Can we atleast see what hero a player plays, it doesn’t even need to show time. Just make a list of every hero put in order of playtime without showing playtime.
Maybe add another option which makes it so only people of x endorsement level can see your profile? (Set level 2 as default to seeing profiles)
The toxic players should not be able to take something this important to comp building.
That’d be great, but to appease all the people who are so vehemently against sharing anything maybe it should be limited to comp/only your team/only that season.
If that’s still too much maybe instead let people choose 3-5 heroes to display that they want/are willing to play
The only person locking you into that hero or roll is you. Private profiles is not progress. It’s removing info from people, which is almost never a positive.
Swap to something you have 0 hours on and you will be swapping accounts soon
as well, given the original one would be banned quicker than you could say quick play.
Controlling information accessible to people is a standard practice everywhere you go in life. Every stranger you meet on the street has limited forms of obtaining information about you. Every form you fill out has legal options for how much information you want to be public.
Publicizing personal information doesn’t equal a positive result. Some people might behave responsibly with the information, but the majority does not. Most people use it as a means to attack someone, when they go faultfinding as a means to validity blame to try and shame the person.
And in this thread it’s exactly the case. Essentially the original poster is just asking for to retain the same feature that enabled people to blame you for playing the wrong hero. You might not have all the fact, but you still have enough to ask the person to switch back to Mercy/Reinhardt/whatever their main is.
Gonna have to disagree. The vast majority of people are not toxic and don’t look at your profile to judge your stats, they just want to get an idea of what you play so they can build a comp around it.
Asking to remove a useful feature because some people are toxic and abuse it is silly. It’s like saying we should ban cars because some people drive drunk.
Private profiles could be an option, sure. But the should be public by default. The game lacks info/stats enough already.
Privacy has everything to do with it. Players should have the right to make any info about them private. You have the right to make yours public. Everyone wins.
You’re almost making it sound like you can’t just do this by communicating.
And let’s not pretend these scenarios don’t exist when most people have had the exact experience of having their profile looked up as a means to attack them.
You know what’s actually silly? To think a professional team of game designers would just decide to remove a feature without actually having done some research and used the toxicity stats they actively record.
If Blizzard choose to remove this feature, it’s most likely because it just turns out the feature has more of a negative impact than a positive one. And as long as you refuse to even acknowledge the negative impact, there’s not much value in your feedback.
I said that the negative impact is likely overblown, imo.
Blizzard has made tons of questionable design and balance choices that have made it to live. They may just put too much weight on reddit feedback instead of actually looking at what their records show.
Why add an extra step? 60s isn’t that much time to put a team together, especially when not everyone joins voice or chat. Having easily accessible profiles makes it easy to get the gist of what people like to play.
So people would continue to be forced into playing the same heroes over and over or face toxic teammates who throw if you don’t do what they want? No thx.
If anything, instead of a list of heroes based on playtime, make a top 5 wish list of heroes that you want to play that you can customize before the start of a game.