Wrong Rank Reward

I have the exact same issue. I ended the season with Diamond 2 on Tank, Diamond 3 on Support, and Diamond 5 on damage, and I got dropped to Plat 2 on Tank, Plat 3 on Support, and Plat 3 on damage.

I thought this season wasn’t supposed to apply decay. I received only plat rewards and should have received diamond rewards and stayed diamond for all ranks.

Please fix this issue NOW!


There’s no decay. They moved your rank to match your MMR. So if you’ve gone down then it’s because the system thinks you were too high. I’ve got one account which went down and one which went up :man_shrugging:

Same thing here. I purposely climbed back to masters 5 on the LAST day and left it there because I wanted the masters rewards, but it gave me D1 at the start of the season and only gave me Diamond rewards

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Same here. Ended Dia 5 got rewards for Plat 2. Making me start in plat is fine but the end standing should show and rewards given. It seems to be happening to everyone not just “some” players as stated.

no that’s not how it works, I had just ranked in my ranks, just ranked in like high diamond, and had not played any games after it, and got screwed by the system. What happened to me and everyone else in this forum is decay, not whatever you’re saying.

I was gm4 dps and gm3 support but I ended into M4 for both roles and got master rewards : P

Yep, got master 4 dps, d4 tank, d2 support ranks… after hitting those ranks i played only mystery heroes comp and not even one game at regular comp for 5days…

But here we are with d4 dps, g1 tank and plat 3 support…

I think this SMALL independent gaming company doesnt do nothing about it and just pushes new skins and battlepass sales…

GGs fellow gamers, switching off OW for good…

I am pretty upset, 1000 hours into overwatch, finally get Masters 3. Stopped playing 5 days before the reset, due to a huge leaver %.

Placed Diamond 1.



im sry to hear…no one deserved this. hopefully leaver is banned for that

Got masters 5 in open queue. Recieved Diamond rewards. 10/10


I was robbed of my first time masters. The game says I’m masters but then it laughs in my face when i ask where my reward for my time is.

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I might leave overwatch for good too. I don’t want not to get what i farmed for

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I was on the fence about buying the battlepass but this just solidified that it’s not worth it. The time we put into the game clearly isn’t respected.

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Finished S3 in Diamond on support, but the end of season ranked me in plat… this is ridiculous lol

same for me. ended GM1, got GM5 for no reason. I had even more wins in GM1. even if I would drop no way I dropped so much from gm 1 to 5. seems like a bug.

but anyways, blizzard updated the known issues so we might get a fix soon:

Blizzard: “We are investigating an issue where Season Three end-of-season final ranks were modified causing lower tier rewards issued for some players”

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Ended the season in masters 5 on support… Logged in and recieved rewards as if i finished in diamond, completely losing out on the master’s title and comp points. Actually super sad.

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Same here. Finished Plat 3 and got rewards for Gold 2.

You are not alone in experiencing this bug. Incorrect rank rewards has been a persistent, ongoing issue since before Overwatch 2 launched. Here’s a link to my post in case you’d like to read more about this issue: Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. I put your thread under: Incorrect End Of Season Competitive Rank And Rewards (Seasons 1-3). Please help in spreading the word about this megathread and other related threads, we must demand the Developers to give us the rewards we rightfully earned.

is it because your current record out of 5 wins is negative? i had two roles in masters but no masters challengers rewards only diamond, could that be the issue?

Are they going to reply and say yes we acknowledge? At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if they reply “ya suck so we tanked you” despite having the rank all season.