With profiles going private

Like I said, Pathetic.

I can’t sound anymore ridiculous than wanting permission to include my virtual avatar in a video or stream.

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Yeah, we get it, caring about privacy in your view is pathetic because you are an Internet tough guy. Hilarious stuff.

Privacy is not the issue. If you don’t want anybody to see you play (for privacy reasons) then why are you playing an online multiplayer game. Makes sense.

I suggest maybe playing Tetris or something similar.

No, you don’t need access to somebody’s profile, never. You can ask, and if that person don’t answer chances are he wouldn’t have changed hero anyway.

And if you want to tailor your competitive group to your liking, use the LFG tool and set your own demands. When you solo queue you’re about as “entitled” as the next on your team to make shots and calls on what heroes to play.


Repeating your weak argument doesn’t make it any more convincing…

If anyone wants to keep any information about themselves private, it is a privacy issue.

I’m fully in support of this change, anything to help curb toxicity is fine in my book.

Now that you mention it, it makes me uncomfortable that the enemy team knows I lost, I don’t want them to know this information about me how do I keep that private from them ?


If you use a visible online handle to manage personal information that could ruin you if it ends up in the wrong hands whose fault is it?

It seems you lack the ability to delineate between what effects your real life and what doesn’t. Someone being able to view a career profile and access statistics about a game you play is a clearly segrated from that of any real information on you as an individual.

Two very different situations. One is about preference (to play video games or not to) the other is about handling negative commentary in an adult way. Attempting to shield people from all forms of negative experiences is a futile effort. You will always encounter people who are “jerks”. Which means that growing a tougher skin IS the only feasible option.

You have options in game that give you the ability to mitigate your exposure already. Avoid, Block, and Report. Hiding your profile will neither mitigate or remove these experiences. Learning to deal with contention is inherent to maturing as a person. If you have not learned this you have not matured in this respect. In part because so many people may be working to shelter you from it.

I am not saying be devoid of feeling. I am saying be adult in how you manage them.

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Why don’t try being an adult and accept the choices of other people? If you don’t want to hide your profile, you won’t have to.

Being an adult does not require me to agree with this feature.

Having the ability to hide career profiles HURTS me directly. I am a flex player and I also play the role of shot caller when people allow me too. Having career profiles allows me to view what my team is good at, build around them, and make requests (not orders) to change to a hero I believe would help us that one of our teammates has experience on.

Hiding career profiles shields no one and hurts many.

This is really a good idea because private COMPLETELY a profile will be very restricted. you won’t know what to do if you can’t see anything about you’re enemies or your allies.
I just started to play this game and competitive and I already know how important this information is.
Your idea to make this option less restricted is very good.

That’s your opinion. Obviously a lot of people disagree and are eagerly looking forward to this option becoming available. You keep saying it won’t do anything to curb toxicity but that’s just a guess for now.

… you could look at your team and note your enemy teams composition and adjust?

how i will do it if the profiles will be completely private?
This is the point of my post.

… push tab or see what’s killing you? I’m not talking pre-game here. You can change your hero for the entire game, it’s not like your initial pick is set in stone.

Why complain about this?

If it’s really that important just ask you teammates with hidden profiles what they play. Boom!! Now you have a competitive advantage in this match cause you went the extra mile to find the information yourself.

If you think the information is that important you should by happy it is harder to get so you can use it while other people won’t

Yea your actually right about it but i know a lot of people won’t even answer me. Especially my rank is that higher so people normally in my rank (Gold) won’t answer me.

You still be able to use the information more than most. Giving you an advantage

In fact your completely right I don’t have reason do disagree that.

Despite what I have on my profile, I’m always the one either tanking or playing support 90% of the time in competitive. I don’t want to play those roles, but do so anyway to fill. Having my profile open is disregarded, so I see no point in keeping it visible for public.