Yeah never mind, brig is still good

Bold assumption. There’s no numbers change that will make players who aren’t interested in Orisa suddenly want to main her. They don’t enjoy her character or playstyle. When Mei was the most powerful DPS, it was still hard to find Mei players, and when Genji was widely considered the weakest hero, he was still relatively popular. Given this, I can only see two ways to balance queue times:

  1. Changing role queue to something like 1-3-2, to allow more people per game to play the popular role.

  2. Introducing more heroes; releasing tanks that players might be interested in.

That’s just saying you can’t make Tanks more desirable to DPS players, which is kinda bizarre.

Make them more self sufficient, and better at dueling. And you can bet DPS players will pick them up.

If that means a Healer doesn’t have a ranged instant stun that can’t be matrixed. Or the ability to block all healing in an area a quarter the size of an objective.
Oh well, too bad.

The hitpoint nerf probably won’t be felt so badly because of her near 50% buff to self healing.

The biggest change is inspire. She won’t feel any different to play, but your team will be dying around you more often.

You should call Mercy instead. She deserves a large and adoring fanbase. :slight_smile:

is my opinion about brig having viable counters wrong?

no, it must be the GMs who don’t know how to play the game

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10 hps is really small to begin with, but now shes a liability for her other healer.

why play her anymore, shes completely useless.

And the knock-on effects to genji and tracer?

c’mon grey. I know you can go more big picture than this.

If you play brig and think that she doesn’t needs nerfs even through she has been one of the most formidable supports in Over watch for the past year, then I strongly encourage you to reconsider yourself.


“Transcendence makes people invincible and is a braindead ult that saves people at the last moment even though thats its purpose of existing”

You really want me to take you seriously?
If Brigitte was so dead prior to the changes, shed have a lower pick rate than Zenyatta, but thats not the case.
Am I asking for an even further gut? No. Were these changes necessary? Absolutely not. Did it affect her? Yes, but not as much as her team receiving healing

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You will cause a little shift but not enough, you will also open those tanks to hefty nerfs once this community sees fit. So… Yeah…

Now you just pissed off your support player base and gave them the middle finger.

I do see a huge difference but it’s a good one, I enjoy timing my engages a lot more than just pressing on without thought behind my positioning or HP

the main issue of it too is related to sigma, who, by pure coincidence and no relation to their builds as characters, also got nerfed this patch! They need to make HARD lines in the sand that say “This is the functionality of a Tank and Off Tank. This is the functionality of a Support and Off-Support. This is the functionality of a Flanker, Hitscan, and DPS”. Once they do that, they can start to mix it up a bit, but sigma and brig fundementally blur those lines, which will always mean that they are too strong in the right hands and are fundementally easier to play unless their entire kit is balanced around being difficult to get value out of. They can peel for themeselves, support themselves, and deal damage by themselves. If they are strong they are strong, and if they are weak then they are still strong.

Alot? The 1% of the playerbase is not alot.

Again, that 1% is forcing themselves to get the best out of a nerfed to death character. I dont see the logic of a high rank player using someone that will never be effective again because Blizzard keeps nerfing them, keep taking away the things that once made them good.

Its literally just 1% of players using her. Not 100%. Just 1% out of millions. How does that not equal a low pickrate?

Meanwhile, everyone’s fine with using DPS Zen, whose clutch ult saves losers(Brig’s ult could never do that).

Brig could never pocket. The point of her armor packs are gone. And how in the world will teams get more heals from her when she will be even easier to kill, and Tank nerfs will make her even more useless?

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I’m not top 1% and she’s fine for me and many others. You playing her poorly at a low level does not mean she’s bad, I’m not even a support main and I can carry with her just fine

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From Gold to GM Brig has a good pickrate and a high winrate

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Not without help, because she especially cant win alone in Comp.

Again with this playing poorly crap. Brig cant be played at her best thanks to all the nerfs.

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You’re ignoring that she has a good pickrate and winrate from gold to gm to fit your native.

Her pickrate in gold is 1/5th Ana’s. The only support picked less is Zen. :man_shrugging: So how do you mean this?

I’m not arguing she’s good or bad, people keep declaring her dead and she’s not so I’m reserving judgement, but I do feel like I have to point it out if you say something not born out by the data.

2.32% pickrate, 54.89% winrate in gold.Never said she was as picked as ana, but she has reasonable pickrate and winrate

That wasn’t due to them learning to work around it, it was due to the fact that they initially gave her the same amount of movement reduction while firing they gave Reinhardt when using his shield, which meant they were basically unbeatable with a Lucio boosting them. They reverted that buff while in PTR due to how one-sided matches were against Rein-Orisa double barrier.