Will the devs ever tone down CC

We heard them say before that they wanted to be careful with CC and “taking control” away from the players. However despite this they constantly go against that sentiment with their design choices.
They increase freeze, they add Brigitte, they add Sigma with a giant rock of CC and arguably the most oppressive ult in game etc.
And not just that, but they introduce a hero who when played, absolutely demands the minimum of one or two CC heroes (Hammond).

It’s like they want CC to be the focus of the game at this point.

Remember when the CC you worried about was getting hit with a nice sleep dart, or getting too close to a McCree…

I would love nothing more than for there to be a CC toning down effort in this game.


His ult is literally just Zarya’s Graviton Surge, but slightly different in execution and usually gets him killed more often than not. And your healers can use defensive ults to counter it, just like with Graviton.

Also the rock is REALLY easy to see coming and has sucha long windup. You telling me you can’t move out of the way in that time?

Hammond is often either at worst a nuisance or a feeder, if he’s being oppressive towards you that’s just bad playing, given just how many heroes (not even Sombra or Mei) can shut him down.

Brig’s shield bash is nowhere near the nightmare it was when she was first released, given the 50 damage and short cooldown AND the much higher health shield in general.

Multifreeze is literally the only one I’ll give you, because at least back in the day you could save Mei’s victims by going in front and taking the freeze yourself (was my fave thing to do as Hog or Orisa). The rest of this is all a matter of skill…or lack thereof, it sounds more like.

His ult unlike Zarya’s takes you into a completely exposed position and has significantly better range (it doesnt pull you all in to one place where you can be shielded, it lifts you individually with no way to shield off).
The rock charge up is irellevant as it’s fairly easy to flick where ever the person evades right up to the end of the charge animation and given the size… it’s only bad Sigmas who will be missing (I’ve played a fair bit of the guy, rock is a piece of cake to land, especially if the hero has no mobility options)

And I’m not suggesting Hammond is overpowered. Hes a great tank but there are better. What I am saying is that his design demands you bring CC in to counter it.
Funnily enough Sigm’s rock is part of the reason Hammond isn’t a bit more viable than he is.

No shielding, but again, what are your healers doing, then, if not trying to save those caught in the ult? Why are you and your teammates not shooting at the giant flying screaming dutch madman as soon as he shows up to cancel it?

Also flick shots as rock again sounds like a matter of skill. If you can’t avoid the Sigma until accretion is on cooldown, that’s on you.

Hammond absolutely does not need CC alone to be countered, Reaper eats him for breakfast, Pharah for lunch, Junkrat for dinner.

You’re pretending Sigma is in a similar situation to the enemy in his ult. In reality the enemy team gets lifted, he gets pumped with heals, the enemy teams healers cant heal 3/4 people at a time (assuming they were left unaffected by the ult at best), he gets to spam them with damage as does his team while the enemy is entirely shielded, and your team gets to do it behind the safety of a shield, Sigma too deploys his shield. The room for counterplay is near non-existent.

The “flick” shots would be skilled if the rock wasnt twice/triple the size of a players hitbox…
Sure landing it against non-linear movement abilities (Blinking Tracer) would be skillfull. But hitting a swinging Hammond, a rolling McCree, a grappling Widow, a wall riding Lucio etc is fairly linear and easy to learn. Plus if you have no movement abilities it’s a near guaranteed hit as the size is larger than any AD strafe could avoid.

And I’d disagree with Hammond, Reaper or Junk can do some damage, but Hammond rolls out when he wants and grabs healing or a health pack and 5 seconds later he can be back. The best and only reliable counter to Hammond is CC. You have to have at least one of Sigma/McCree/Rein/Doomfist/Mei to consistently counter him.

actually not. They nerfed and reduced cc often in the past, already.

they reduced hack time, freeze, stunns from doom, changed boop, movement stunns now also effect the stunner (brig and doom).

lol for that there isn’t much cc compared to other games.

i do not feel this game has a lot cc at all.

I really wish OW had less CC and more weapons like typical fps games. ( Yeah, I mean the sustain DPS guns in CS and cod )

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The current meta consists of:
Sigma: Multiple huge CC aspects
Orisa: A mini grav on cool down
Mei: Pure CC driven

Half the current meta heavily abuses the strength of CC.

that’s exactly why CC exists in the game
like what is there to stop the ball if there was no CC in the game?

i’d be ok with them just removing/ toning down all the CC abilities and appropriately reworking the ball but we’ve been through at least a few massive updates (mercy 2.0, the addition of brig, 2-2-2) and they just mess up the game and make it so unenjoyable to play for at least a couple of patches and i’m not sure if i can take another round of that

Okay. Even taking healer ults out of the equation that can heal literally everyone at once (Valkyrie, Transcendance, Sound Barrier), Lucio has AoE healing. Have him amp it up and you mitigate a huge amount of the damage. Moira can fade out of the ult, throw her heal orb at her teammates. Ana has her Nade.

And again. Shoot him. He can’t deploy his shield while ulting so try again. Or interrupt it with a Hog hook, a McCree flashbang, a Sombra hack, or again, literally just kill him. Literally all his “CC” abilities have windups, even his ult has a windup, like Doomfist’s, where the location is telegraphed and you or your teammates have a chance to get to cover before being lifted.

Even taking that into account, if you’re not making Sigma’s life hell as Zarya or Symm or any of the other beam heroes his little pseudo-Matrix can’t deflect, that’s still just bad playing choices. I’ve seen good Reapers bait it out before they just start chewing through him.

Then he’s feeding and otherwise being useless to his team if he has to leave and come back all the time. Use that to your advantage.

Tune down CC, tune down shields, tune down healing, tune down oneshots …. i am starting to see a pattern :thinking:

Hot take: Maybe don’t make heroes that are straight up auto-wins when not countered. Applies to Pharah/hitscan too.


I have wanted diminishing returns on stuns for what feels like a year and a half now. Chain-stunning isn’t fair, isn’t fun, and isn’t necessary.

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Yes! This is what we need, not diminishing returns on cc. Boops and slows are not really that big of a problem, the stuns in the game are. You should not be unable to do anything for multiple seconds of the game at a time.

Ps. It’s nice to see a fellow dva biking avatar user

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Or a Hog hook combo that generally killed you, a Rein shatter, a Zarya grav, Lucio boops, Primal Rage boops, Whole Hog boops, Sombra hacks/emps, huh… Guess there have always been quite a bit of CC in the game.

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Depending on the character you’re playing as. You are focusing on helping a teammate where they use that to hit you. Or you’re a tank, which is easy to hit. I wish Zarya’s bubble would be updated so that when activated, CC burst moves can’t push her. Only exception is charge. Since it’s a continuous force applied. All CC does, is promote lame game play. Relying on pits and knocking abuse.

The amount of CC in the game was addressed by Geoff Goodman a while ago (I think it was shortly after Ashe’s release). He mentioned they want to address it, but all that has happened since is Brigitte got a stun reduction on her shield bash.
We did also get a patch that removed slow stacking, but this isn’t a big change when Mei is the only hero that can slow.

No, all they did was nerf the CC on Doom’s uppercut and slam. I was waiting for them to then proceed to nerf Mei’s left click, the cc on Hammond’s slam, the nuke size aoe on flashbang, and the giant hitbox on Ana’s dart but all they did was nerf then mini revert Doom. Oh and Sombra’s broken ash

It’s the only thing keeping hyper mobility in check. That was their first mistake.

For the love of god, just give us reasonable, reliable slows in place of stuns. Symmetra’s turrets would be a god send if they slowed to the maximum. Keeping characters like Hammond or Genji in line.