Worst advice you've received in-game

“All you have to do to tank is press W”

(And yes, playing a passive, hesitant tank is very bad, but “Just press W” is an excellent way to get melted if you don’t pick a smart moment/spot to press W into)

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That’s so funny to me :joy:

But speaking of not following up, I made a complete tit of myself as Mercy yesterday in Comp - doing Valk/Blade combos with Genji on the Eichenwalde bridge. McCree pulled a High Noon so I ducked under the bridge to avoid it…just as my Valk ended…and down under the bridge I went…“Get your scheisse together please” someone said XD

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NOPE. Mercy, while easy to get the hang of, isn’t exactly the dope’s version of Overwatch by any means. I could compare my Bronze Mercying to my Mercying of today and BOY is there a difference in skill level.
To add, I know a Masters Mercy main who is also a beast of a DPS lol.

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“Why arent we rezzing?” well i cant exactly rez you behind the enemy team

One Mcree told my team we needed to do something about Tracer.


Moira shouldn’t deal damage

ive had multiple people argue with me about healing on moira, saying that i should shoot a constant stream of heal juice at them til they’re topped off and claiming i wasnt healing them because i didnt expend all my resource on them and them alone :roll_eyes:

“Swap off Widow”

hahahahahaha NO.

“Never use Speed Boost!”

Honestly I always find it really hurt to spot trolls on the forum…

Someone said something to me when I was playing with my silver friend that had me with my mouth wide open IRL while playing.
I was genuinely speechless and didn’t reply until it was too late.
Only thing is I can’t remember what is was.

I’ll edit this post if i remember.

I can imagine he immediately regretted the words as soon as they came out of his mouth.
He must have been clenching gut hole so hard just trying to brace for the impending toxicity coming his way.

Soldier and D.Va once told me to swap off Release Brig to Ana so I can deal with the Pharrah. Our second DPS was Genji and Rein and Mercy were the others. Enemy had a Tracer as second DPS with a Rein Zarya combo and Lucio Zen as their healers.

Had a Reinhardt tell me it wasn’t his job to be on payload. Not advice, but we were in overtime. I was playing Ana and healing from afar. A blizzard comes in and both of our tanks jump off payload…

Here’s an update.

Had a Lucio tell the tanks ‘to just press w.’ which they could if he gave us any speed boost possible.

We also had a Widowmaker on the enemy team dominate us and Lucio kept going off solo ulting to try and save only himself.