I don’t even know why they don’t allow ult cancel via take a breather. I thought an ult was meant to give you an advantage. Why allow genji to deflect when he uses blade? Same thing.
The amount of times I have been point-blank and used the ult for them to go sailing into the distance and not die makes me rage. It also feels like when I am pinning people into corners it takes so long for them to die I may as well go and make a cup of tea and come back.
The ult should shred people at close range, I mean almost insta death. Medium and long range less effective.
Actually, I’d say hanzo’s is one of the higher skill cap ults in the game - it can be used as a third “tank” to make space, you can deny areas with it, split enemy teams up, it combos with tank ults for multi kills, it’s a really, really useful ult. And it charges so quickly, so you have more freedom to use it in creative ways. Honestly, it’s under rated in my opinion
It’s almost assuredly Doom. I feel like McCree is also up there. He has a strong kit generally but his ultimate is a little lackluster. Whole Hog deserves a special mention too. One tricking Roadhog lately it’s usually only worthwhile to get a safe kill on a fat or cornered target.
Widow´s infra sight.
Hanzo can do the magic with his ability.
When I play Mercy and I wanna revive person with full ult, it would never be Widow, cause her ult won´t make any difference or win a fight.
I’d argue that since Rocket Punch also contains a stun, having Meteor Strike allows Doom a more consistently effective counter to a larger range of Ults then a knockback alone.
Plus it lets Doom fully cycle his abilities, and gives him more options where Wholehog limits Hog’s options.
Oh, you mean the, “just wait behind this wall/shield for a few seconds and you’ll be alight” button. I laugh at the people who say it’s one of the best in the game, and I have actually heard someone say it’s top 3 and I think it’s crazy
I don’t know the stats but I’d be willing to bet that the sym wall has one of the best team fight win percents in the game. It’s not a sexy ult, like you’ll never get a 3k sym wall kill, but in terms of winning fights it’s good. Kinda like Orisa ult. Really good, just not super sexy
Can’t fix stupidity. 5k barrier and people want to be shot at. That’s their fault.
That said, can we have Symm’s Shield Generator back?
Also, Widow’s ult is just… useless.
I actually prevented a teamwipe by Barrage (we were stuck in grav) because of that wall, and ended up having Pharah kill herself from it. It was POTG, lmao.