Will mercy have mass rez for uprising?

First of all, there was no power problem when it was her ult because a) ults are meant to be powerful and b) it was an earned power, just like every other ult.

Second of all, you are blaming rez when you should be blaming blatantly poor balancing. That is NOT a Mercy issue.

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If you don’t think shes a hero now I wonder what you think Ana is

I think Ana needs a buff. Does that satisfy you?

I love that the Dev Tracker totally misrepresents the exchange here:

Will mercy have mass rez for uprising?


As many people will tell you, Ana needs a LOT of love. But what was done to Mercy was uncalled for, except from the Pros who didn’t like their “Hard Work” of pressing “Q” or several pressing “Q” at the same time being undone. An they should fix Mercy also, since they broke her in the first place.


Ana has POTG in her kit at least in the form of shutdown potential and burst heal worthy of lifesaver plays.
Ana could use lots of help being viable again though perhaps we should at least wait until the dust settles from Blizzard’s attempts at buffing anti- dive

I hope they did a better job tuning for the event than Junkenstein. Roadhog was ridiculous in that event with his damage resistance during take a breather.


Oh god don’t remind me, and Ana was just borderline painful to play with her damage nerf


IDK how I forgot that! Playing her was not fun. I did not like being stuck with her, and felt my main objective was to hit Roadhog with bio nade at the right moments. Other than that it was stressful

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I did most of my games with an Ana main on hard mode with a few attempts at Legendary, so they were having to focus more on healing cus bosses were out way more often.
However when I tried solo queing the easier ones I remember going through four diffferent people trying to backfill after they left seeing ana was the only one left.

I’ve been saying I think that’s what mercy is going to be in this mode but we’ll see, maybe I’m wrong who knows


I could see that happening for this mode with mercy, so I really hope the all heroes version is brought back. Im afraid it might not be as to save arcade slots. This event could possibly take up 4 arcade slots if the new mission has two versions. I don’t play many other modes during seasonal events anyways, but they may be trying to save slots for people who care more than I do about that.

I mean, one sollution to that problem could be to use two arcade slots for tabs and then you get to pick either the no limits version or thebase version, that is possible, they already do that for difficulty settings after all…


Sounds good to me! I’d like to see that.

Glad to hear my “manipulation” was successful XD


YAY! Thanks Daddy Jeff

Oh my, you are after my heart~ :orange_heart:
Saying how rude and disrespectful I am.
I have seen how you act towards the devs. :astonished:

The word of the day is “Hypocrisy”~

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will it last after the event, or will Mercy go back to being boring to play like she is now?

She ain’t getting mass rez for the event, the tuning is for the AI robots.

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Yep, it’s going to be “GG, game over” once Rein goes down. Unless they nerf the bots so much for Valk to be effective in any way, in which case cue DVa - “Is this easy mode?”


:-1::-1::-1::-1::-1::-1: I just wanted to try and beat the same event from last year to see if I had improved enough to do it. and it’s not like mass rez in an event will be “unfun” for the enemy when they’re literally AI and cannot have fun. just let us have mass rez for the event???