Welcome… to a thread that was necro’d… again… and now yet again…
This is a place to remember Brig… Our beloved hero…
Please, post memes of brig being dead or funny youtube videos of brig… In this time of remembrance…
This is a place to remember Brig… Our beloved hero…
Please, post memes of brig being dead or funny youtube videos of brig… In this time of remembrance…
Thank you very much devs for insisting on keeping Brig a main healer and removing all her uniqueness to balance, instead of just making her a tanky peel support.
This is like, what, the third time this thread has been made in 2020?
I’ve attended about ten funerals for Brig. Body ain’t smelling too pretty no more.
I mean this time we know what the nerf will do to her since we’ve been here before.
This is kinda RIP tbh.
It’s still overdramatic and dried out as a topic
Honestly, Brig can never be balanced i am afraid… she is just… well… badly designed…
I mean, she was made to break dive comp. unfortunately she broke the entire game.
She can be balanced.
But the development team insist on keeping her main healer level output because they refuse to nerf packs.
For as long as she has that output, she’ll never be able to be balanced properly.
who wants to give a speech? for the 20th time?
If they’re going to keep doing this… honestly, as a Brig Main, they should just retire her. Put her out to pasture.
We know how well 200HP Brig functions, so we know that this nerf is just putting her back in the dumpster again.
I’d rather they retire her, than keep bouncing back and forth on this Buff/Nerf roller coaster.
A semi-enjoyable reference on the subject:
Remember when they used to try and make heroes unique? I remember, games ruining itself.
She just what she was before
Garbage? Yeah I remember.
Game’s getting better, we’re dancing on your corpse everytime.
Where’s the toothless laughing guy getting interviewed meme?
…his final line has to be “…then, get this! We buffed Ana’s antinade!”
Agreed, the 2v2v2 changes were a mistake.
You’re looking for KEKW
It’d be a cool meme tho