"Without nade, healing would be too powerful"

A problem people often ignore though is Nade does more than anti heal… it also doubles incoming healing. A lot of the over healing problems come from nade being in effect. Most supports take about 10 seconds or more to heal a tank to full, without them taking dmg.

Ana destroys that by doubling all incoming healing on a group, plus a base heal from the nade. What ever small help anti is to killing tanks, the buff probably causes more problems.

Edit: Oh and the support passive makes it so Ana has to use a nade to heal herself far less often, making more in play for team use.

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Just FYI, it is +50%, not double. Still a lot of extra healing, though.

not having movement acceleration is a major point why i am enjoying this game.
any other fps has movement acceleration…

i would be very sad if that happens to the point of probably quiting the game.

(not because its harder to use hitscan, no it would be because it would feel terrible to play any hero in that case imho)

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Agreed 100% – and also the good news on that front is that very early on the OW2 development they tried this and said they scrapped it because it made the game feel really bad.

Who said that quote?

Was during an AMA:


I’ve seen the idea thrown around a lot, what is the teams stance on movement acceleration?

We actually tried this out early on in OW2 development. The nice thing about it was that it reduced the effectiveness of the AD strafing spam. This made hitscan heroes much more consistent with their damage output, which wasn’t a problem since we could balance around that.

The main problem was that players were so used to how responsive movement feels in OW1 that it was too jarring to make a big a change there and after trying smaller and smaller increments, it kind of got to the point where there wasn’t much tangible benefit to aiming but movement still felt “laggy” so we got rid of it altogether.

I tried CTRL+F nade or healing or “too powerful” and nothing comes up.
Its also from 2022 lol. Kinda weird creating a thread about that now.

Oh my apologies I thought you were replying to my post directly above…

I think what is being referenced was from an recent tweet. Let me see if I can find it…

EDIT: This post I think? I guess it’s from reddit.


Anti-Heal is a useful mechanic for the overall health of the game as it helps to ensure that healing never gets too far out of control. The complaints around it feeling oppressive are understandable (as debuffs are never something players enjoy being affected by) and we’ll be looking for ways to soften its impact while keeping Ana a viable hero.

The simplest solution here is just decreasing the duration of the effect though there is certainly a point where it swings from feeling OP to not useful enough if the time is too low to really capitalize on.

The reaction around it does also suggest that healing is probably too impactful overall so we’ll be looking to address that in the near future as well, whether that is handled in the case of individual heroes like Roadhog Take a Breather or more systemically.

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the joke is that with the no hog nerfs, they show that they are still balancing the game around hardcounters… is soo sad.

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It’s funny that people actually believe that the devs balanced the game around one here and one mechanic

Yeah this sentence is absurd:
Anti-Heal is a useful mechanic for the overall health of the game as it helps to ensure that healing never gets too far out of control.

Anti-Heal should only be used or available as a Combo for an ultimate, like a complement. Nade should just work on allies and Nano should maybe give Anti-Heal to the attacks of the Nano’ed Target for 3 seconds.


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The situation is so dire that I have to agree with SnowmanMan11

I find it weirder that you state the raw numbers with out mentioning the insanely high level of damage in this game.

To be clear there are atleast 4 one shot or kill combo heroes. Probably more just too early to think. Lol.

That’s a fairly odd stance considering how several heroes in game already have movement acceleration, and zero people complain about it.

I’d even say Lucio has always been a firm favourite in terms of community sentiment.

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I actually think, in general, healing is weaker than damage. Which is how it should be. I’ve seen le epic clips of stuff outhealing dragonblade or le epic flanking 76, but I truly believe tanks will fall over if healing is nerfed as much as people seem to want it to be. I think nade’s healing amp could even become more necessary if healing is nerfed like that (coincidentally, it’s that healing amp that often enables those aforementioned outhealing dragonblade clips). I don’t think the problematic aspects of healing are as egregious as people say. Things die even when neither team has an Ana.

I think anti needs to be slashed and, if anything, tanks need to be more self-reliant. If their sustain is shifted from dependence on support healing, you can nerf that support healing. Keeping it a little of A, little of B like it is right now is why people complain about Hog sustain.

Tanks in WoW are their own primary source of healing more often than not. I’m not saying you can 1:1 adapt stuff from WoW to overwatch, but like…

if i spam A D A D my character moves left right left right.
in most other games i played, my character would be basically standing still as i didn’t move far enough.
this results in my feelings in a very nice responsive gameplay on what feels like real heroes with agility compared to a overloaded soldier with muscles that skipped leg day everyday.

I am only considering the base movement, not sure what you mean by some heroes already have it but it could be those i don’t really touch… (lucio beeing one of them)

as a example i am thinking about tracer right now. not using any abilities just the wasd keys.

This game is based on rock-paper-scissors counterplay, and Ana nade is countered by Kiriko’s Suzu, so I’m not sure what this thread is trying to say.

Also, without any counter-play to pocket heals, OW2 becomes a boring damage vs. heal tug-of-war, which is a mind-numbing outcome to nade’s removal.

I honestly want to see support abilities to be less powerful but MUCH shorter CDs. Ana nade becoming 50% anti but being able to be used frequently sounds more engaging while also making it less frustrating for the enemy effected.

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They don’t have to do rough guesses, they should have the numbers of how much healing a hero could do in a match.

over how much nade specifically negates/buffs

be it i’m in the “theirs nothing wrong with nade” camp, it’s impact is kind of overblown in my opinion.

it’s not needed to win fights, nor is it up for any significant portion considering that it’s cooldown is well in the once per fight length catagory.

As mentioned in other threads, the DEV’s have already stated that they cannot modify Ana’s nade code other than cool down rate and duration. The source code is probably no longer available, so OW2 is stuck with the current nade unless Blizz rewrites its code from scratch.