Worst ult in the game?

Primal is just hard, not bad. Barrage is suicidal but does bring unique value, that can make all the difference. The big blue wall has a high skill floor but is really strong. Meteor is a legitimately useful escape tool.

Visor though? It’s best uses are making a loud distraction and sandbagging.

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lol in MH the other day i was on bastion all set up when a doomfist used strike on me. he landed directly on top of me in my line of fire and i instantly melted him. i was completely defenseless and a full meteor strike commitment couldnt kill a solo bastion.

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Wholehog, and it’s not even close.

Can’t use vape, movement penalty, and canceled by a stiff breeze.

Anyone who listed Primal, Infrasight, Supercharger, or Valk is a bit nutty.

Meteor Strike, Configuration: Tank, and Barrage come to mind.

I would have included Tactical Visor but the buff it just got that removed falloff while it’s in use is pretty awesome.

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Sym wall is probably the worst, and people still walk through it…

Tank: Minefield for sure, and I know this will be an unpopular opinion, but its honestly SO overrated.

Support: Bap window, no contest. Another insanely overrated ult. Only really good if you’re running orisa rein.

DPS: Visor, obviously.

Meteor Strike no contest, it’s just a glorified disengage tool, They even buffed Tac Visor and Call Mech which were the only other ults that even compared in level of uselessness so…


Had a similar scenario but I was playing Symmetra and put up ultimate and just stepped onto the other side of the wall. Dude was gobsmacked I took no damage and immediately switched after he died.

While you can argue other damage ultimates get tremendous value from zoning or burst in an instant. Meteor Strike lacks in either category and why it’s become mostly an escape or repositioning tool.

It’s like seeing a Genji pull out dragonblade just so he can dash over to health pack. It’s a little embarrassing to use an ultimate in a way most characters can use with just their base abilities.

Whole Hog was the first thing I thought of. Disables his survivability tool, pushes enemies outside his kill range, pretty meh damage. Only really useful if you can trap enemies in a corner with it, or knock them off a ledge.

Meteor Strike is also pretty terrible. You’re unlikely to get kills from it, and most players just use it to get away from a fight. DVa’s mech recall is scarier, and that’s saying something.

I don’t know that it’s bad, but Valkyrie is certainly one of the most BORING ults. Especially compared to what it replaced.

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Valk is definitely not bad. Boring is subjective. Certainly if all you do is stand in a corner and hold/toggle the button it would be. It is a very versatile ult though.


Meteor strike. Just a glorified sombra translocator that does cosmetic dmg

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Rein ult, game has million shields now

Wholehog is extremely good, and versatile, just not a team wipe like hammer and grav.

Primal is the best door kicker ult in the game, and if your team is good at the brawl aspect of team fights, probably the best tool to initiate.

Worst ult is probably visor, and I doubt this buff will make it any different. You are still doing outright less damage without headshots.

Primal is bad because it’s insanely hard to master, especially on console. It’s only good if you’re on cheese boop maps like Ilios or Lijang.

Whole hog isn’t the best either. Slow mobility, low survivability, low damage, someone can SNEEZE on you and cancel it, and knocks people out of the kill range. Only good if you trap someone in a corner (granted their team isn’t nearby) or like primal, use it on cheese boop maps.

Amp Matrix is meh. You need a coordinated team in order to use it properly. Most Baps also think there’s a barrier in front and just stand out in the open and get deleted by a Widow or something.

Valkyrie’s pretty low on the bar too. Really easy to zone out and spam damage cam negate the healing in a second. Sure you can use it to solo a Pharah/Widow, but you risk not being with your team and using that chain healing/damage boost.

I honestly can’t remember the last time I got a kill with Meteor Strike. Maybe a poor helpless Zen once upon a time, but really nothing else. Most of the time it’s a get-out-of-jail free card. Also, good luck getting that achievement. I’ve been playing the game since 2016 and haven’t even gotten it once.

You’re probably better off using config tank to get into a better position to use sentry mode than use it for kills as Bastion. Too many things can just delete the shells. Any barrier (maybe besides Brig’s), Sigma grasp, Dva matrix, Genji deflect, etc.

There’s probably more worse ults but these are the ones I can think of on the top of my head.


You can get the exact same level of impact with Mercy just by using her normal beams/ga efficiently. All valk does is make her base kit easier to use.


It’s Pulse Bomb with High Noon being the only close contestant tbh. Visor is probably top 3 material too

Any other answer has probably some highly biased reasoning behind them

Nah, Sym’s ult can be some of the greatest annoyance to deal with

Like, you can deny an Ana healing from across the map, and she either has to walk through the wall, or her team either have to destroy or walk back from it.

Put it on the point and you will severly cripple any supports that have their heals blocked by shields, while yours can still pump them out.

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Funnily she has one of the highest kill rate ults.

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barrage is death often times
but unlike barrage you can actually kill people with it unlike meteor strike
weird how the dps whos entire kit is around killing has an ultimate that is less reliable for getting kills than any of his abilities.

Ah yes, Silawatsi calling something apparently bad about her favorite hero since the dawn of time. Wouldn’t be the same without you.