Yes. Please force dive meta

Please continue.

Let’s actually make the hard to play heroes the meta and move on from the cancer that was orisa zarya sigma bastion torb, all that garbage. Let’s leave it behind.

Let’s have a meta that actually requires some brain activity on the heroes to pull off.


Last time Dive was pushed/supported/praised so hard, the game ended up with Brigitte as a solution. You people really don’t stop to think when you say this stuff, do you?

Dive characters have caused more damage to this game than any of the other characters you’re complaining about. And some of the dive characters are the reason for some of the characters you’re complaining about , being the way they currently are.


More dive so I can play more Brig


I mean it won’t.

Bastion/Bap is what’s gate keeping dive tanks.


No one asked blizzard’s idiotic balance team to create brig because they couldn’t nerf tracer for the life of them. And all that ended up happening, was now brig is apart of the dive family. Brig is constantly played in dive.


Push dive in a world with self heals and immortalities left and right? I’d be very curious to see if it actually became a thing again

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3 heroes jump one support then run away.

Super big brain


So its our fault that blizzard cant balance support w/o making it braindead.

Got it


Clearly the solution is to bring back zero fall off double mine Junkrat to murder those pesky flankers like he used to… :smirk:


What is it about dive specifically that has people begging for dive only metas? Its like people need some kind of “zoom zoom” high speed playstyle, or they don’t want to play.


It’s going to be dependent on how well tracer can do against illari.

I think 6 should cover it.

You do not understand, it is very hard to pull that off because you need to communicate who you are diving and your teammates (which totally do not hold you back) need to follow up. That requires immense cognitive activity.


For me, I see 3 metas. Dive, Brawl/Rush, Poke

Poke is boring


Generally I find it’s easy to coordinate with doomfist mains as dive dps, i think probably cause they were dps before.

Been having a blast playing with them today as tracer or sombra.

It’s almost telepathic and they actually wait look in your direction as if to let’s go.

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Dive Meta is just as brain dead as the others


Now is not your time shooo shooo, unless you are willing to play skyrat and join dive then you are welcome :hugs:

We take care of hitscans so they don’t shoot you in sky.

This doesn’t really mean much. According to Top 500 players (Flats has repeatedly stated this, for example) GOATS required even more coordination and had an even lower margin for error, because an entire teamfight could be lost because one teammate mistimed one cooldown.

Like any type of coordinated play, Dive isn’t “easy”, but it has the added benefit that each character is individually powerful and can be played self-sufficiently when that coordination breaks down.

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Low ranks performed dive was always easy and not requiring much comp.
You dont follow what others do, watch cooldowns or anything, you just press forward and shoot.
I saw this for years in ranked, even when other metas were supposed to be stronger, that was still working well there.


Dive with them? Nah…They’re diving with me.


Dive is objectively the highest skill meta there is.

That and the fact that… dive heroes just actually are hard to play.

Dive heroes require skill, fast paced heroes usually require the most skill to pull off. I just want a meta where the highest skill heroes are the ones that actually benefit from said skill. Not some brainrot monkey, selecting bastion and getting free value. Or selecting orisa / zarya / sigma and getting free value.

Yea GOATs was super coordinated heavy, but it also… doesn’t exist anymore. So using it as an example doesn’t mean much anymore. If this was 2018 I would agree with you.

Low ranks do NOT play dive LMFAO. They can’t even play tracer right.