With profiles going private

So following your logic here, it’s their fault other players can look up their stats and bully them?

This is why arguing semantics is so pointless because you’re getting so off-track here trying to prove your definition that you lost the main point.

Because I’m not drawing a distinction between “real life” and “gaming” in the same sense you are. I’m aware that harassment is harassment, whether it’s words written or spoken to you. Whether it’s in a game or at work.

In order for your argument to fly, you need to separate the consequences. You need to say having information abused online is different having it abused in “real life.”

Which ultimately concludes to you telling people what their negatives experiences are. You’ve already told people to grow a thicker skin. And you’re continuously telling people what you think is considered personal information.

You have still not put forth any evidence to support this statement.

Your argumentation so far has been that people should just deal with it and “be more adult” which is, as I’ve said, a matter of people being different. Should I also mention children play this game?

And you’re still ignoring the fact that you can actively communicate with your allies to achieve said result. Which bears me to think it’s less about losing quality of life and more about mistrust.

Trust your allies to play their part in the game and communicate about switches if it’s needed instead of trying to justify it with the player’s stats.

I love the hypocrisy of people calling out “one tricks” while wanting to force them to become one through selection bullying.

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So is having a scoreboard showing K/D an issue of personal information? What about leaderboards? Is being able to see top 500 a violation of their privacy? When you enter a competitive game or scene do you have to give up some right to the privacy of your statuses in order to see who is best?

If scoreboards are not a violation of privacy, in your eyes, would it be worth it to let profiles remain hidden in exchange for an actual scoreboard with useful march stats visible to the whole lobby instead of the awful medal system we have now?

What a great solution, “get over it.”

Sorry, but I disagree and people are trying to hide everything. From profile to borders. I think it’s silly and is making things harder for me, someone who uses stats, winrates, time, and accuracy to gauge a possible team comp.

I’m trying to win, people are trying to hide.


You could just… talk to your teammates.

I do that, but trust me, 6 stack comp in masters+ is hell because of the skillgap increase within 100sr.

When can we start throwing these threads in mega thread trash bins? Because at this point it’s everywhere on the forums.

It’s called asking. If you can’t even do that properly then they you don’t deserve to ask them to switch.

No, it’s not because that information is public even if the game didn’t track it.

You had your privacy argument with another poster, it’s not something that I ever said. Privacy and personal information is very different. Privacy is a personal space where other people aren’t allowed. Personal information is information that pertains to only you and not the match at hand.

You’re also making it a lot harder than it needs to be. I’ve said this before and I’ll apparently keep saying it. Any information that you need about a player regarding their strengths you can just get from talking to them, unless the problem here is you don’t trust them to be honest at which point you should probably try for your own team instead.

Purposefully missing the point. If you use your handle as your username for your bank account or as your facebook url. That is using an online handle in a stupid way. Nothing to do with non-personal information as game stats are not about you as a person but as you as a PLAYER. A big distinction there.

So at work if you are harassed do you ask your manager (assuming they are not the one harassing you) to hide you in the back of the office some where? Or do you REPORT the behavior and avoid extended contact with them in the meantime?

Same applies to “harassment” in games. You report and block. Done.

Not telling anyone what their negative experiences are. I am however telling them how to deal with negative experiences. Like an adult.

And you have yet to prove that toxic behavior stops when information is removed. Why? Because toxic behavior is not something that can be mitigated by removing information. A toxic person is going to be toxic regardless of what information they have or don’t have. Which makes hiding ones profile a futile effort. If someone wants to bully and harass someone they are going to do it. If you deny this then you are either purposefully being obtuse or are so naive its painful.

People being different does not change the fact that you cannot entirely remove toxic behavior and removing features and information will not change that. All you can do is mitigate by blocking, reporting, and avoiding. It also does not change the fact if you are unable manage your emotional reactions to negative experiences then you are NOT mature in that practice. Dealing with negative experiences and toxic people is part of living.

Did you really bring a “think of the children” into this discussion? Might I remind you that the content of the game is rated “T for Teen” and that “Online interactions are not rated by the ESRB.” It is the responsibility of a childs guardian to teach their children how to manage and deal with toxic behavior and/or determine if they are mature to handle online gameplay and interactions.

It should never be the responsibility of a fortune 500 company (or any company for that matter) to babysit someone’s kid. The only exception being if that company is literally about looking after children.

Here is why Career profiles are way better then asking.

In the middle of respawn or in the middle of the game it is not feasible nor smart to clog up comms by having my teammates list their top five hero’s. As a shot caller I often do a quick review of what hero’s each player has to work with in the match so that if the need arrises a counterto a specific enemy comp I can QUICKLY and simply ask if someone would be willing to switch to a hero in their pool to counter.

Go ahead and ask five other people to list their top five hero’s. Half of them won’t know it and on top of that it takes far to much time. If I can independently review it and just know for later it is far more useful.

On top of that I may have teammates who are NOT talking at all. Making the career profile a MUST.

Asking is not feasible nor efficient. Removing or limiting my ability to view assets on my team HURTS me and anyone else like me who are looking to create synergy and counter play.

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And you know, I’d like to ask the best McCree on our team to switch to McCree.

Statistics help.


“Hm, McCree would be great against this comp. Anyone good at him?”

“I’m pretty good with him, I’ll try to switch.”
“Soldier’s my main, maybe he’d help better here.”
“That could work too.”

It’s called communication. Relax yourself.

I think this is a good way to begin to try to have more meaningful strats in comms rather than a hot poopstorm of toxic flaming.

I’m not. You’ve moved way past the point a long time ago. I told you to stop arguing semantics and this once again arguing semantics.

You went for a stance point where you thought a handle would only lead to information regarding the game information. But lots of people just use one handle for their online identity, such as social media like Tumblr.

Again, context matters. But the point that was and still stands is that your argument that having information can never be negative is as wrong as it can get.

And if you’re harassed in-game you report the player. And just like if a problem keeps coming up at work, the manager might change some policies to better suit the work environment, just like Blizzard is changing their social features to better suit the players.

When you’re saying “like an adult” you’re also saying what other people are saying isn’t adult. That any other explanation outside of yours isn’t rational.

Do you have a PhD in psychology? Do you have any experience in dealing with people? Or is this simply an argument based on you being a certain age? And if that’s the case, are people older than you more adult than you?

Because if you go to a shrink, one of the first things you’ll learn is that everybody is different. Everybody deals with problems differently. There’s never one solution that fits all.

So giving one solution like, “You report and block. Done.” because that works for you doesn’t mean it works for everybody else and it doesn’t mean those people aren’t adults.

The burden of proof is on you when you put forth a statement.

I’m going to have to stop here because this is already a lengthier reply so you’ll have to start picking which topics you actually want to debate from here on out.

This would beat the point of why they are actually implementing this. But instead of what the player plays most i think it would be better if we could show what we WANT to play. So make a top 5 of characters you LIKE to play (can be changed between matches). This way people who try building good combinations can use this list to ask a person to switch to another character that they like.

Personaly i am welcoming the private profile change but i understand that for teambuilding its no good. On the other hand getting pushed into a role/char just because you have most playtime on said role can really suck if you are sick of your main.

It’s not a matter of toxic flaming. And I’m “relaxed.” However, it’s very easy to lie :slight_smile: sorry that I want a competitive experience, and that I would like to know who is on my team.

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I get that it’s easy to lie, and I also understand that not everyone will be cooperative.

But those people who are lying or throwing will be exposed based on how they play in game anyway.

There really isn’t any good reason to force someone to switch to something when you would more often than not get the same result by just asking.

No they wont, they swapped to what you needed but they arent good at it

No thanks. I don’t want the enemy team knowing how to counter me out of the gate.

That’s what I just said.

I don’t see why this should be a thing. If a person wants you to know what they play, they will tell you. Even with public profiles I see people saying stuff such as “let me junkrat”, so we will survive this.

Its not. Keep saying its semantics when it is an important distinction. Won’t change that its an important distinction.

Which makes them foolish. Any one with half a brain does not associate an online handle with something personal as the entire purpose of an online handle is to dililneate between online interactions and their personal lives. If someone chooses to break that line it is THEIR fault.

No this is like a manager deciding that since some people are abusing their work email to harass everyone they are disabling email and forcing everyone to walk around the building. Which hurts productivity and does nothing to address the underlying issue. The people abusing it. Its a cop out that does not work.

It is when you are a logical thinker.

Question 1: Do toxic people exist? Answer: Yes.

Question 2: Will they ever not exist? Answer: No

Question 3: Is there anyway to 100% prevent toxic players from being toxic? Answer: No

Question: Does information in of itself create toxicity? Answer: No.

Logical conclusion: Information does not cause nor cultivate negative behavior. It is the person themselves who do so. Leaving the underlying issue unaddressed but hurting a perfectly reasonable system is not a feasible nor effective solution to the underlying problem.

Doubt you will believe me but I might as well tell you.

So without going into to much detail (because THAT would be personal information) I work in criminal recovery. Meaning I work with ex-convicts with the goal of changing thier criminal mindset so that they do not return to prison but find a healthy and productive mindset that prevents them from becoming re-offenders.

I will tell you this with 100% certainty. If a criminal wants to commit a crime they will find a way to do so. This applies to toxic behavior as well. If someone is looking to be toxic they are going to find a way.

How does this apply to how people deal with negative experiences? Because part of a criminal mindset is blaming everything and everyone around oneself but never taking personal responsibility. Never addressing the things you can change but always worrying about all the exterior stuff you have no influence over.

You have no influence on how someone interacts with you. If they are going to be toxic it is going to happen. When that happens the only thing you have control over is how you mentally respond to it. The immature blame the exterior for how they are feeling instead of looking inward and figuring out WHY they are reacting the way they do.

They look at what “triggered” them and blame it for the entire feeling instead of realizing that they lack the maturity to place it to one side since they cannot change what was said to them. They can only deal with the aftermath.

Which when it comes to encountering toxic behavior is report, block, and avoid. Done.

The fact that toxic behavior is always present in an online competitve game no matter how lenient or how tough the system is all the proof I need. In short I cite the condition of online gaming as a whole as my evidence.