Yeah never mind, brig is still good

I think the reason they aren’t buffing Tanks to make them more popular, is because of DoubleBarrier is too problematic.

And Brig/Mei providing OffTank tier Peels to compositions that don’t have an Offtank is a significant portion of that.

One would think DoubleBarrier should be highly lacking in OffTank tier Peels.

Indirectly it affects them too now thanks to queue times.

That’s why I like it, it outsources tanks and support’s problems.

Except buffing shield tanks won’t make them more popular, before Double Barrier, before Brig there was still an issue with tank queue times. There has always been an issue with queue times because no one wants to play a barrier character. More so if they are obligated to play a barrier character because the whole team gets melted if they don’t.


Buffing their 1v1 lethality capabilities will increase their popularity.

And they can also buff their barriers, because it’s not like you were gonna crack a doublebarrier at medium range with a team that has singlebarrier.

Then just make AnchorTanks more vulnerable at close range.

Additionally, if UltCharge feeding and Bionade get a nerf, then DoubleOffTank could be more of a thing. Which also would be all about zerg-rushing into close range.

So as you can see, strong anti-Dive/Rush peels on a non-Tank is in the way of both of those.

In theory it might decrease queue times but your still sacrificing one role for the sake of another. Sounds like a bandaid fix to me.

person woman man camera brig nerfs

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There’s a problem with her kit the same way Sigma has problems. The way she can be a main or off healer just like sigma is a main tank / off tank and they blurr the line so heavily. She needs to become an off healer like Brig 1.0

Repair pack as one burst heal would be better on a high cooldown. That’s your one save button. Not you get a pocket and YOU get a POCKET AND YOU GET A POCKET.

Inspire needs to be how it’s been nerfed to.

Now nerf whipshot to 5 seconds

Shield bash damage up (maybe with an extra second to compensate)

Bam, less CC, less healing, more off healer type healing. contributes damage and utility instead.

Obviously (well MAYBE) blizzard could do a better job than my rough draft here…


if we are even gonna keep repair pack that is.
i mean i’m not sure inspire should even give healing in the first place, like she can have 1 healing source but not both.

and i generally want her to be leaning on being a sturdy CC heavy support that can offer some gameplay variety to the rest of her team in a way that doesn’t make them sturdier themselves but maybe open up a new avenue of tactics to employ.

but this is just my idea of supports not being what they are now currently, because i think it won’t work out well otherwise.
i really much don’t care for this delineation of supports between Main and Off-supports as it stands now.

why divide a role that’s allready limited in roster?

Believing what I want? Blizzard keeps taking away Brig’s effectiveness & that’s a fact. She’s not good like she used to be, and all because DPS hypocrites couldnt handle getting a taste of their own medicine & refused to switch to any of old Brig’s counters such as Junkrat.


And they say I’m delusional.

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You’re acting as if all of Brig’s nerfs never affected her, even though they did.

And it you’re referring to what I said about Junkrat, he did counter old Brig, thanks to his grenade & mines spam and the trap. Sombra countered her too, her hack made her defenseless. Then there’s Pharah. Ana was an old Brig counter too because of the anti-nade. But those options werent enough, she has to be useless together, and have as many weaknesses as Bastion.

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On paper, they didn’t even sound bad to me.

I’m just not thrilled that they’re probably going to end up nerfing her again because GM. And that’s the only reason why. :]

I mean that’s why brig has been the second most picked support and the third most picked hero in GM for over six months and junkrat has been the sixth least picked hero in gm, and sombra still has a lower pickrate than symmetra in gm right?


GRANDMASTER being the keywords. Literally 1% of the playerbase, which is even a smaller amount now because less people play this mess of a game now. 1% out of a few million is further proof that Brig is dead.

Its not everyone picking her, its a small percentage thats forcing themselves to get the best out of a nerfed to death character, and said percentage keeps complaining about her, even though she has so many weaknesses at this point. So WTF even goes on over there? The supposed top players cant “git gud”, even though they have far more options to counter Brig with now, than they did back when she was good.


She has lots of weaknesses if you’re at a low rank and play her poorly. She’s fine for a lot of us

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You can’t fix queue times tho, DPS role will always be the most played. You’re basically showing that you will trash heroes to fix a problem that can’t be fixed outside of just removing role queue in entirely.

People aren’t delusional. People are just speaking from high-rank experience. Remember, only 1% of the player population is cared for in OW.


Time to nerf her more then.


If she’s the most nerfed character and she’s still this good that kinda says something about how the core concept of Brig as a character is kinda busted.


I remember from that recent interview with the developers that they want players to try and move towards a more FPS style play rather than hide-behind-shield-and-get-a-pick playstyle.

The problem is that the game has many environmental elements that make it difficult to do so. Classic example, Hanamura choke. Yeah, sure you can use other dive tanks to go through, but it still makes it VERY difficult to get your team through with the defending team just spamming in the main choke.