Nerf Winston, nerf D.Va

Lower Winston’s shield hp or increase his jump cooldown. Lower D.Vas rocket damage or keep the damage but don’t allow her to DM while boosting or keep the DM while boosting but don’t allow her to shoot rockets while boosting.

There, now we can talk about the game being more enjoyable to play for majority of the player base.


They’re already the easiest to kill tanks in the game. Lol, Zarya for D’VA. Roadhog and/or Reaper for Winston.



McCree main complaining about D.Va and Winston LUL

love how people make fun of the thread then turn around and say dive is worst meta OMEGALUL

Please stop posting.

Have you seen how fast that thing melts?

I feel like this is a nonissue, though despite the name Winston is one of my lesser-played tanks. I don’t think Winston needs nerfs.