Will the devs ever tone down CC

Unfortunately Blizzard is only creative with CC abilities.

ABuses??? lol

Even with all the cc of ow in one meta it wouldn’t be much compared.

Doubt it. They may slightly nerf CC but not enough or to the extent that most desire.

If anything I could see them adding more abilities like Foritfy. Anti-CC abilities.
I’m still hoping we’ll get a support character with a CC cleanse ability of some sort. It’d be nice. :neutral_face:

Being able to wake people when slept. :star_struck:

A sentiment most share. But Blizz seems to love making design choices that absolutely force you to react with a very specific counter pick to nullify it.

They could probably:

Mei Freeze 1.3sec, down from 1.5sec
Mei Slow 0.75sec, down from 1.5sec
Brig ShieldBash 0.5sec, down from 1.0sec
McCree FlashBang 0.5sec, down from 0.7sec

Orisa Halt could get a little less range.

Doomfist punch could deal damage on wallslam inversely proportional to the distance traveled.

And then maybe tone down all knockbacks by about 10%

SleepDart, EarthShatter, GravitonSurge, GravityWell would need a bit more consideration.

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It’s too late now. They couldn’t do it without drastically reworking a bunch of characters. The most one can hope for is to not add more in the future and to nerf Mei.

Yeah, it’s pretty impossible without toning down the high mobility dps and tanks. They’d pretty much have to destroy Ball and Doomfist.