Wow, folks really don't notice when a Brigitte heals them

How can they be aware, if their health still going down? Most supports have no indication for whoever they are healing.

which is wild because ESPECIALLY on dps I love having a brig on my team. That consistent reliable heal you get from a brig who knows how to effectively proc inspire is so nice, even more so on heroes like echo where a repair pack and the inspire heal can make a massive difference to how agressively you can play without needing a mercy pocket.

Lucio and Brig has some of the lowest heal in the game.

Per 10 min, in GM :

Bap: 13800
Moira: 13100
Ana: 11700
Mercy: 11007
Brig: 9884
Lucio: 8270
Zen: 7718

Once OW2 rolls out they’ll be able to see how much you’re healing on the scoreboard :slight_smile:

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There are other visual cues. Such as Mercy’s beam, your health isn’t going down as fast, and other on screen visual cues related to the healer.

Besides, healing doesn’t cancel out damage.

Yeah, bummer.

The funny thing is, Brig is not a healer, she is a support. Her kit also has healing, but her healing is kind of a side effect. It is stun (cancel ults, rotate to help somebody), boop (peel, mess up ults/cd, boop off the map) and pack (enabler for attacking heroes, sometimes heal). These are the strongest things in her kit, sure, if you have an extra pack you can heal someone here and there. And area of heal effect increases sustain around you. Anyway, clever DPS/Tank will understand and will adopt their gameplay around this. Play corners, get a mega, avoid aggression, good positioning, regrouping.

All I want to say, ignore this. Just play the game, ignore toxicity and enjoy yourself. Saving your Ana life, confirming dozen kills, enabling Genji to do 4k ult, cancelling reaper ult or booping Roadhog off the map, this all does not make it into POTG. It does not even shine on the new scoreboard. Who cares. If you like the character like me, you can have ton of fun.

Obviously I’m not in GM.
Well I suppose it must be dependant on the way each hero is played because when I play Baptiste I can come close to that avg value but rarely if ever I can outheal Lucio if he’s in my team.

Lucio in bronze/silver has at least about 10 000-11 000 healing in about 10 min. of a match. It’s probably because on this level Lucio players don’t alternate between speed and healing aura’s - they mostly stay on healing and only ever use speed when returning from respawn.
Regarding to Briggete, they are probably allowed to be more agrresive than in upper stages of the game, hence they get more value from their passive healing. And I would say in bronze/silver they have values close to Lucio’s (sometimes bigger, sometimes smaller).

I would venture a guess, that Lucio passively staying on healing for most of the match steals the other healers chances to heal, while Brig’s high value comes off of self-healing while pushing so aggresive. That’s what I used to think at least

Lol. 3 years ago I had a back-and-forth Are we getting a scoreboard? - General Discussion - Overwatch Forums (

Some stubborn posters insisted that replay would solve everything; we got the replay; and here we are now: Finally, finally getting a scoreboard because we need in-game information and replay doesn’t solve in-game toxicity and lack of info.

It’s so obvious that we need a scoreboard. Why is Blizzard even listening to these nay-sayers?


Consider the comps you play brig in though. Usually alongside zen, bap, or ana. With zen comps it’s usually like ball sigma or hog comps that don’t need a lot of healing. You play tracer and like echo, the tracer is off doing her own thing, the ball gets healthpacks etc.

With Baptiste the Baptiste is doing most of the healing to farm window and win the team fight. Ana is usually only played in dive comps not really grouped up.

The comps you want to play grouped up, double shield and rush, you usually play zen and Lucio respectively over brig. And Lucio is almost entirely on speed because again the other support usually Baptiste) farms window and insta wins the team fight.

In my plat games I play brig with rein zarya and like ana because team comp isn’t that important and hit 40% inspire uptime and my ana doesn’t do as much healing because plat.

Tldr; rank and comp dependent.

I guess they aren’t listening to them anymore.

Yes, but only because the naysayers have finally run out of suggestions. After six f****** years.

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Why should they swap if you are too arrogant to swap, yourself?

I mean, are you even reading what you’re posting?

Pot, meet Kettle.

To be fair it’s possible they didn’t want to add a scoreboard only for it to be super crowded with 12 players of information. Even in 5v5 it’s pretty dense so I could see that being used as an excuse.

Regardless, I’m glad we have it now. I know it’s not the be all end all but being able to compare stats gives me a rough idea of how I’m doing.

If the game is pretty even and the enemy ana has more damage but the same healing then that’s a a pretty good sign I have to improve my ana and do more


Replay solves nothing because very few players are going to go and waste time watching a reply for someone who isn’t even accessible after the fact. People could like blatantly in Team Chat and when you say “well, anyone can watch the replay” they’d laugh because they know the only one doing that is you.

A scoreboard makes it impossible for them to do that, because EVERYONE is going to press tab and look at it when it is referenced.

The scoreboard has also deleted the amount of piling on that you get when you mention something, to. Without it, people will generally just defend whoever they “like” more in that instance. But, when the scoreboard is giving them that information, they won’t join in and embarrass themselves. They stay on the sidelines.

In OW1, it’s very hard to say anything about how a Tank or Support is playing, because players tend to default to their side due to their roles. The DPS are usually fair game, especially if one is trying to shot call (for some reason, players in this game have an aversion to anyone but themselves taking the lead).

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I personally think it’s because people are more used to getting healed to full in less than a second.
Brig’s heals are quite slow imo and can’t keep up with burst damage unlike the other supports.

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Report them and then disable chat. It is so annoying. I bet that guy stands out in the open in front of tanks. Thank god for the scoreboard.

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Thats the whole flipping point both of us end up not switching then i get to play my hero in flipping quick play and sometimes they get the blame

Yeah. This is obvious to anyone discussing in good faith. But say this in the forums and always there would be a group that would insist a scoreboard isn’t perfect, so therefore it’s useless.

I suspect some of these are people who throw games to sell accounts, and a scoreboard makes the hard throws way too obvious and Blizzard knew this. Some of the more vocal whiteknighters have even admitted that ranking up (or down) accounts was their way to pay for school.

Be the change you want to see

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It’s hard to notice Brig’s healing after Ana bringing Hog from 100hp to full in 2,5 seconds. Something something healing creep.

If you’re going to do that prepare to thanklessly do the job nobody wants to do all day while suffering abuse from the people who could never be bothered to do it themselves. I speak from experience as a perennial “team player”.