Yes. Please force dive meta


And what happens to Ana in dive metas? She gets traded!


Idk what you guys are talking about.

This game always feels trash whenever Dive is meta.

If it means less poke, I’m for more Dive.

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It doesn’t matter, for all of us playing on ladder you’re not going to be seeing full coordinated dive.

They need to do something about the spam meta we’re in right now.

You can continue to dream :smirk:

You’re also not going to see Lucios rotate to peel if he winds up seeing play.

And even roughly coordinated dive is enough to make Ana play “enable your team as much as possible before you get dove” simulator

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Love brawl, pokes fine(bap/zen player)

Played during the dive forever meta the one the birthed brig. Mained zen/mercy then and played little zen.

I hate dive. Different strokes for different folks.

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Looks like Zen and Illari are going to be useless in low ranks. And no one here will care.

If we’re being realistic no ranks below masters will be impacted by any of these changes outside of maybe Winston and even then I doubt it. The Tracer buff is irrelevant to every rank below and Genji will still be played instead.

That doesn’t really effect my points.

All I’m saying is that dive isn’t this utopia. It has issues. Rotate it in, sure, but you better rotate it out at some point.

It’s just an inevitability my dude.

You got a game where it basically boils down to

  • #1. Kill Stuff
  • #2. Prevent Kills
  • #3. Go to a Positioning location
  • #4. Stand at a Positioning location

You got three heroes that are drastically limiting positioning options just for existing.
So they screw with #3 and #4.

And then they basically nullify the usefulness of #2 most the time.

And then they narrow down the viable options for #1.

And if “something is dramatically reducing Worthwhile+Unique Gameplay Choices”, that’s a textbook definition of an extreme “Balance” problem.


What is Play Balance?

Sid Meier once said, “A game is a collection of interesting choices”. It follows that game elements being out of balance and thereby eliminating choices detracts from the gameplay. Ideally, a game should be a series of choices, ending with victory of defeat or some other end condition. Sometimes, some choices will become unquestionably the only choice, or definitely not a valid choice. If there is only one valid choice at some point, but the game hasn’t ended, there is a play balance problem. Nearly all situations commonly referred to as imbalances can be boiled down to a choice reduction.

I know. I’m just thinking out loud here around the whole dive being meta thing. It’s a masters+ meta and always has been. Tracer isn’t a thing in diamond or below and unless she gets 200hp (please no) never will be.


Tracer buff is relevant if you are a tracer main, 6 dmg allows assassin playstyle to comeback, last time it worked in diamond and even in plat, it always has.

Though illari wasn’t around back then, I was able to get assassin playstyle working in diamond even with 5.5, illari release was what removed assassin playstyle and put tracer into disruptor mode.

I’m not worried about what I see Lucios doing? If they balance the rest of the supports Lucio will be just fine; he has never been a hero that contributes through raw numbers alone. Right now his biggest issue is power creep.

He could probably use a bit of a reload buff/more ammo and his BOOP BACK.

I’m not here arguing for Lucio however, I do like Lucio; but I play lots of other stuff too. I’m just tired of feeling like if I really want to get max value I need to go on a hitscan hero and play peeky pokey.

Right now support balance is pants on head; the gap in ease of getting value on some supports (yes, Mercy - but not JUST Mercy) is ridiculous in comparison to heroes like Lucio who have all their power in something that barely works on ladder.

I don’t think this is going to be accurate for anything outside of mid-high GM. Even in Diamond/Masters I rarely see comps being run; it’s just a random assortment of what people feel like playing.

No diamond or below Tracer is there due to her damage. She’s all about timing, movement and abiltity usage. Her skill floor for low ranks doesn’t move at all with this buff it’s strictly a high rank change to make Tracers who can utilise her kit more lethal.

Can’t properly engage and use her kit now? The damage isn’t going to help. See: OW1 when she was massively more powerful and less countered yet still not seen below masters.

Which is the problem for most tracers outside high ranks.

The environment for Tracer has not gotten any better; Illari, Bap, Kiri are still heroes you’re going to struggle to engage. There’s still a shed load of spam damage - etc.

That’s kind of my point.

I have roughly 50 wr in diamond on tracer, if you think dmg numbers don’t change playstyle of heroes below masters I don’t know what to say.

Tracer has lost her assassin playstyle since 5.5 dmg nerf and more importantly when illiari came in, it has nothing to do with ranks.
It’s the same for gm tracer’s too.

You can see Vinnyg t500 tracer main struggling against gold illiari’s in his latest u2gm.

yeah, I was agreeing with you :star:

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Tracer was S+ tier in OW1, had effectively zero counters and had 6 damage. Yet in OW2 she has readily available counters. In OW1 she was never good below masters. Why do you think she’ll be good in diamond and below despite this? Her skill floor has never, ever been about damage and everything to do with fragility.