Winter Wonderland Event - Is it really happening this week?

Reindeer Orisa? (if true: I want)

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Y’all better come thru with a Mercy skin :tired_face:


They might be all that’s left.

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Q4 2033. In beta.

You know, fair is fair. If Reindeer Orisa happens, I know one forum personality that deserves their account restored.


Oh god, I made that comment without thinking about the consequences, cant wait to comment on the reindeer skin in about a 1000 years.

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Pretty sad state of affairs when a weak only done every few months event with nothing but skins is delayed… Really paints a bad picture for what ever work is being done on OW2 if they struggle to put out a handful of skins every few months.

I mean unless there is some how new content beyond Mei’s snowball and Yeti hunter I don’t really see how it could possible be delayed. Staff walk out or not it should of been ready and tested weeks ago.


no surprise there .

nah make it 2077 , 2033 is too early for them

It’s happening if you believe hard enough it will happen.

huh unforeseen circumstances that we all saw coming… interesting

Would those unforeseen circumstances be similar to what made overwatch producer from talking posting about the workplace issues to constantly posting only about her kitties.

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Is that like Soon™?

So everyone’s a sleigh now. Gotcha.

It’s been like that for a year and a half.

Coincidentally that’s about the same amount of work it takes to be a polite and respectful human.


For clarification…

Most of Blizzard wouldn’t be allowed on the chat

Wait…this is the second time I’ve heard someone mention this. Is it a real thing??? I’d look it up myself but I don’t want “blizzard breast milk” in my search history

Yes, it’s a real thing, unfortunately.