Yeah I'm not having fun solo tanking :)

It’s unhealthy for the identity of OW.
It will alter it’s identity and alienate a huge chunk of the playerbase, while it simultaneously would have a lot moire competition on the market
OW is not a basic shooter like COD, MW or CS:GO

Bringing up GOATS and Barrierwatch is just wrong, because no one was sitting their and said “yep best meta ever, exactly how OW should be played”
The current live balance is closest to classic OW and it feels damn good for many people


Or Ana’s Nade. There is no way to block it or to cleanse.

If you can play Ana and not respawn simulator

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I think it’s pretty obvious that some heroes will have to be heavily re-adjusted or removed. Mostly Mei and Reaper and maybe Sombra. Can’t have tank busters with one tank.

Also Mei being able to kinda-sorta tank a little would make her extremely desirable almost mandatory with some tanks.


I have such mixed feelings. Like I’m having so much fun, but it’s very obvious when one team gets someone who is used to tanking and someone gets someone who isn’t.

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Quite a dishonest stance, specially because Triple DPS has been played A LOT and during the first 3 years of its life so yeah, false.
OW was like this for a long time, specially in QP so no, this is not FFA or a “basic shooter”. Stop overexaggerating.

If you overexaggerate to 1 side, I can do it to the other.
Either we both do, or none. Thats how it works pal and let me give you another fact: You dont speak for “many people” only for yourself.

However OW history remains and Triple DPS was and is a legit comp. The sooner you accept reality, the better.

Again, it is what it is :man_shrugging:

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Legit comp != core feature of the game

Ignoring the fact that a games develop


I haven’t tried the mode yet but I kinda see solo tanking as holding the shield for as long as you can and taking a hit for the team in order for them to get their objective. Not fun too many but it’s a sacrificial role as a solo tank. :thinking:

Huh, so it sounds like every tank has a healthy amount of counters and teams have a reason to play other types of DPS.

My hot take though:

  • I would like to see more creative changes for Hog in something like this. Team healing makes him unique on the roster but it seems like a missed opportunity to not make the aoe do damage (Jeff, please). Hog pulling enemies into his zone and healing/peeling for his team makes more sense!
  • Zarya looks great. You mentioned snipers are her weakness and I think that is fine. Teams have the same amount of DPS and the same amount of challenges. If they go barrier tank mode, your team has options to punish it and if you go Zarya dps mode, they have options. Sniper/dps nerfs or rebalances could also make snipers less of an instant-delete button.
  • Barriers - it seems like the devs have been weakening barriers lately. Many players probably still feel like they need that safety window ahead of them. If they are easy to break however and there are 3 DPS (more flankers, Mei, CC, etc) then I imagine that playing a barrier tank would come with risks too that maybe a hero like Zarya could simply delete with high charge/damage or even dive if DVA.
  • DVA also feels like she’d need a more thought out kit for this. I’m glad they didn’t just give her a barrier but she is pretty easy to melt since she doesn’t bring that damage threat that Hog might bring. I suggested that Baby DVA should get a skill where she can bubble an enemy, forcing them to shoot out of their shell (stopping their damage for a while; reverse zarya bubble) or mitigate damage somehow for allies and absorb that damage to get her MEKA back. With no second tank to defend her, pilot DVA should bring a bit more to the fight.

Yeah, Hog definitely feels like he could use something else. I know the devs probably could work on new kits while using junk assets so it is hard to show that for Experimental mode but I hope they somehow keep testing more things in this card later.

On Mei, I feel like I’d rather wait and see how 3dps fits Mei to begin with. Less barriers and more ranged shots sounds like it should be a nerf to her. It could go either way, though! If every tank however is designed to be melee ranged heroes then they will always feel like “prey” for Mei. Same reason Pharah will always feel like a weak pick when she only has one support that seems to benefit from her kit and barely any tanks that can cover her.

This looks like a fun experiment and I hope the devs get some decent data from this but of course any real attempt at changing the game will require more carefully crafted reworks/buffs rather than a few number changes!

Overwatch is a MOBA fps and not a “legit” fps. :man_shrugging:


Idk about you but I just carried my team using orisa all alone, ive never felt so alive. I have played all tanks and im having a blast and I main dps. Tanks actually feel like tanks now

I think people are overlooking why Blizzard put the 1-3-2 in. They themselves said from testing that it wasn’t fun. The community seems to think it will be fine. Blizzard is proving that tanking will be hard.

I would bet money they would never add this mode in place of 2-2-2. People need to stop freaking out thinking that Blizzard really is considering it.

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Pretending reality doesnt exist and history proves you wrong means nothing but live your dream mate. Cant fight denial, cant make a blind see.

Cya never.

This is not Apex pal, Triple DPS is not new. You need a history lesson :man_facepalming:


To be honest, I’d quit the game if this went live without heavy, heavy, (More than Number changing Jeff) tweaks.


I couldn’t tested it and I was digging in the experimental card thread about some users feedback(the ones I tend to agree in his previous opinions).
But this is what I feared

Now being the frontline and keeping and eye in the background I think it will be hard(in the current game I like to help in the frontline and keeping an eye in the backline as an Off tank), tomorrow will try it for sure, but now maybe biased against it, if that is true.

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raid boss? more like walking punching bag


Still weaker than pre-nerf Orisa because she now deals 11 dmg instead of 12

He’s saying instead of having many layers and strats to accomplish an objective they’ve simplified it significantly.

Which a lot of people probably won’t appreciate it. It’s like they lowered the games skill ceiling.

But hey some people like painting by numbers. :wink::wink:

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Yeah, it’s just like pre-2/2/2… a bunch of DPS that leave you to die, a moira that only plays dps, and maybe another healer you can count on.
At least with role que you might have another tank that will actually help you out.


I’m having fun solo tanking. At least, with D.Va, Zarya and Orisa. Rein seems to be okay and I’ve seen Winston get value on some maps. But I haven’t seen a Roadhog or Ball comp that really plays well yet.

We’re not going to talk about Sigma in 3,2,1. /RIP

I’m also having a lot of fun having HUGE impact on the game by playing Ana and Zen.

What I’m not having fun with is trying to play DPS when our frontline is a Roadhog who can’t get picks. XD