Wrecking ball (Hammond) funeral

I know a ton of the people on here hate him more than-- well, IDK… but I like playing him and so do many others, and the exp. nerf combined with the shield nerf is really putting him in his grave.

Some lvl 3 plz post this:



He’s fine

Are you the one making the Brig funeral posts too? I don’t remember


Yes. I have made quite a few…


Well, at least the Brig ones made some sense

This Hammond change is only gonna make him less annoying rather than less effective. It will make him less effective on boop maps, but that’s fine because it’s a degenerate strategy anyways.


why do u keep making funeral posts on heroes that dont die :woman_standing:


The shield nerf was a slap on the wrist and this boop nerf will likely be the same


Because heroes never die!


The knockback nerf is kind of big. Since people won’t be knocked back as far in some situations. Though the actual impact is hard to determine.

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Oh man it’s such a good meme, I wish I had lvl 3

May he rest in peace. He was a good hamster, sure he was a bit annoying sometimes, but our dear friend Hammond always had the best intentions in his heart…He has gone on to a better place…


and despite all of that she is still fine and played quite often even now so ball is about as dead as Brigg is.

Like I do not like the Ball nerfs because they do not attack the problem properly, but Ball will be 100% fine and likely still meta after these nerfs and all these posts do is make it more obvious that the forum feedback should not be taken seriously.

It’s pretty much his main function, so yeah, it’s big. He won’t be able to create space anymore, so he’ll be useless. Now the other half of the people who complain about him will actually be right… he’ll be a throw pick.

Funny all the people that complain about him, except half say he is impossible to play WITH, and the others say he’s impossible to play AGAINST… hmmmmm

not about to bury him just yet.

That was a big nerf, but I’m pretty sure I can still squeeze value out of super mobility and AOE damage.

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Low-key I actually want one of the heroes in the lore to for real die I feel like blizzard is just giving they charters cop outs

Just a heads up you can skip since I go on a weird rant about characters and they “deaths”

Like genji: “hanzo killed him! Psychic mercy saved him and he turned into a cyborg”

Reaper: "he died in a attack on a overwatch base! Oh wait moria saved his life by turning him into a life absoring vampire edged lord

Soldier 76: " he also dead in a overwatch base attack oh no! Oh wait his face was just
a injury now he acts like a old man punisher

Ana: "widowmaker shot ana through the head she is dead no! Oh wait the bullet just took her eye away now she is teaming up with soldier

Hammond: "oh no the hamster only lives four years! Nah his genetic experiments prolonged his life

Dva: "oh no her mecha exploded and she falled God knows how many feet into the ocean to break all her bones in her body or drown! Nevermind she just broke one arm even through she landed on her back

Mei: "oh no overwatch was shut down and they forgot mei and her friends to die from they frozen life support failing! Oh nevermind she survived due to plot but her friends are gone

Tracer: “oh no tracer was put of a failed experiment now her body is being ripped apart due to time stuff and she is everywhere and nowhere at the same time and no time she is gone forever lost in time! NVM winston some how heard of this and was some how able to know what she need even though he really didn’t know what happened to her and was able to pinpoint the exact time she would appear and where to somehow talk to her and give her the chrono accelerator”

Widowmaker: "oh no widowmaker was kidnapped from her loving husband and mostly likely killed to send a message to him or someone! Oh nevermind turns out she was brainwashed to the ultimate simper that doesn’t need to breath most of the time and now she is blue even through that is impossible since she would die from her blood not getting enough oxygen

Junkrat: "oh no he was point blank to a explosion that would destroy a tank! Oh wait he is somehow immune to explosions.wouldnt that make him bullet proof if his skin is hard enough to survive explosions and suffers from serve radiation sickness

Roadhog: need I say more about his health and the serve radiation sickness and consent inhalent of toxic flumes that is worse then ten smokes and charging into battle with nothing but his pants

Torbjorn: "oh no his eye and left arm was ripped out of him while chugging molten lava to melt his insides in through lava is dense enough that you can stand on it! Oh wait rein just flex his muscles and he is healed somehow

Doomfist: "oh good winston was able to crush and punch doomfist since gorillas have super strength that can break all the bones in your arm with one swipe he is out for the count! Oh nevermind apparently since doom can punch a hole in a wall he can withstand the might of a monke and he wants sombra to try it out next

Oh I am saying is that blizzard is to relent on these cop outs that I feel that death means nothing and that there is no actually stakes In the lore/story

I don’t even care how or who that get rid of eventually in the lore (not the game) even If it’s hanzo or rein with old age catching up to him

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I ll gladly press F . But this nerf will not do anything tho. He ll be just as annoying as he always was.

OK, that one made laugh.
Good job on the other ones, too.

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Happy for the chuckle lol

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the most wanted and welcomed funeral by the community
let me have it !!

I think he’ll be fine. This nerf makes his combo easier on paper.