Wonder what the playtime stats say about 222

So I wonder what the playtime stats say about 222. I would guess fewer people are now playing. In both comp and qp. Bliz would not publish this information though. No chance they would admit it’s not been the greatest success.


Dunno about others, but i play more comp now than before and my sr is better too. So far only ppl i know who are complaining are usually one trick dps players


I’m more curious about qp vs classic play times as it’s probably the most direct example we’ve ever had of how people play the game (qp at least)

Related: viewership continues to decrease on twitch (not that this is THE metric)…probably not the result blizz wants to see but not hard to imagine given how much time streamers spend in queue now

Well i can say, that when and if i play qp, i play old one in arcade games, but i never want to go back old system in comp. So not sure does it tell anything how many ppl play new or old qp. More accurate would be how many comp players there is now, than before 2-2-2 update

Well it’s a change that made more sense in comp than in qp (imo)

They don’t usually make changes and keep the older version playable though…so it presents a unique opportunity to actually gauge the community…

but blizz would never release those numbers…can you imagine if more people were playing classic? Blizz would look like idiots


Honestly I think the twitch metric holds a fair bit of information that the devs are not too happy about.

  1. It shows how it kind of ruined some streamers streams with how little content they can create now.
  2. Audiences do not want to watch an hour long queue and just watch YouTube videos of a streamer play another game they may not have interest in.
  3. And this one is the biggest flop; there was rumor that streamers that left would return and actually the opposite has happened…more left.

Turn off owl reruns and owl itself and OW is scraping the bucket at hardly holding over 10k viewers. Ya it’s an old game but so is LoL so you can’t really use that excuse. This meta is boring to watch just as bad as it is watching people hangout in queue for the duration of sometimes more than 4 games.

I’m in agreement they need to make a change but honestly the damage could already be done some people may not come back again.

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I’ve been laughing at the whole “bringing people back” thing since long before role queue was announced…

Nvm that people left for many different reasons (not just team comps)…people had to know that it would also drive away many…so you’re effectively undoing any gains at the same time (more/less not sure…but still)


…because fewer people are playing…

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Comp for me has been more dead/sparse. Its literally the same faces every night. Like a game of 40 million players is somewho widdled down to a pool of 50 being regurgitated with/against you. Most are toxic/cesspool types who spam reports so that doesn’t help either.

And its not like the matchmaker even tries. At 700sr you’re playing a platinum+ match. At other ranks, the ladder is so sparse they shove 3100s with 3900s.

There is definitely less ladder activity. Its sparse af and the matchings show this.


Wow, your math is perfect. Fewer players means not so skilled players then? (If there really is even fewer players) I personally think that you are just butt hurt because for “SOME” reason you have longer match making times than before. Or you could then play something else than dps

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Idk if it would be accurate tho until they BALANCE the tank and support roles back.

For example, i think a revert of tanks and supports prior to goats is what everyone often thinks about. But imagine a hard revert . Like playstyle and mechanics.

Larger aoe Lucio
30 Zen
Fine. But, 80 dps ana? Launch brig? 50 charge zarya or her aoe back? Armor reverted
Mass Rez?

I think balancing tanks and supports really is the way to go and to make them have their hero again. You can balance from there but there wasn’t any point to change these heroes especially when blizzard knew 222 was in the works.

You need tanks and supports back and they need to have their fun.


Problem is once again that they are unable to react faster. They release 2-2-2 which was an excellent and absolutely necessary change and then they let the game like that for 1 month and a half.

The game was NOT balanced to 2-2-2, and i can’t believe they though it will be OK without changing anything. They should be prepared to make some quick and serious adjustment right after 2-2-2 was live. Balance will never work at that slow rate of patches.

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Actually, for your information, the OW devs themselves have revealed in one of their latest community interactions that the response to 2/2/2 role - lock so far has been “overwhelmingly positive”.

So I guess you’re wrong on this one pal.


as I said, “No chance they would admit it’s not been the greatest success.” maybe they should take a look at their own forum occasionally and not just sycophants at bliz.

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More people are playing since 2-2-2, because it made the game better for everyone except dps insta-lockers.

Your opinion, not mine. My own friends list, being a microcosm of the larger community reflects this, maybe 1-3 on a night now. 3 months ago there were 10-15 on. I’m a support player, plat. The new system has deemed my tank to be high silver. Partly due to the fiasco with the beta unfairly lowering my sr. (Being told it didnt count, then being told 3 days before end the mmr did count - thx to a certain support admin and dev we are not allowed to mention or they wave the silence stick on you (sad but true) )
The result of this is I now almost never play the thing I am best at, as I am working on getting my tank to plat. DPS wise I used to love to play mccree im prob mid gold on DPS and now I really cba with the queing. Imagine- a shooting game where people cant play a shooting character. Then there is the fact you cannot flex anymore (the whole point of overwatch!!)
How all this is better I fail to see. Seriously don’t get the thinking. Never will. Maybe it’s good, finding other things to do with my time now. Still miss the game i love though.

Make no mistake the whole community is not happy like you think it is in your lala 222 land, there’s a hell of a lot of folks out there broken to the core over what they have done to the game.

I hope you’re kidding here…

You understand that the Forums are the most biased place on earth to get feed back for anything concerning the game? A place which is only used to flame others and complain instead of praising and which does not in any way represent the opinion’s of the game’s player base, but rather a completely anecdotal nuisance?

Uhh, what?

Again, you understand that Blizzard are the developers of this game, right? They have all the objective data concerning the game and what they say will always be more trustworthy than the average anecdotal opinion here in the Forums…

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Exactly the same words were used when LFG was released btw. We all know what a ‘success’ that ended up being…


No not kiddin, plenty of praisers on here (like yourself for example) as well as what you call flamers. I call them just people that think role q sux .

yeh I understand who blizz are, but they hear what they want to hear, not what people are really saying.

Sometimes I think people see a different world to the real one.

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Then it’s a shame they didn’t make their voices heard in that Reddit poll. (Pointed out by keeeyt in this thread: Everyone quitting - #42 by kate-22689 )