Worst ult in the game?

What do you think is the worst ult in the game in this patch?

I think it’s visor. There’s just so many abilities in the game that shut it down or negate it in some way. Also for the top tier players who have very good accuracy, it might even nerf their damage


Not only that but juggling properly is one of the mechanically hardest things to do on tank


Let me say Pharah’s before anyone else does.


Winston ult.

Widowmaker ult. Can be useful, but falls short compared to other dps ults.

Hanzo ult. Easy to avoid.

I’m also not a huge fan of Pharah ult.

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With the new patch you may retract this thread.

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I personally feel like Sym has the worst ultimate

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But nobody builds it like her, and she builds it very inexpensively.


From just a feeling stand point… Mercy ult feels like nothing to me. It is useful indeed, it just feels… underwhelming for me

From a value standpoint… winston I guess?



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Visor is an ok ultimate so long as a barrier isn’t in your face. It even targets immortality field plus with the buff it just got it’s definitely better than it’s been in the past.

Meteor Strike on the other hand, it’s used more as an escape/reposition tool. Barriers nullify it and the centre circle is tiny and easy to walk out of by the time he comes down.

It’s wall hacks for your entire team across the map on a sniper that can one hit ko most of the roster…

Sure it doesn’t explode the enemy team but to say it’s one of the worst is a stretch.


Ugh, you make a good point. I hate Mercy’s ult. It’s so laaaaaaaame!

This was a tough question, OP. There’re so many right answers.


Widow’s ult forces the enemy team to not peek for its duration


Reaper’s by far. Not really that high damage and so easy to predict and interrupt. Almost always leads to death too. Pharah’s does too but it usually at least gets 1 just because of the high initial damage.


Probably Doom. Can’t remember the last time I died to it and he’s supposed to be a dps lol.


It’s not a bad ability. I never said it was. Just not good compared to most other dps ults.

Doom’s ult is pretty bad, it hardly gets kills, and is usually just an escape ability to reset his CDs. Monke ult is sometimes bad since it’s difficult to use and even with 1000 hp he just gets deleted pharah’s I think is ok it just requires coordination and a good setup.


High skill cap, extremely good if you are good.

Again at high level play where seconds count…15 seconds of complete vision is incredibly powerful.

50/50 on this
A well placed hanzo ult can isolate a target to kill…the ult itself doesn’t necessarily need to get the kill. One of the better zoning ults but easily avoidable like you said from the actual damage.

Hard to get value at all without dying yourself

For me it’s doom ult… it’s more of an extra ability every so often


Monkey is not the worst ult in the game at all.

Instant hp that can’t be anti’d.

Maybe it’s the worst tank ultimate, but after the orisa nerfs i’d go with hers (in the tank role)

“Cease your resistance!”

-So you’ve chosen death.

Worst ultimate, killstats wise would be df, but we’d be negating the utility as an escape tool with frame 1 invincibility.

If we consider killrate, cree is still the worst ult.

But at least it can be cancelled.

Pharah imo is the worst one. Extremely thin chances of surviving, hard to get value due to delayed rng projectiles, and actually self damages so doing it at a reliable range means suicide.

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Pharaohs ultimate functions as a suicide button.

Also Widows ult isn’t exciting at all, so I hate it.

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reaper ult cus u just die or stunned or dm’d usually, poor reaper mains