Would u report a DPS healer throwing games?

Okay so alot of people dont want 222 and are saying they will attempt to sabotage games by playing healer as a DPS due to the negative impact on DPS que times. This was my response to that.

But in another thread im seeing people (against 222 obviously) DEFEND this behaviour and claim it to be acceptable and non-reportable to run around as mercy with your pistol out providing zero heals and ruining the game for your 5 team mates.

So apparently im as bad as an aimbotting widowmaker and should uninstall because i would report people for intentionally trying to ruin a game for the rest of the team in a competitive game.

Would you report this behaviour if role que came in? I 100% would personally


No, If they can pull it off then they should’nt be reported

I play with a Moira player who only uses dps abilites an heals on second hand

They currently have been in masters but sit in diamond at around 3.2k

If you are able to pull it off then you should be allowed to play the hero the way you want to


ofc i would report it… its pure throwing and this players deserve the bans.

there is still a difference to a dps moira and a moira who straight up refuses to heal… when i see a dps moira on my team and im playing the second healer i just scream at them in voice chat that im dead and that they have to heal the team now and they do heal in this moments… so a player who refuses to do their job to the bones will get reported.


Unless they ONLY DPS, I doubt you could even tell without watching a replay. If you report people now because you do not feel like you are getting healed, that will probably remain the same. Most of them will likely go Zen/Lucio, so… Good luck figuring it out. Rofl.

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I wouldn’t report but I would flame

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I would just report, avoid and move on.


There’s a difference between playing healer aggressively and going for a more damage oriented balance of damage and heals, and throwing by doing NOTHING but DPS.

The first is ok if questionable as a strategy. The second is throwing.

You can easily tell. For instance, someone just playing Moira aggressively typically still heals a lot, more than an off healer.


If forced 222 rolequeue is adaopted…and i really, really hope it isnt…any player is permiited to queue under any role by current rules

It would not be breaking the rules of the game for a Mei ontrick to select Rein in a game at present. Any player can by the rules pick any character

This same player could then by current rules queue as any of the three roles…no rules broken


And mercy running around with pistol all game imo is deserving of a report. Aggressive moiras/zens and anas are fine as long as they still heal


100% would report. ((


In competive yes I would report them. However they can do that in quick play.


If someone is genuinely attempting to win the game and is playing the objective and engaging the enemy, it is not a reportable offense to play “DPS healer”.

If we have a 2/2/2 lock and your team isn’t getting enough heals, that is the fault of the system, and why we should not have forced 2/2/2.


If they’re doing the bare minimum with regards to healing or going full DPS healer, then yes. I’ve done so a few times for gameplay sabotage. Pretty sure if I didn’t deploy a barrier as a barrier tank I’d be considered a feeder and reported.

Reporting a support for dpsing is false reporting per Blizzards written rules

False reporting is breaking the rules of the game, rules each player agreed to obey when they installed the game

Rulebreakers are liable to be actioned


Supports are allowed to deal damage, it’s part of their kit for a reason. They could even prioritize dealing damage over healing and that’s arguably simply a playstyle choice, possibly a bad one.

Supports who refuse to heal at all during a match are a different matter. That’s deliberately disadvantaging your team, a.k.a. throwing, a.k.a., gameplay sabotage.

Blizzard has never said that refusal to heal is not gameplay sabotage, not reportable, or that reporting non-healing supports is false reporting.


I would report this behavior. Because you are intentionally not playing the role you agreed to play. This isn’t just being bad at the game, you are INTENTIONALLY lying about the role you want to play.

And to me intent makes all the difference.


That’s an easy “yes”

The SR system would help sort these players out natively, but even so, they would be very intentionally abusing the role queue/lock system so that they could knowingly play at a sub-optimal level. If your intent is to play suboptimally, knowing that it will be a detriment to your team, because you don’t want to wait on the queue, then you’re throwing. That’s gameplay sabotage, and that is reportable.

And, frankly, people who defend and make excuses for that kind of behavior should probably be viewed in similar light, even if their support for that behavior isn’t deserving of an actual punitive response

The developers will need to come out and clarify if not healing as a support is grounds for being reported.

Not healing as a support is throwing games and should be reportable.


i would report it and i did report often a dps healer sometimes i can understand the decsion of needing to damage when a char is 1 hp or something but there are people who play ana and stay at 2k healing while mercy or bap is already at 8 k or 10k

There is a difference between what the rules permit a player to do and what players expect from their teammates

I do get that players want supports to heal. I really do. I want my supports to heal too. As a support main myself, i heal first and all else comes second.


Reporting based on preferences rather than rules is false reporting