I don’t think the winter wonderland event is this Tuesday. No pre-release download yet, no news on Overwatch Twitter. Safe to say, I think the event will be next Tuesday, December 21. Which sucks because December 14th was such a good time to release it.
We still have to wait for 20:00 CET, then if they say nothing after that yes, will be next week in case
The 21st would be very late. They have launched events without announcing them or having a pre-load before.
The silence of the devs is not mada good, they are damaging the game more like this …
Wow, so many worried posts about Winter Wonderland in the last few days and it’s only been ramping up the last few hours. You guys must squirming in your seats in anticipation!
Remember: it might release on Thursday, the 16th, and not necessarily tomorrow.
Because of unforeseen circumstances, we needed to push the start of the event back by just a few days.
Personal opinion, but the art team really sleighed it with this year’s Legendary skins.
i wish you could give us a hint on some of the skins this year
Thank you for responding ! Super excited for the skin designs !
Oh, aww man… well, thanks for the clarity, much appreciated!
Well, that’s exciting though, wonder who’s getting a skin this year…
Well that’s ok.
I can wait a few more days for my Dva skin lol
There will be some sort of Trailer tomorrow or thursday?
Please be D.Va… Please be D.Va… fingers crossed
I guess everything must be chaotic at those HQ right now. The delay is understandable.
Thanks for keeping us updated!
Thanks AndyB for response!.
Mercy… mercy… mercy
Yes, pressing a button to activate the event must be so much work
Always appreciate the updates!
Damn it
And I feel so happy and optimistic about OW2 making it here by … 2025? 4th quarter?
Not looking good if a minor update of a recycled event gets pushed back.
Christmas/winter has been on the calendar for … well, for quite a while now.
This actually works out great, I have lots of other games I preferred to play, but I always try to unlock the limited skins because, boy, for a full retail game that is 5 years of age, they actually meant limited.
Not like a money making limited, but… Exclusive. Rofl.
Please find attached this image of me during my normal work day