Worst advice you've received in-game

It’s actually possible and not that bad of an advice. She can body block, but not too much since she only has 200 hp. For example, if your Ana is flanked by any flanker (except DF) and she is on low health, as Mercy it is extremely huge if you heal Ana while soaking up some damage for her. When Ana can take some damage, get behind her and let your self regen kicks in.

Body block is extremely useful for Mercy. As long as the damage is not a burst one.


This isn’t bad advice if the whole team is already dead. Sometimes it’s better to just reset and spawn closer to everyone else instead of trickling. If they were just being a jerk though, nvm lol.


I only like to overextend on KOTH if there’s only time for about one more fight and you’re winning, so you push them back until you get that 100%. Spawn-camping (basically) mid-round is going to end badly most of the time.

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I did that. The game was a loss and some people were getting toxic, so I tried to diffuse the situation by saying, and I remember it well, “Guys, just group up and relax, we can take back the point. We can win.”
I got told to shut up because I was annoying lol.
I also got told to shut up when I asked this kid to stop singing and yelling into the mic because it was getting distracting. I had solo-queued (and I never solo-queue and use my mic these days because I’m shy. I wonder why, looking back on my Bronze days of doing it :stuck_out_tongue: ). I had barely spoken and when I asked him to be quiet or he was getting the mute (as politely as I could), this man told me that he can do what he wants and I need to be quiet because I was being “negative”…


Funny story about this, I had a friend that believed Mercy should never use her pistol in any circumstance. When I played on their account to try out PC Overwatch, they actually had her pistol disabled in their controls.


You got carried. You should thank them.

Picking a hero they think i should play because it’s meta but i have 0 hours on it.

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Widow switch off Widow!

Hog would have worked for that back then since Reaper didn’t heal unless he got a kill and Hog had the more or less guaranteed KO combo.


“If you leave Competitive before the hero select screen timer expires, you won’t lose SR.”


Play quick play with role queue

It was on a good comp game too, the Reinhardt told us to get on the high ground on Hanamura and dive them. Long story short, we lost the game cause my team decided to follow his idea.

No, they told me to do the other kind of killing yourself.

yah then it is literally the worst advice, glad you recognize that :slight_smile:

Roadhog could kill reaper in hook combo. He still can if he aims well.

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I had to. I have way too many hours with Zen.

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Mercy’s not using half her kit is one of my biggest pet peeves of OW along with Tanks that refuse to press W.

tracer has a low health pool, shell get murdered.

Someone told me to NOT call out when Doomfist is behind us, because it was making too many of our team turn around. :woozy_face:


can confirm, ive seen pros utilise this to stop their ulting pharah from getting gibbed.

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