Yes. Please force dive meta

You are again talking about people who pick tracer and can’t get value.

But a tracer main means I’m getting value in that rank means the so called fragile issue you say is irrelevant to the mains in the rank.

Cause if not why the hell can I play her now too.

It’s cause i adapted to more disruptor playstyle which is not the most exciting playstyle.

You probably want to beleive that you can only airshot on junkrat cause you are gm, guess what some junkrat in lower elos is doing that too.

It’s dumb at this point to even explain.

You want to act as though this .5 dmg won’t even help tracer’s below gm.

I think pr will make it clear over the next season.

It’s not irrelevant if they want to climb. Which is why she’s never, ever been good below masters at the very minimum.

You are again talking with overbuff mass data.

If I have 50+ wr it means I’m antifragile in that rank.

It’s as simple as that.

Either way the topic was about.5 dmg opening up assassin playstyle in all ranks and it does to not think so is just being obtuse.

It’s fine that we disagree. I hope it does help you if that’s worth anything.

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It simply won’t happen cause I say so😤

Also regarding power creep why is stylosa also using the term.

The only thing I could see as power creep would be Winston getting full dmg against Armor.
Even that could be wrong if we go by your logic that it’s just adding complexity.

But complexity is only a problem when it becomes unmanageable. It’s a range, not an On/Off switch. Which isn’t really a big deal with how few characters we have compared to League or DotA per role.

And there’s far more factors that are limiting Worthwhile+Unique Choices than “Something got Buffed”


That said, what he’s talking about is the equivalent of “Bro Science”, when it comes to looking how professionals are supposed to approach the more empirical aspects of Gameplay Design.

It’s just taking a vague guideline, and acting like it’s an absolute gospel that’s always relevant.


And if anything, League and DotA have mostly solved the issues with “Power Budget Inflation”, by doing bimonthly patches with mostly minor algorithmic changes.


Which incidentally, I was mentioning the Overwatch devs could do something like that.

[OW2] How to automate Tank Balance

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What are you yappin about?

The dive characters need to be balanced which they fundamentally aren’t and have historically been near-impossible to balance, especially Tracer. Just buffing them to push a meta is a bad idea, especially these characters that contributed to the creation of those other metas you’re complaining about.

S76 is annoying but his kit can fundamentally be balanced. When S76 is out of line, they can tweak things and/or make small changes to bring him back in line. Characters like Tracer and Winston have always swung too far on both sides of the balance line and can do so very easily.

We’ve literally already had a dive meta in OW2 so what am I talking about….

WE LITERALLY ALREADY HAD DIVE META IN OW2 WHICH ALREADY LEAD TO CHANGES THAT THE COMMUNITY IS STILL WHINING ABOUT HEAVILY WITHIN THE SUPPORT ROLE. WINSTON WAS META, TRACER WAS META, GENJI WAS META!. This just proves my point, every time dive is meta and they just buff the dive characters, they literally negatively impact the rest of the game as a whole.

Look at how people still complain about Kiriko and Illari landing two headshots. You cannot make an aim-intensive ability to counter a character designed to counter aim-intensive things. Tracer could have gotten reworked but I have a feeling people would whine about that… a lot. I don’t see many Tracer mains asking for a rework instead of adding Brigitte-like solutions, either. They are just praising the buffs which already have and will continue to lead to more Brigitte/mag nade-like solutions.

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Unless you’re the one target. :crying_cat_face:

Hi Paws! <3

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Asking for force dive is asking for supports getting even stronger in the long haul.

how so? only tracer is aim intensive in dive, winston, genji, brig and zen are no aim intensive.

Mhm even though I don’t play “the one target” anymore it’s such a bad experience I’ll always push back when people praise dive


I’ll take some support player suffering for a bit, for a meta that requires brain activity for once.

I’m okay with a dive meta, although I didn’t find orisa zarya cancer, they’re really fun heroes to me but I get that we should be “taking turns” in terms of metas. Are they even meta right now though? They seemed to have dropped hard after the nerfs. Orisa especially seems not too great right now.

I agree though sigma, bastion are really frustrating to fight, and especially sigma is not fun at all to play.

I hope though after this dive meta, we can have another junkerqueen meta, she’s unbelievably fun to play.

(Also can we please never have a hog/ball meta?!)

They’re still both within the top 3 - top 5 range.

Zen does need to aim in the Tracer and Genji matchups… Obviously. Like, are you a Sombra player or something? They are the only group of people who struggle against Zenyatta. That’s why I ask. :skull:

Actually, that’s basically exactly what happened. “Don’t nerf my high skill hero, introduce more counters!” Is more or less what the community said.

Brig wasn’t even propping up GOATS meta. People like to say that she was and that she caused it, but GOATS had been tried before Brig and they ran into the problem of it being countered by Dive. Brig solved that problem.

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Dive is the worst meta at all. It’s gonna be fun to just play the same old 3 heroes…/s

Dive and hypermobilty is more cancer than double shield ever was.

Especially when theire counters getting artificially nerfed just to force that crap.


Sojourn is pretty fun when she ults. But yeah, her primarily fire is pretty boring to shoot with. S76 is basically CoD, which can be fine at times but his style of shooting gets boring fast. Ashe’s style of shooting can be experienced better in Valorant.

Cass can be pretty fun I guess. But even his style of shooting can be experienced way better on other games. For example, shooting with a sheriff in Valorant is much more fun than cassidy for me. Because you have to think about your movement as well while shooting. Not to mention you have almost no fall-off and you can duel everyone. Unlike in Overwatch where you can only take down the tank as a team, not by yourself.

Widowmaker is probably the only hitscan that rivals other shooters in terms of fun. And you can never go wrong with hanzo, he’s always fun to one tap with.

High complexity characters really should be more rewarding, like if you’ve got a character in a fighting game who deals low damage hit for hit but has a much higher attack frequency and shorter cast times, a player who can handle that higher speed would naturally come out on top, but yeah, not without the disadvantage of lower damage.

Frankly, dive or not, there’s a line to ride between efficiency and impact with any player kit in any game, but what sounds organically better than a game where the skilled players are playing the skill-demanding characters and the lousier players are playing the less demanding characters?

Plus, Brigitte was added for anti-dive for some forced meta shifts. She was a bad answer to a problem that was only a problem because dive got boring in the “EVERYBODY LOOK AT OUR PROFESSIONAL KOREANS” show, where skilled players played skill-demanding characters with decent payoff.

Blurring the line between kits that do and don’t demand skill is the problem. Get rid of the “professional” scene and let character kits reward according to player skill, ranks start falling into place more organically.

Personally, I’d still agree that dive is a bit on the boring side, but on basic offense/defense philosophy, it’s way more interesting than Orisa standing around.