Winston is useless and desperately needs a buff

Honestly, it’s the meta. Winston is really only good in the context of a dive comp. Because we just left the dive meta, he dropped off. In order for him to return, dive has to make a comeback. But if you buff him, when dive does make it’s return then he’ll be an OP monster.

Honestly, the best thing to do is leave all the tanks alone right now. Don’t buff Winston, D.Va, or Roadhog. Don’t nerf Rein or Zarya. Don’t change Orisa. Just leave the whole tank lineup in peace. When the meta shifts, I guarantee you their pick rates will too. And without any changes to them whatsoever, they’ll all be at a different spot. Mark my words.

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So what, we just wait around for 8 months and hope hes useful again? Great advice Lumin…

Brig needs to be turned down, as she is the enabling of all of this.

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That and Hanzo. Yeah, you can’t buff Winston into viability. He needs changes to other heroes. There is absolutely nothing you can do to Winston that won’t make him OP once dive comes back around.

So, the answer is don’t make changes to Winston. Make changes to heroes that counter dive so that dive is playable again. That’s really the only good solution.

The only characters that need changes right now are hanzo and brigette.

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The usual Widow is fodder to Winston, indeed.
But smart and strong Widows have adapted. They now go for headshots instead of spazzing out with the rifle, they expect Winstons to come in, they stay in group to protect themselves, they’ll do their hardest to make Winston’s life hell.
Trust me. I used to enjoy Widows’ pain, but nowadays I am much more careful when trying to counter her as Winston. Sometimes Winston alone isn’t even enough to handle her, so these times a good solution is discording the Widow THEN send the Winston to kill her.

and they fall down to their team, which almost always has a brig, which just kills winston instantly

Off Meta does not equal under powered


Ever been spawn camped by a giant monkey before while playing widow?

I hunt these snipers in QP looking to oractice and ruin their own comp. I’m the dude hiding behind the crates waiting for that precious spider booty to appear.

Sadistic yes but like I mentioned prime prey.

If she even lands a headshot on you beofre you jump on her you’re going in at the wrong angle. If you’re not shooting sparks in front of her face and shifting to the side to male her vsisiin go haywire to force the assault rifle out you’re doing it wrong.

I wouldn’t be opposed to buffing his jump CD. Or giving him two charges of it, but increasing the CD. But I’m speaking as a low rank scrub and I’m not sure how much that’d impact the higher ranks. So I could be totally off-base in suggesting that.

My only issue with buffing Winston, though, is that he is really strong with a coordinated team. He’s next to useless in solo queue, I agree, but a high level coordinated team can get a lot of value out of him still.

His main problem isn’t his kit, anyway, it’s Brigitte and the Hanzo changes.

No mate, trust me, I’ve been countered by Widows EXPECTING spastic movements and odd angles. They KNOW so they have adapted.

Bubble. Everything in your kit and basic abilties can hinder her.

I mean the more time unscoped she is the less value she brings to a team.

So…no mate I think you don’t get how the nature of this dive beast performs. Sorry but thats just mt analysis. Widoes shouldn’t get the upper hand on you at all.

Dang reply glitch. Above post my reply. Sorry. Interesting debate btw.

Winston doesn’t need a buff, the heroes that are making him very hard to play need a nerf. :stuck_out_tongue:

I find Winston one of those heroes that takes a bit of time to understand. I totally suck using him.

In the right player’s hands though, he is a complete pain in the you know where.

Widow can counter Winston, have done it myself you just have to give him 1 head shoot while he is jumping and second when he is about to land or has landed, but it is not like you can do it always, also it mostly comes from Winston thinking that he can just come like a boss from across the map and will not get punished for it.

The thing is, I’ve met strong Widows who DON’T abandon their scope once I drop in, who stay calm and headshot me the moment they can. They don’t spazz out and attack with rifle, or try to escape. No, they go for the critbox and Winston isn’t that durable.
I know how strong Winston is, and how much pain he can cause. I know it’s a good measure to add the jump damage, I know it’s not safe to attack a Widow when she’s sheltered with her companions, very simply there are THOSE Widows who are like spawns from hell, which are very very hard to counter as Winston.
So that’s why I think he could benefit a very small buff to his Jump Pack (one of my posts above).

I disagree his jetpack is the strongest part of his kit.

I mean I throw widows off by jumping next to them (jump control and air drifting is essential to this) and slapping them into the face. They would have to angle their rifle higher than 90 degrees yo get a headshot off of me because I’m sitting there grilling and slapping some meat in the face. And melee range? When have you ever been headshot melee range?

Dang reply glitch!!!

Sorry I don’t mean to spam.

he does not need a buff, he is just not meta anymore, same with reinhardt, he was almost useless in masters and above and players ask for buffs, now he is a must pick( without any buffs) because meta changed

He doesn’t need a buff just because he’s not meta.

The synergy between deathball needs counterplay and Hanzo flat out needs a nerf.

They are working on that.

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