i play often tank and i somtimes have to fill other roles and see other people tank or when i tank and the off tank is not moving forward with me i report too … if it happens the whole game because being a tank means you have to go forward and be first since u have the biggest health pool, basically i report every charachter who is not doing his or her job… if i got a mei and a sombra in my team and i have gold damage as a tank i wont report them as long as i see hacks and freezes are there, it means they are doing their job if i see a junk with low damage i report … if i see a widow with low pick rates i report … if i see a doom who keeps dying to hog, brig and pharah i report … but i report if they dont switch and adapt … because it is a team game and as much as i am putting effort in the game and filling a gap i would like the other person to do the same for me … because in moba games u can make it fun for everyone if you cooperate or you can wreck it for everyone if you play for yourself only
If they fully focus on damage. Yes you’ll be reported. Don’t play support if you don’t want to “support”.
so does this mean we can report our DPS players for not getting kills? or does that logic only apply to support heroes?
The actual logic would be to report DPS players for not doing ANY damage and yes i would do this if i noticed it. Getting kills and healing are incomparable.
For example i had an enemy sombra constantly coming up to me and saying hello one game and then next game she was on my team and spent game either invis or emoting and saying hello to enemies
That’s 100% worthy of a report imo
Ive seen about 50 people say this to Megadodo and every reponse has been the same
Its honestly quite sad
Would I? I already do I report them and check ‘avoid as teammate’
if they’re not contributing properly as if they were a DPS… then yes, you can. Some healers can do accidental healing with no penalty either, like with Baptiste, there’s no excuse not to hold left click and right click at the same time if you just intend to focus on damage.
Elaborate pls because this not about lack of heals, its about a healer, not healing anybody at all. Something a handful of self entitled anti222 people are claiming they would do if it came in due to pettiness.
If mercy is engaging the enemy all game with her pistol its still throwing
Whatever it is, if it’s tied with DPS players, you should report them, because they are clearly throwing if they play something else than DPS, because DPS are the only bad tanks and supports, and everyone else can play their role. Ain’t I right?
Yes, I do report throwing.
Okay, but only if we make non barrier tanks reportable too /s
This is like “if pancakes are blue and the sky is cloudy, what is the capitan’s pet?”. Thats exactly what you said. Reformulate it.
No. If they want to be bronze they can be bronze so long as they’re trying to play the objective.
Who knows, they might accidentally heal someone.
I have no respect for supports who play healers as dps, they should and always should be reported at all times.
It’s pure throwing without any doubt and if anyone is here defending such players then they are just simply trolling. It makes no sense to play such a crucial role that way.
The most likely culprits who do this from my experience are toxic RightClickYatta mains and Dps wannabe sniper Ana mains. I just hate them to be honest, I literally hate such players and absolutely hate playing with them. All they have in mind is how to spoil the team’s day, that’s all they seek to do and all they seek to provide to the team. I report them and call them out as well, at some rare occasions some of them may start playing properly if enough players pay attention to the call out but most of them are just shameless so to say.
If I was in a stadium filled with 100,000 flat earthers are screaming at me that the earth is flat, this would not change what I know to be correct, that the earth is roughly spherical
AS I said, i get that almost everyone wants healers to heal.
I really, really do
I am a support main and thats my priority, personally
The rules do not line up with person preference, tho
I report players for gameplay sabotage when it is obvious that they aren’t making a good faith effort to win a competitive match.
That clearly includes healers not doing their job, which is probably the most common throwing/deranking tactic I’ve seen. I imagine deranking is boring, killing people with Mercy is a way to break the monotony. Still reported though.
Just depends. Refusing to heal vs trying to win on dmg.
Team kill comes up, I’m rein at 59 hp, I expect mercy to heal me.
Get ult charge, don’t make me wait on a health pack out of position and vulnerable over dmg.
There’s really no reason for zen not to heal,
Ana and brig have no choice. So between Moira mercy lucio and bapt, I judge accordingly
Why? My message is clearly seen in lines.
So apparently im as bad as an aimbotting widowmaker and should uninstall because i would report people for intentionally trying to ruin a game for the rest of the team in a competitive game.
Would you report this behaviour if role que came in? I 100% would personally
The problem is establishing intent.
Megadodo is right in the sense that you cannot report someone for “playing badly”
You can, however, report someone that is intentionally throwing.
This is where it gets sticky though. How can you establish intent?
Is that battle Mercy actually trying their heart out and wanting to win? Then you, technically, should not report them.
Are they doing it to sabotage the game? Then, yes, that is technically reportable.
Establishing intent is notoriously difficult, though, because people can simply lie about their intentions.