You ever play against someone who has wall hacks?
Its useless because Hanzo can do the same without ulting…
They are not the same
Close enough to be…
There is no way you think splitting the point in half and letting everyone on point shield dance can possibly be the worst ult?
I’d say it’s one of the best ults dps heroes have.
Whole hogs not too bad if you get some one stuck in a corner or your booping them off map
So many times have I written in comms “1000 hp gone in 2 seconds. smh.”
It absolutely has its uses, and as mentioned os a decent counter to NanoBlade, ect. All Ults are situationally useful and can get value.
That said, it has a TON of downsides and is easily the worst Ult IMO, especially out of the Tank spot, a role just jammed packed with amazing Ults.
They both reveal enemies and after that their similarities end
Probably Dooms. Hold S and you counter lmao
Valkyrie. Has it’s impact spread thinner, than jam on toast.
Visor is very close, but at least can compensate player’s lack of aiming.
Theres a quite few:
Doomfist (just awful)
Winston (hard to use, also 1000hp is not much)
Reaper (can be good if executed in the air but with so much CC its bad on the ground)
Mercy (I dont understand it)
Pharah (more like a duel ult than anything, pretty much suicide)
Soldier (Visor is easily counterable)
Ashe (Bad in higher level play)
Widow (Hide and Seek for a few seconds, hanzo has it on cooldown)
Hog (CC destroys it, also more of an area control ult)
I actually don’t hate Doom ult anymore. Grants a very long duration of invincibility for CDs to come back and provides guaranteed damage. You often don’t get kills but you damn near always do damage that you can follow up on with your abilities.
Mercy’s is useful in the fact that it can do chain healing.
OR you can combo it with Nano, go into Battle Mercy and watch as everyone flees (not kidding, a Nano’d Valk’d Mercy is the scariest thing there is)
For me is valkyrie and brig ults. They are so bad omg the heals are so bad even brig dies oneshoted by snipers with her ult activated
I still find chain healing quite bad though, it cant really counter any offensive ults, I guess it can help go through a choke?
I mean for QP sure but comp thats 2 ults down the drain
Sigma & Doom’s ult are trash simply because of the targeting marker & the cast time either take the marker out for the enemy or make the cast time instant (drop for doom, lifting for sigma) when you use it, take both out they become extremely good ults
Not anymore. The lack of falloff means you can play outside the effective range of my shutdowns and still get value. Just take up an off angle that will require a lot of enemy resources to counter or they get stuck in a crossfire.
doomfist without question