Would u report a DPS healer throwing games?

Personally I would consider the reports legitimate based on the rationale here:

One does not ‘accidentally’ play battle mercy that is a choice they make. Spending all game with your pistol out and never using your staff? That is gameplay that the player knows or ought to have know would be disruptive to their team.


I agree with you but the ToS says otherwise. If they are actually trying to win then, technically, your reports are false reports.

I don’t agree with the ToS, but it is the “law of the land” of sorts.


As noted in dev comments on the reporting changes:

“For a player to be reported for Gameplay Sabotage, they must intentionally be trying to disrupt and harass their teammates or actively trying to lose.”

Playing in an intentionally disruptive way satisfies the first part of that condition, it isn’t necessary to believe they are trying to lose.

Taking main healer and then refusing to heal because you didn’t want to wait in DPS queue is intentionally disruptive.

You have to establish intent though. That was the main point of my first post on this thread.

If that battle Mercy is trying their heart out and trying to win and not trying to “disrupt” then you cannot report them.

The issue is establishing intent.

I want to repeat that I do agree with you and I think they should be reported.


Except, it isnt

using icewall to block one’s team is is disruptive

using teleporter to lead your teammates off a cliff is disruptive

etc etc

Disrupt means to cause disorder or turmoil.

What do you think happens to your team when the main healer refuses to do their job in an appropriate manner?


Establishing intent is an unreasonable benchmark, in that it would make reporting any sort of trolling or gameplay sabotage inherently false.

If, on the balance of probabilities based on observed behaviour (and we have replays now too) you legitimately believe the player was intentionally disruptive or throwing then you should report.

In the CoC (Blizzard Support - Blizzard's In-Game Code of Conduct) states:

Behavior that intentionally detracts from others’ enjoyment (such as griefing, throwing, feeding, etc.) is unacceptable. We expect our players to treat each other with respect and promote an enjoyable environment. Acceptable behavior is determined by player reports and Blizzard’s decision, and violating these guidelines will result in account and gameplay restrictions.
While we encourage you to report players that are behaving in a disrespectful manner, falsely reporting another player with the sole intent of restricting their gameplay is also unacceptable and will result in penalties to your account.

As long as your report is in good faith and not made with the intent to restrict the other player’s gameplay then you should be ok.

Ultimately blizzard will review, or delegate their review to whatever system the deem fit, and judge accordingly.

I would submit that no reasonable player, having played enough games to get to comp mode, would believe that playing pistol only mercy is not going to be disruptive to their team.

The ice wall intentionally prevents the player from leaving spawn, ergo this is a disruption of their activities

The teleporter off a cliff intentionally results in teammates death

Not healing doesnt stop a player from any activity they wish to engage in.

…all that said…

I have stated multiple times that I personally prefer my support steam members to heal, and as I support main, I heal first, all else is secondary.

but rules are rules

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Well, if you believe ignoring your teammates ‘i need healing’ prompts and letting them die on screen to you can DPS when you are main healer is not intentionally disruptive, then don’t report it.

Other people reasonably, in my opinion, believe that it is. Game mods would need to make a call when they get the reports.

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That’s not true necessarily. If someone is jumping off of the stage over and over and walling teammates in spawn with Mei that is very clearly intentionally disruptive.

I do agree that having to establish intent is a bit too much.

The problem I have with this is people simply report for sabotage because they didn’t play well. I don’t trust the interpretations of this community in this regard.

I’ve been told I was throwing for not staying on heal aura as Lucio.

I can’t agree, again, because people will report for sub-par gameplay in “good faith” without any ill intent.

And I would agree with you.

I’m on your side, mostly.

I get that you are saying that not being healed detracts from your enjoyment of the game

I do understand that…I assure you, I do.

I want to be healed as well.

question is - if player x plays pistol only Mercy or purple beam only Moira, are they intending to detract from your enjoyment, or are they trying to win the game in this fashion? Keep in mind that player x probably does not know you at all…a random teammate who almost certainly has nothing against you personally

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A player is not required to have sound on to play the game

Not really, I’d avoid and move on. There’s also the option currently to also fill in support or swap to a self healing dps.
I get it, those types of people are incredibly frustrating to play against. I’m rather reluctant to report things like that because a lot of the times the “dps” supports do occasianally use their healing, or they’re healing but I’m taking so much damage I don’t even notice it.
There’s also the type of person who see Mercy take out her pistol to defend herself and report her for "dpsing "

It’s in their kit, they’re using it. Poor gameplay isn’t reportable. Nothing can stop you from reporting it, but personally I don’t.

The only time I’ll report is if they’re ignoring the objective to jump off cliffs, say hello, or run around doing nothing.

Also calling out specifically dodo in the op is unnecessary.

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I mean, anyone CAN report just by calling up the prompt, for whatever reasons they want.

The question is, having regard to the CoC and published reporting rules whether or not those reports are legitimate, or ill-intended enough to warrant an action against the reporter. Ultimately only blizzard or their delegated system can make that call when they decide to take action or not.

For the reasons I’ve stated I would not feel wrong about reporting a battle mercy or DPS moira, or that I would be guilty of an actionable offence for doing so. In reality though I would probably just avoid and go next.

At most ranks SR is performance based so you don’t need to report people playing poorly to get them out of your games. Even if they get carried, they will gain little SR and when they lose they will lose more.

Furthermore, the problem with reporting people for how they play is that it has to be very, very, very, VERY obvious or you WILL get a lot of false reports come through. This is why the only gameplay sabotage that is considered reportable is literally griefing allies to their deaths and standing still in front of enemies so they can kill you for free.

You can’t turn something like healers not healing into a reportable offense because people have proven to have VERY bad awareness of what other people are doing in their games. Any healer main knows that you can be working your butt off and people will claim you haven’t healed all game just because they glanced at you once and you happened to be doing something other than healing. The same applies for tanking and healing as well. No one has enough evidence to make these reports unless they themselves are throwing by watching you all game to see everything you’ve done.

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There is also a text prompt and an icon, and a ‘critical health’ indicator on screen.

critical health indicator is not necessarily seen, and neither is the text prompt…one cannot presume that any of these things are seen by the player

It is not realistic to think that, while playing main healer, your teammates do not expect you to heal them at all. You shouldn’t need to know your teammates personally to realize that.

I have already stated that as a support main I prefer to heal first, and I prefer support teammates heal me

preferences are not the same as the rules

Sure, support might miss a few times, or tunnel vision, etc… Those are mistakes and not reportable, or maybe it’s a concious decision the player makes because they felt the needed to do something else in that moment. That is very different from pistol only mercy or DPS flanker moira with no intention to heal.