Ximmers are Awful at the Game

I think Blizzard has said they would ban it if they could. Have they said they would ban high refresh rate monitors or gaming mice?

I think they did say that somewhere, yes. /s

Wouldn’t it be more “fair” though if one person couldn’t use a gaming mouse or better hardware to gain an advantage though? Similar to how using a keyboard and mouse gives you an advantage on console

you are lucky you don’t play Apex Legends

I guess I don’t see a big difference between one mouse vs another as compared to controller vs mouse. I’ll enlighten myself sometime.

Maybe I shouldve said 144hz vs 60hz then. There, is a HUGE difference.

(I don’t think gaming mice really do much either, lol) I actually just bought a new mouse, and couldn’t find one without buttons all over it, which I don’t like. Although, I could see that being SLIGHTLY advantageous

I did raise this very same point here 4 years ago…

It was a pretty good thread and there was quite a bit of commotion from it heh…


It’s one of the reasons I moved to pc. Mostly cause ximmers are abusing key board and mouse on top of the aim aissist. Meanwhile pc, everyone uses kb and mouse.

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Well I guess that puts much of the discussion to rest lmao

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My post was in response to them objecting against fast hardware. I guess that wasn’t clear with the /s. It’s very well known blizzard doesn’t support XIM.

Also, that was jeff kaplan, like 5 years ago. He would object against just about everything blizzard is doing right now, I’m guessing, lol.

By the way, they didn’t even have crossplay when he posted that

They don’t just not support it, they object to the use of it. That’s a VERY important distinction.

This is all pretty much irrelevant, Blizzard doesn’t frequently post about their disapproval of cheating software either, but based on their past statements on the matter we can pretty safely conclude that they still don’t want people using cheating software. XIMing isn’t much different imo.

I think it’s pretty obvious blizzard doesn’t want people using XIM. No game that doesn’t support k&m wants people using XIM. Some games have gone to extensive efforts to try to stop it, but they can’t

It doesn’t change the fact that it’s just someone using a keyboard and mouse instead of a controller though, lol.

They also probably don’t like it due to the fact that it is from a third party, meaning neither company benefits from people using it.

If you want to ignore the context of it being third party hardware that enables the use of aim assist with KB+M, sure.

If Overwatch supported KB+M no one would care that people were using one, the fact is that it doesn’t and the developers have not only gone on record as saying they don’t support it, but that they object to the use of it. Buying third party hardware to get around that, using an objectively superior control system to the one the game supports AND using aim assist on top of it is cheating. Period. The same way buying third party software to give you aim assist on PC is.


It’s not software that changes the game. Aim assist is already in the game. It’s just USING A KEYBOARD AND MOUSE ON CONSOLE. That’s literally all it is, lol. The fact that blizzard doesn’t support it, but this third party does, doesn’t make it anymore cheating than anything. It’s just USING A KEYBOARD AND MOUSE.

Buying an aimbot is cheating, yes. Using a keyboard and mouse on console, okay, if you want to call that cheating, fine. But it’s nowhere near the same thing.

You keep trying to boil it down to just using a keyboard and mouse on console, but ignoring the fact that you’re doing so by using third party hardware to trick the console into letting you use a method of control that the developers of the game have explicitly said they object to people using and don’t natively support.

Both cases aren’t natively supported by the game, both are explicitly cited as something the developers of the game object to the use of, both require third party soft/hardware in order to grant an in game advantage. They don’t work the same way, sure. But they fall into the same realm which is cheating.


It’s using third-party hardware that Blizzard wants to ban for the game because they consider it to be cheating (And it is) but they legally cannot*
Fixed it for you lol
I pray for the day Blizzard has forced-server swaps like Warzone and Fortnite or artificial lag like Siege just so the trash-bags have to play on an equal playing field, but fortunately for you lot, Blizzard is more incompetent than the likes of EA.

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Yeah but I don’t agree with them objecting to that. I don’t see how using a mouse and keyboard to play their video game is an objectivable offense. I feel like it’s probably something like, because sony of microsoft or blizzard, aren’t getting a cut of the sales. Because blizzard is just too lazy to spend time developing whatever it takes to support it, or don’t think it’s worth it, so they don’t like someone getting sales from their game.

I love how your argument is “blizzard says it’s cheating, but I myself don’t agree therefore I’m going to keep doing it.” You’re a no life cheater. At least own up to it


Which is fine. Like I said earlier, if KB+M were supported in overwatch no one would care if people used them. The problem is that not only are people using them when they aren’t supported, they’re getting aim assist on top of it through some obscure 3rd party hardware.

Blizzard says using a keyboard and mouse instead of a controller is cheating, okay. I guess using an arcade stick to play street fighter on xbox is cheating also. Oh well, microsoft didn’t say so, so even though it’s the EXACT SAME THING, one is cheating, and the other isn’t. I understand friend