Wrong Rank Reward

SAME! Grinded like crazy back to diamond and got plat rewards and plat final ranking…


I have the same issue, i was Masters 5 in open queue, but it says i ended as a platinum 1, same with support were i was masters 3, but it says i was diamond 3 at my final, so i got rewarded for that

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Before the update today my rank in mystery heroes was plat 5 but once I restarted It was gold 2 and it gave me the finishing reward for gold 2 like wtf is that. How can you say I finished the season gold 2 when 30 minutes ago it was plat 5 right at 12:00 i reset and now its down

I finished my last season support ranking in masters and never played after, I got dia 4 reward. :skull:
It is shown in my profile that highest season rank is masters, how am I receiving diamond 4 reward if I didn’t play after?
Please fix it, because it absolutely removes my desire to play any kind of comp. I busted my peach to get masters, I want to be rewarded for it. So far big disappointment and my booty is on fire.


I ended Sunday at D5 with 1 win after my update, no losses. When launching today it said I had ended at P4. I know many other people are experiencing this issue as well. Please fix!


yes same. I ended last season in plat 1 but it said i ended as plat 4


Stopped playing Mystery hero’s when I got placed Masters 4… Got Diamond reward.


I was ranked platinum in open que and mystery hero que last season however i did not receive the correct amount of ranked points or the titles that come with earning those ranks please help and fix! I had same issue

I finished the season with 2 diamond roles heal and tank and I don’t have the title and the reward

Ended Season as Master 5 support but received Diamond Challenger Title.

Hi, I ended up diamond in healers and dps’s and got only plat 3 rewards for last seazon, really bummed about it because i was grinding a lot for diamond rewards. Really really frustrating and now my motivation for playing is so low.

In the pop-up for Season Rank Decay Removed, it says in Season 3 I was Plat 5 for DPS when I was actually Plat 1 at the end? The other two roles are correct as I didn’t play them much.

So has it completely discounted any progress made in Season 3?

I ended the season as master 3 support. i got rewards for diamond 4 in CP as well as title.

I’m in diamond and didn’t get any points at all for any of my roles

I deranked from masters 5 to platinum 5.


same happened to me finished masters 4 and it put me in diamond 4
didnt get rankreward for either


Diamond 3 Tank/Support and Plat 5 DPS at end of season, now Plat 2 Tank, Plat 3 Support, Gold 3 DPS. And they seemed to have counted my Console ranks when giving rewards to, for some reason? I have a merged account, but almost never touch console anymore, I’m 99% PC only.

Yep I ended in platinum, literally logged off last night at Plat 3 and logged onto the new patch and it said I ended the season at gold 2 and received good rewards. I wanted that platinum title and comp points :confused:


I peaked as diamond 5 then when the new season started I was given plat 2 rewards, I should have received the diamond title and correct comp points since I only got the amount for plat

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I have the exact same issue. I ended the season with Diamond 2 on Tank, Diamond 3 on Support, and Diamond 5 on damage, and I got dropped to Plat 2 on Tank, Plat 3 on Support, and Plat 3 on damage.

I thought this season wasn’t supposed to apply decay. I received only plat rewards and should have received diamond rewards and stayed diamond for all ranks.

Please fix this issue NOW!