Would Mercy players really rather see Rez get nerfed?

it was clearly not fine for 2 reasons

  1. her pickrate and win rate, fairly straight forward
  2. your, or at least the “Mercy” community around here, you know who they are, incessant pleas for a revert which is not only based on nostalgia and bias but also is supported by this weird idea that calls Mercy a boring hero

mind you, by decreasing how much healing she can do you are effectively increasing her skill floor because the only thing that determines whether you live or not is your personal skill and not your quasi immortal teammate

valk needs to be removed completely, Rez shouldn’t be an ability at all, that’s what’s wrong with the many many attempt to nerf mercy.


Here is where you’re wrong

Every part of a hero’s kit CAN have the same weight, say if for example Mercy’s healing beam did 300 hps, its value would be the exact same value or probably even more than Rez itself, it’s all a matter of numbers really

Her pickrate and winrate aren’t because of her healing. It’s because rez on E has too much value for an ability that doesn’t have to be earned, and valkyrie erases too many of her weaknesses.


again, it doesn’t matter, she’s up there that’s the fact, the path you take to bring her down doesn’t matter, the end goal is the same, to bring her down

I like what you said and maybe mercy can have two ultimates like Dva or the old Symetra. For example if I wanna use Rez as an ult mercy will have some part of Valkyrie can be an ability and if I wanna have Valkyrie as an ult then Rez would be an ability. It’s probob crazy but it’s what I think

Let me rephrase it: each part of a hero’s kit does not share a weight, each part has its own weight. However, changes to the weight of one part doesn’t always have the same effect as changing the weight of another part. If one part is weighted too heavily, you should reduce the weight of that part, not the weight of a completely different, non-problematic part.

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No Rez should never be an ability, it is way too strong, that’s why she is too OP. Rez should be an ult that she needs to contribute and gain, not a free given ability to use whenever.

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I would rather see it removed.

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does this sound like a revert to you?

You can’t just look at statistics without looking why they’re the way they are. It absolute does matter the path you take. The end goal isn’t just “to bring her down”, it’s to make her balanced with the other healers while also making her fun, both to play as and against.


And this is what on the game design world is known as homogenizing, which a concept that is incredibly dreaded by both players and designers alike, ideally what you want is for a character to have one strong trait that defines both the character’s place and its usage

You can have that without having the hero’s kit be completed weighted towards that one aspect. That’s how you get heroes like pre-rework Hanzo, with one overly powerfuly ability on an otherwise underpowered kit.

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And you’re wrong again, hollistically, the game needing a healer was never written down, healers have found their place in the game because of their own individual value, the goal IS to bring her down because she’s not only pushing out other support heroes, she’s pushing out even other heroes in other classes

Hanzo is the one pushing out other hero’s of other classes.

nice try.

and you think Rez is this almighty skill? you are literally almost stunned in place, it’s more than gated at this point, Rez is fine, Mercy’s value is not

Hanzo is also getting balanced my dear, using your own logic, with this one, he’s received 3 nerfs already and counting

Again, the goal isn’t just to bring her down. The goal is to bring her to the same level as the other healers while also making her fun, both to play as and against. You have to look at the reasons for statistics and not just the statistics themselves, otherwise they mean nothing and have no value.


Then would you agree that the hero who spends 99% of match time healing should be strong because of their healing output? I just don’t see why you would rather keep a mechanic that’s blatantly OP instead of keeping the rest of her kit reliable and enjoyable?

Except they are actually nerfing most of what needs to be nerfed for hanzo.

now that’s grav doesn’t 100% always get everyone his pickrates will drop and leave room for other dps to be used which in turn allows for more variety in tanks and healers.

the same cannot be said for mercy’s nerfs or state.