Wonder what the playtime stats say about 222

I can tell you that the population in 3.2k+ has gone down by at least 25-30 percent. More people are playing, but people aren’t going matches after matches. Largely because you don’t want to play same role for 20 matches in a row. Especially anything like Orisa or Moira.

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1 step every 6-12 months is not going to work.

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Gullible much?
“Actually, for your information [they’re in CYA mode]”

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I’m not really going to argue for the obvious here, I’m just going to say that the Overwatch Forums are one of, if not the worst place to receive actual feed back about the game’s true state. And that overall bias and unreliability is a result of many things, such as the fact that, as a Forum, people will naturally be more prone to complaining than acclaiming something, the overall great imbalance in the Forums’ demographics and so much more…

Again, I’m really bored of seeing these anecdotal points being thrown around.

And that’s really because they can be deflected as easily as it is saying that I and the people I come across (friends, etc.) share the polar opposite experience than yours, which is by the way true.

The grand majority of them are high - ranked players, so really their complaints are natural and they’re the only ones whose frustration with the system is completely justified, as they now have to deal with extreme queue times and because 2/2/2 role - lock doesn’t really improve their personal experience as of now, etc.

Even though this goes against the actual date we currently have, as you said, you’re entitled to your own opinion and are free to believe whatever you want :slight_smile:


Okay, so suddenly according to your logic the random anecdotal and biased at best ““data”” found here in the Forums and which are signaling 2/2/2 role - lock’s apparent failure are more trustworthy and accurate than official developer responses??

Wow, just wow… :man_facepalming::man_facepalming:

I mean, there is troll in it`s name, just ignore it.

I’m not going to write all the same things again as I’m up to my neck in work and you clearly are not understanding this. I think you are wrong, I live in this game (for now) and world of gaming and have done my whole life. Since Amigas, ST and Acorn. I’ll agree to differ but let’s say that what you call anecdotal are feelings from the ground up. Not from your biased (blizzard) “fact” sources who obviously are not going to admit their failure.

Just read the first page on how many threads are against it and how many are for.

I find 222 incredibly restricting and frustrating and I know (regardless of what you think) that many many agree.

Have a nice day and enjoy your queue times, flex restrictions and 3 random srs


The forums are a cesspool of toxicity, and should be almost entirely ignored by the devs. People come here to complain, and that’s about it. Since they all agree “game is dead”, they assume they all agree on how it should be balanced/fixed, when in reality, these forums would be the most dysfunctional dev team imaginable.

So why are you here, and Mr Sandwich if you think all the forums are just people complaining? You say complaining, I say passionate gamers who are concerned that their game has been wrecked.

One can be passionate and critical without the extremes these forums go to. I typically stick to Reddit for that reason, and I think I’ll go back now.

Weird, I was going to write exactly that in order to respond to your comments.

Anyway, as I said, you’re free to be entitled to your own opinion no matter what! Even though I’ll never agree to the mindset of not taking into consideration actual data because they don’t agree with your personal opinion and/or considering anecdotal at best points as objective data, but really, if that’s what you want to do then so be it.

Goodbye and have fun :slight_smile:

Just had a game last week in QP Classic where I was forced to play tank solo. I tried Orisa at first, but it wasn’t working out, so I decided to go D.va (enemy ran 2-2-2)

Ended up getting 60% kill participation and fighting for gold damage after having 0 medals on Orisa.

Like, I know D.va isn’t in an amazing spot right now, and my experience was from a single arcade game, but she still definitely has potential.

If dive starts flaring back up again after this new PTR update, D.va will really start to shine again. If not, they will probably continue to buff her or nerf other tanks to make her more viable.

We just have to be patient.

You keep saying this but it’s just not true.

It is literally part of the dev’s jobs to say that a new feature they rolled out has been widely successful.

No company in the world would let their employees say “it’s not working” or “people hate it!” about a new feature.

They’d be looking for a new job soon after.

You’re conflating what a dev for the company is saying with actual verifiable data. The two aren’t the same at all.


I totally understand your logic and that of all the people who have brought up something like this in the past, but I will never consider the fact that some people find the random anecdotal and/or biased at best ““data”” being thrown around in the Forums as more credible/accurate than the official words of the developers themselves, no matter the possibility of that data being somewhat skewed as anything than an illogical joke…

My SR tanked with the 222 because I’m stuck in a role and have to rely on my team to do their job right rather than switch to counter something like I did before. It’s similar to what I hated about League of Legends, I could be the best support but lose because my team can’t get it together.

As i don’t agree with people who take into account other peoples “data” without using their own eyes!

I never played the game since RQ release lol.

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i swear, every post you make in this thread just makes you sound more like an anti vax mom.

“Somehow i’ve convinced myself that the only people who have legitimate data are wrong, and all my arguments are based around anecdotal evidence based on my feelings.”

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I couldn’t have said it better myself ^^

No matter what though, I guess that everyone has the right to be entitled to his own opinion, so if that’s yours, then so be it.

All for a good vacination session. Hell we need them more than ever in my home country. Then I can “see” people get sick without tem.
If you don’t wish to use your own eyes and brain then go ahead reading others data and following them blindly then your choice.
As MikeUchiha says above:

No matter what the data they have, you can sure as hell trust they’re not telling us.

Nope as I said, my own eyes on my friends list, forums, overbuff and you tube tells me all i need to know.

I was going to play last night,ended up not bothering, watching some show and going to bed. That would never have happened pre role q. I would of played regardless of how tired I was, into the early hours and suffered the pain the next day. Funs gone. Truth and you know it.