Worst advice you've received in-game

I was told to “switch to a maintank.”
We were playing Winston Ball

That can actually be a valid tip, some people swap waaay too often and since this game is an ult game you lose a lot of value.

Best advice I ever got

Never use charge on rein is actually not that bad tho, many low rank reins struggle with a correct charge usage, so never using charge can bring a rein player who understands the basics out of gold. I would still not give this advice since it only avoids the problem without solving it.

I tried that.
10/10 would do again

First couple seasons I would get the “Quit switching on speed boost your messing up my aim. Just stay in heal.” while playing Lucio.

It can be good advice if you’re getting staggered as D.Va.

In-game, that is.

one thats always made me laugh is when things go south “its always your fault or blame yourself” guess we ignoring throwers, ragequitters, trolls i could go on lol

Nah, I got a Sombra to get the high ground to deal with Widow (which I successfully did), after they got a tighter comp and I wasn’t getting value from her I swapped to Reaper or Soldier (don’t remember) and the guy complained.

Ana never landed a sleep dart on him. I’m pretty sure she even slept herself at one point

It aggravated me because it was literally the Sombra player who said that. I was in about Gold at the time, so I complied simply because I didn’t want to get yelled at again. He died so many times…Just like he wanted, probably :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The way I see it, a teammate in danger is a teammate in danger and I’m going to heal one if I see them.

I had to follow an invisible Sombra as Mercy when she was running alone to the other side of the map to EMP the enemies and I had to follow up on that. I was the only healer in the game btw.

I kindly told that person that he should question his game sense after I laughed a couple minutes.

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Only bad advice if above diamond tbh

Thats terrible advice. You should use charge on CD.

“Heal me, Mercy”
Goes invisible

For some reason I’m laughing so hard imagining that scene :joy::joy:

I once told my friend I wanted to practice with Tracer and he immediately interrupted me by going “you’re not good enough for tracer. You’re a support main. Your aim isn’t good enough for her.”

I mean duh that’s why I want to PRACTICE playing her. (but tbh I think he didn’t want to lose his pocket healer lmao)

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He was raging hard when I “didn’t followed up”.

Can i just take the easy way out and say when people tell me to k*s? I’ve been told that multiple times and that advice is still just as bad as ever

someone told me to get cancer and kill myself and go to hell and that i’m adopted and all of that just because i was nice and said “gr wp” that was a very helpful advice tho it helped me understand how sick some overwatch players are and that sometimes i don’t have to say “gr wp or gg wp” every single game :rofl:

Edit: i got told to shut the f up and to f my sister. lmao

“Mercy is the easiest hero in the game, if you can’t play her, you can’t play anything else.”

Bad news for y’all DPS/Tanks.