meta, we can have another junkerqueen meta, she’s unbelievably fun to play.

(Also can we please never have a hog/ball meta?!)

They’re still both within the top 3 - top 5 range.

Zen does need to aim in the Tracer and Genji matchups… Obviously. Like, are you a Sombra player or something? They are the only group of people who struggle against Zenyatta. That’s why I ask. :skull:

Actually, that’s basically exactly what happened. “Don’t nerf my high skill hero, introduce more counters!” Is more or less what the community said.

Brig wasn’t even propping up GOATS meta. People like to say that she was and that she caused it, but GOATS had been tried before Brig and they ran into the problem of it being countered by Dive. Brig solved that problem.

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Dive is the worst meta at all. It’s gonna be fun to just play the same old 3 heroes…/s

Dive and hypermobilty is more cancer than double shield ever was.

Especially when theire counters getting artificially nerfed just to force that crap.


Sojourn is pretty fun when she ults. But yeah, her primarily fire is pretty boring to shoot with. S76 is basically CoD, which can be fine at times but his style of shooting gets boring fast. Ashe’s style of shooting can be experienced better in Valorant.

Cass can be pretty fun I guess. But even his style of shooting can be experienced way better on other games. For example, shooting with a sheriff in Valorant is much more fun than cassidy for me. Because you have to think about your movement as well while shooting. Not to mention you have almost no fall-off and you can duel everyone. Unlike in Overwatch where you can only take down the tank as a team, not by yourself.

Widowmaker is probably the only hitscan that rivals other shooters in terms of fun. And you can never go wrong with hanzo, he’s always fun to one tap with.

High complexity characters really should be more rewarding, like if you’ve got a character in a fighting game who deals low damage hit for hit but has a much higher attack frequency and shorter cast times, a player who can handle that higher speed would naturally come out on top, but yeah, not without the disadvantage of lower damage.

Frankly, dive or not, there’s a line to ride between efficiency and impact with any player kit in any game, but what sounds organically better than a game where the skilled players are playing the skill-demanding characters and the lousier players are playing the less demanding characters?

Plus, Brigitte was added for anti-dive for some forced meta shifts. She was a bad answer to a problem that was only a problem because dive got boring in the “EVERYBODY LOOK AT OUR PROFESSIONAL KOREANS” show, where skilled players played skill-demanding characters with decent payoff.

Blurring the line between kits that do and don’t demand skill is the problem. Get rid of the “professional” scene and let character kits reward according to player skill, ranks start falling into place more organically.

Personally, I’d still agree that dive is a bit on the boring side, but on basic offense/defense philosophy, it’s way more interesting than Orisa standing around.

Ya cass is generic and can be found in other games too and often better, it’s just his personality that keeps him going :smile:

Sojourn her gun tries to imitate quake rail gun but badly

No, blizz should’ve publically said ‘no’ to anyone wanting a defensive meta. It should always be the weakest team comp.

I’ll be perfectly frank, I despise Dive. Playing as, with, or against it. I don’t like playing any of its core heroes in any role, I hate scrambling to heal my teammates while they lose their DPS duels, and I hate getting jumped on as a squishy.

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I love when people like you straight up drop the facade and admit that you dont care about balance or skill. You only want to make sure that you have fun and nobody else. Its more honest than what op is doing and I for one applaud you for it, you awful awful person


I could tell you couple of characters that damaged this game way more than meta Tracer/Genji/Dive ever dreamed of…

that wasnt because of dive, that was because of terrible hero design

I love these takes.

Because they never factor in how popular those heroes are.

For me, it’s exactly this. The characters I enjoy playing most have mobility. I enjoy them specifically because they have mobility. I enjoy the zoom zoom. I don’t enjoy cc or bunker play styles.

So for me, dive is the most fun you can have in Overwatch followed by rush. It’s maybe why I despised double shield and goats so very much.

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Why do you think this will be the time when Tracer is suddenly wildly popular and played below masters despite her being no stronger along with more available counterplay than her absolute peak in OW1? What makes this so different?

Exactly this! I’ll say too that if we hadn’t landed in such sustain heavy poke metas for so long in OW1 we might not be in the 5v5 world we have now. Dive is one of the few metas that makes me nostalgic for 6v6. Winston/D.Va dive and Rein/D.Va brawl were the only two tank pairings that made me happy back in the day.

For me, Dive is reminiscent of everything I dislike about MoBAs. The patient, slow, calculated playstyles I usually adopt, and the long, drawn-out slugfests I usually enjoy go out the window as a bunch of screaming monkeys bumrush the backline.

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We need to separate complaints from valid critique.

Illari is designed like doo doo and gets too much free value. No one asked for the stupid healing pylon.

Kiriko is the most losing support in every single SR, so despite people complaining about Kiriko she’s not winning games

No, but you can design something like Lucio to deal with them who’s mobile and evasive himself with the potential to both duel, distrupt and distract mobile heroes. You don’t design some pepega hero that stands around M1’ing in order to counter much more skilled heroes.

Why bother getting good at Lucio peel when I can just stand near Ana on Brig hitting stuff with my flail. They need to get these training wheel heroes out of the game or at least take the training wheels off.

Counters are supposed to have advantages, not just remove value by existing, when a counter is way easier to play than what it counters you mess up competitive integrity. I don’t need to be better than Tracer anymore, I just need to stand around on this hero that was designed to make it impossible for her to get value

You give support a viable way to out skill the Tracer, not some kit designed to do it with barely any input.

The crutches that are all over the support roster are the problem. Along with the bad players that refuse to learn to use tools that actually require skill.

What are you talking about, everything is poke. It’s Handsoap, Mei and hitscans in every game. It’s a corner peeking bonanza and the most brain dead way of playing this game.