Ximmers are Awful at the Game

Just a rant. If you xim, you are the scum of the earth. You aren’t good at the game and you are just abusing aim assist on mouse and keyboard against others. Garbage human beings. My GM lobbies are infested with them on console. I hate all of you


Cheating of nearly all kinds has been rampant in this game for awhile now. It doesn’t look like it’s going to be getting any better anytime soon either.


At least aim botters are bannable. Ximmers gaslight people into thinking it’s okay because “it’s not against the TOS”…… you literally can’t even report a ximmer because it means nothing to blizzard


Ximmers deserve to get IP banned forever. They completely ruin the game and make playing high rank RQ miserable.

Most of the matches in high rank console RQ are decided by the team who has the best Ximmer, they are the reason why I prefer to play Open Queue.


It sounds nasty, but if I find a ximmer I’ll ride a fine line of poking and prodding them in chat in an off chance they’ll say something reportable or admit to Ximming.

Blizzard says they can’t ban because it’s not detectable, but if they admit to using the software and cheating - I’d like to think they can.

I have zero respect for players like that and will go to ends to get them out of the game if I can. I’m very peaceful person, but not with cheaters. Karma bitc… you had it coming.


Thankfully I can manage my own as a GM1 support a lot of games. Most Ximmers are only high ranks because of the xim and lack gamesense entirely. Still there are many games where even where my dps just get completely rigged because the enemy is ximming. Especially if the ximmer is pocketed….

Do you mostly duo or Solo Q? I duo most of the time with a friend and I’m getting matched constantly against 2 Ximmers or Mercy/Ximmer duos, and it’s just miserable.

Maybe I should just solo Q…

I solo Q. I don’t have any friends good enough to break into GM at all

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This games aiming system is terrible for console/ controller. I can manage without movement acc/deceleration, I can manage without built in crutches like bullet magnetism (especially on projectiles), but why are there three aim types, five settings for aiming, one or more of which basically undo your X and Y sensitivity, and why does aim assist kick in at 50 meters when you’re playing a character with an effective range of 5? I’ve given up trying to get them right after so many years.

The game is still fun, and I could reach Plat no problem in OW1, but the system always feels like it’s working against me.

i dont even know what that is xD educate me ?

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It’s a person that has better hardware than you.

I used to get really mad against people that had better graphics cards/cpu/internet connection until I upgraded. Now, It’s fine though. :person_shrugging:

(It’s a mouse and keyboard for your console)

The kids that can’t afford it, call it cheating. The kids that can afford it, just call it playing overwatch. Why wouldn’t you buy a mouse and keyboard for your console? lol. Playing FPS games is horrible on controllers.


Depends on the game and how its aiming system works and if there are any significant differences between controller and MnK. Destiny, Halo, and Warframe are just fine, but games like Overwatch are basically designed for PC and ported over to console. I know Warframe was the same, but at least it doesn’t have so many aim settings that it feels like it’s working against you.

I don’t have any stake in this but I’m giving a like cause I love the energy in this post



XIM and Chronus users absolutely ruin this game.

I cant really say There is anything being done about it though. It would be nice if the game director would come out and say something along the lines of “Dont cheat” and etc.

Maybe even be like take it an extra step further and tell players if they are caught using it. They will wipe their OS out. Which they should. So they take a hint that cheating is for no-skill trolls that are bad at life, and instead maybe make something out of it by Learning HOW to play a game.


Better hardware??? Wtf? Bro it’s more than just a keyboard and a mouse. Can’t afford it? What the flying hell- how bout people are just built better and have a morale code of not being a filthy cheater?

It’s an adapter. It’s cheating. You are tricking the system into thinking you are doing controller inputs but actually using a mouse and keyboard. You are literally keeping the aim assist but playing on MKB against people who are using sticks.

Don’t defend cheating. I’d appreciate if you’d stop right now glossing over ximming like it’s not a huge deal.

I hope one day Blizzard DOES do something about all the Ximming scum and I ain’t going have one ounce of empathy at all.


It’s not cheating.

If you want to use inferior hardware that is YOUR fault.

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Dis iz de wey!!!


Found the cheater.

Yes it is, and Blizzard has addressed it as such. I shouldn’t have to play against mouse and keyboard users if I want to play on console controller let alone piece of crap ximmers keeping AA.

The only reason they can’t ban your sorry butt is it is not detectable.

That may one day change. In my opinion if you want to Xim they should treat you like Rainbow Six does it throw you to the wolves against other cheaters or higher pc ranking lobbies to get a good taste of what unfair match ups feel like.


Next you’ll be crying that people use a keyboard to write messages on this forum instead of a controller. That’s how stupid your logic is.

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I’m on a phone dummy.

Grade A intelligence right here… a cheater and an idiot. Smh.