Xbox - Voice Chat not Working Since Echo Patch

Also having this problem, mic works perfectly in all other games,nothing in OW. About to quit the game over this.

check my post from 4 comments above or something see if they will help

This helped me. But like u said, i have to do this evertime i turn back on my console. It will work for now tho. 2020, and a big company like this, cant find the issue. They should hire new people then


For those of you who have not tried this. Try updating your controller, I’ve been having this issue for months. This finally fixed it!

Hey all,

This is still a thing that Vivox is working on, but it appears that some of you are assuming that you have an unfixable bug when you may be able to fix things on your end. To be clear - this is not a consistent bug which affects all players always. There is something we’re investigating with Vivox to help with this, but some of you may be able to troubleshoot this on your own. To test this, follow this guide and do connection troubleshooting if it fails.

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I’ve tried everything in the guide but I still can not seem to get in-game chat to work for me. It’s been like this for about a month now. It will work for party chat but my in-game chat is completely silent both ways.

Using wireless controller with HyperX wired headset.

To be honest there isn’t a thing I can do with Blizzard’s “appreciation”. I need action. Okay so your 3rd party provider “looked into it”. Well it’s been 3 months now. So either follow up with them or find a new provider. This is insane.

I’ve been playing CoD Black Ops 1 for 3 weeks because of this… a 10 year old game and guess what, the voice chat works. Amazing and embarrassing at the same time for Blizzard.

I love this game but I will not spend another cent on anything OW related until we have a playable competitive experience on Xbox. I’ve purchased multiple copies and more merch than I care to admit to, but no more.

I look forward to hearing updates on this issue soon.


4 months now not working. While you’re at it do more about kids throwing and getting thrown out of comp games I’m tired of losing sr because people wanna act like kids and your servers


this is trash, complete garbage that voice still does not work for xbox one. do you know how maddening this game is already?! and now for over 4 months you guys havent done anything about this issue.

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Seeing more and more posts about this popping up and still being a issue… yeah doesn’t entice me back. I lost out of the Maestro event AND the Anniversary event because I didn’t even want to attempt returning. Sad panda.

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I’ve been having this issue for a month or so at least with my wired headset. It works in every other game and in parties but not Overwatch. I have an Arris router and I’ve tried unplugging the mic, toggling stuff both in game and on the xbox itself, and restarting the game. Please help I’m sick of getting yelled at in team chat lol

It’s worse than ever now


Fix your trash game! This is actually so sad that this has been going on for so long, trash company. I can’t play your game, your game! The game that you made is now unplayable and I would think a company would want to keep its player base, which is dying so fast because of this stupid bug.

Well I tried all the other suggestions on here and sadly none of them worked. I tried updating controller, alternate mac address clear, hard resets and changing to wifi connection; none of them worked at all.

I have also tried on my kid’s Xbox One as well. None of the game chats worked; no matter who was signed into Overwatch. My mic still works fine with other games.
Comp can be pretty frustrating to say the least.

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How is this not fixed yet? Pathetic.


Ikr this is so dumb!!! Its been MONTHS and NOTHINGG

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Just came back to playing this game after 4 years. Realized my chat wouldn’t work…I was annoyed by it only to find this thread. What a wholesale failure of a staff/third party vendor. Your players have been dealing with this for 4 months??? Quite literally one of the most important parts of this game…communication. And you leave players to sit and wait to be able to play the game. That’s a fairly pathetic attempt to show you care about players.


Why wont blizzard fix this issue? Do they not care? I’m starting to think about just not playing anymore because of this…

Had issue since echo patch and only workaround I’ve had is to hard reset my Xbox by holding the power button till it powers down. Idk of this will help anyone else but it’s worth a try ig… Just keep in mind if u start any other game, go into Xbox party chat you will have to hard reset your Xbox to be able to talk in overwatch

  • How long have you had this problem? Months
  • Are you using a wired or wireless connection? Wired
  • What is your Router’s Make and Model? Netgear Nighthawk AC1900
  • Have you tried any troubleshooting for this on your own? Yes, I’ve done EVERYTHING I’ve ever read suggested.